Do you fags see this as going to a 100m marketcap after the fork? Theyre pretty ahead of schedule and have all the ingredients needed to pump. It never got the chance to moon yet and im planning on picking it up in Binance soon so I wanted to gauge the sentiment aroudn here.
Do you fags see this as going to a 100m marketcap after the fork...
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I think it will rise to ico level and stay there until next year.
There is not much substance to be honest.
Why doesnt it have enough substance?
they are literally a whitepaper ico w/o the skateboard memes or vitalik backing
REQ really fucked with their ICO date. If it would have come out in August or September it would be at least 0.32.
I dont think so, they're releasing things pretty fast compared to the average crypto project. Plus they have ING and YCombinator backing to make up with the lack of Vitalik's backing.
ING and Ycombinator have a lot of connections... but in crypto, you need the boy-genius who will give you the magical tech. then all the real-world connections will come knocking at your door. that's how crypto works.
kek thats true
or you need the right hype memes at the right time, muh "deeper partnership discussions" muh
Who is OMG's boy genius? Last time i checked money skel is just an advisor.
Coinbase had YC, and look where they are now.
You don't *need* anything in crypto, except meeting promised deadlines and communication. Both of which Request is amazing on desu.
I think the real question is what will go past the moon after the fork. I'm thinking AdEx is a better bet at short term gains. Everytime it goes bellow .70 cents it shoots up to 1.30 and then right back down. What are you guys eyeing?
joseph poon, the creator of lightning network, and the developer of plasma... he wrote OMG's white paper and heavily devoted to OMG succeeding
coinbase is just an exchange though. it has to deal with lawyers and regulations more than ground-breaking tech.
think of the reasons why someone buys a shittoken. what are their expectations? how soon do they expect this to happen? how many other shiny shittokens are there to chase after? so what does req have in its near term? how much interest is required to maintain that price?
I have never made a bad call. This is going to fucking EXPLODE.
there's a start for everything
this shit fall like a rock again before fork
What are some good calls you have made?
yeah bro they have a release near Q4 2017 to Q1 2018
What does desu stand for?
oniii chan how can you be so stupid baka desu~
Will you fuckers stop posting about req?