Did the second amendment historically help to prevent US from becoming tyranny?
Did the second amendment historically help to prevent US from becoming tyranny?
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It's difficult to say, because so far it has acted mostly as a deterrent and hasn't had to be actively used in the defense of liberty.
>The eternal Teuton
No. The business plot completely disregarded the second amendment, for example.
It helps me shoot home invaders.
Historically there was that one town where a tyrannical mayor pissed off the townspeople and returning WW2 veterans so they had a town sized war.
Why do Americans copy the names of other towns/cities?
Not noticeably. Hell, for most of the country's history, it wasn't even applicable to state level governance.
Because it's cool
It absolutely is not. Why can't you just name shit after what the Natives called the places, or even just random Native words?
Why would I give a shit what they named it just because they shot arrows at boars in the area before I built my house there?
I've never heard of this and look forward to reading into it. I fully support service members keeping arms, even if I'm not convinced that civilians should have a god-given right to them. Do hobbyists really represent a check on federal government today half so well as organized veterans performed a check on a single sheriff's dept. more than 50 years ago?
Now that local police departments are buying BEARCATS and brainmelter cannons etc. the notion that an armed citizenry can check federal government is frankly hilarious.
Which of your possessions is worth enough to you that you would kill someone to keep it, while putting your life, your family's lives and your neighbors' lives at risk? Serious question.
Anything worth more than $15, I'm poor and I'm not letting a crackhead take any of my tech after wageslaving to get them. Either stand up for yourself or get walked all over.
We run out of ideas before we even get through all the towns in one state. Then we lift names from other towns in other states, then the names of other states, then names from/of other countries. If there's still blank ones we then either use the Indian name or make one up.
Some of the time places are named after other places because those are the people who moved there, but sometimes it's just because it's cool.
normal robbers don't break in when people are home you retard
>normal robbers don't break in when people are home
Not him but I want to introduce you to these things we commonly refer to as "niggers".
A resident is home in approximately 1/3 of all home invasions.
>Can't afford to lose $15
>buys a gun
Who the fuck is going to shoot the home invader then.
>He thinks meme weapons ownership prevents democracies from being tyrannies.
Yeah, just like what happened to Rome.
Or Medieval Europe.
Or Imperial China.
>Now that local police departments are buying BEARCATS and brainmelter cannons etc. the notion that an armed citizenry can check federal government is frankly hilarious.
Oh? Then why has the US government not defeated the Taliban after 17 years? Why did the US government lose to the Viet Cong?
>Which of your possessions is worth enough to you that you would kill someone to keep it, while putting your life, your family's lives and your neighbors' lives at risk? Serious question.
All of them. You're in my house without my permission, you're getting shot.
you think you have a right to kill somebody because you don't wanna get a real job? if some itchy nigga breaks into your house you should split a Olde English with him and commiserate, you'd make fast friends
Yeah, and per your source, in 21 percent of those home invasions where the resident is home they are violently attacked.
All the more reason to have a gun.
You do know you can buy a gun for like $70 right, and it's a one time investment of a gun and some ammo. I also took two of my dad's guns to use for that.
Nah I'm not letting a retard steal my shit, it takes me an of emotionally torturous wageslavery to get $15 and he's just trying to walk in and walk out with it. He's getting shot.
You wouldn't want to live near one of the places being repeatedly looted and burned down by chimpouts towards the end of Obama's presidency without castle law and a gun.
>that picture
>betraying an enemy
I could try to talk to him but I would imagine his heroin addiction and stealing things to nourish it would come first.
>an of
an hour of
Did nukes historically help to prevent another big war?
Yes, just by existing. Like 2A, a very effective deterrent.
You'd rather LARP as a "Paris" resident?
>you shouldn't steal from European culture
>you should steal from Native American culture
That's ultimately what this comes down to, the frontiersmen of the time actually had an identity and connection to where they came from so they hardly cared what regurgitating the noises native americans made in reference to a patch of land.
When you build a building you don't ask the homeless man living in the sewer pipe nearby what to call it.
>why has the US government not defeated the Taliban after 17 years
>Viet Cong
Great role models for a true Patriot. Why not Hamas. Why not embed yourself in an unwilling community and hold them hostage. Why not take the opportunity to rape the townsfolk while you're at it. Sick fuck.
>takes me an of emotionally torturous wageslavery to get $15
That is your fucking problem buddy, sounds like you need to either get a better job or toughen up. And two guns? Nah. There's literally no justifying that. You ain't John Woo and if you need to reload to hit a robber you should not have one fucking gun.
Tell me you keep them because you like them and they're fun to shoot. They are. Me too. But tell me that you have a grownup's reason for thinking a life is worth $15 and that everybody should accommodate your fetish at real and quantifiable personal risk and I say nay, nigga, nay
This picture is cute. Where can I find more?
Their morality doesn't matter. The point is that hit-and-run tactics with seemingly-inferior weapons work very well.
>let him steal your shit because you don't make enough money
Am I talking to an actual r/politician right now? It's like almost tankie but it has a liberal spin on it with the money variable.
>you're not John Woo
You don't know how guns work.
>When you build a building you don't ask the homeless man living in the sewer pipe nearby what to call it.
Shit metaphor. Don't name your cities after places that already exist, they already have names
>don't call it a Post Office call it Tixhouctial 123
Imagine being this autistic
But it's not a post office you fucking idiot, it's a unique location
That's like if your favorite pizza place is called "Ray's Original Pizza" and then you also name your own business "Ray's Original Pizza" except the pizza is fucking dogshit
Besides, building metaphors are garbage because it's LAND. Maybe the Natives called some location "Golden Plains" and then you mutts say "Nah, this is New Saint Petersburg"
I don't think you faggots understand, naming a city isn't like naming a bicycle
heh, i tip my cowboy hat to you, fellow murican
>Homeless Joe lives in the woods and refers to one area as "Horn Nigger Catching Spot"
>Bob and friends want to build a village there
>forced to call it Horn Nigger Catching Spot because that's what it was already named
You're like, really autistic.
If the name of the land is 'Horn Nigger Catching Spot'. If the most important and special thing about this place is that Homeless Joe caught Horn Niggers here, then that's what it is.
Names have power, user. You shouldn't give something a different name just because you don't like the old one.
>see Whiskey Rebellion
I need to remember to proofread. If the name of the land is 'Horn Nigger Catching Spot', then so be it.
Horn Nigger Catching Spot named by a homeless man does have an exotic magic to it that would make some grotto, lake or patch of woods into a tourist destination but you wouldn't give a shit about that if you were just huffing through the wilderness and all you have is hardship and your history to mold your new settlement around. There'd be no practical reason to give a shit that natives called it "boar hunting spot" in their language. You're not "LARPING as Parisians" either you're just living like everyone else but you got to choose the name of the place.
That's still no excuse to copy the name of another city. Perhaps you don't want to name a big industrial zone after some ancient hunting spot, but there's a million other things you could derive a name from instead of outright theft. If your town is characterized by the big coal mine, for example, then that's what you name it after.
>tell me that you have a grownup's reason for thinking a life is worth $15
Why does that only apply to the victim, and not the burglar?
If his life is worth more, why does he risk it for $15?
Who the hell names their town Coal Mine, you also overplay how much they might've given a shit about the town name.
>"What's this place called?"
>"Uh I don't know, Mayonnaise I guess, fuck it."
I probably fucked up what I was trying to say. I meant that the name should be derived from, say, the local coal mine or whatever is most special about any certain location. You shouldn't literally name your town 'Coal Mine' but something cool that's inspired by it
Europoors will never understand because the bootlicking peasants were prohibited from owning weapons by their lords for centuries
Europoors are natural bootlickers. Even when they have a """""""revolution""""""" it always turns into a tyrannical dictatorship. They do not understand the concept of freedom.
>why not use words outside of your language
why are foreigners so slow lads
Good idea, name your settlement after cities outside of your country instead
At least they're culturally-related.
What connection did European settlers have to the Iroquois or whatever?
The land.
>Europoors will never understand because the bootlicking peasants were prohibited from owning weapons by their lords for centuries
American Education.
>doesn't know that some European lords and kings prohibited peasants from owning weapons
Europoor public education in action
t. serf
It's bullshit though. Right now we have tougher gun laws than we did during Austria-Hungary.
your weapons laws were still historically more shit than the US though and you have always censored the press. Europoors don't understand freedom.
>you have always censored the press
And historically, that's a good thing. We lynched journalists too.
>Doesn't know that Europenis weapons laws are quite very recent. Late 19th/early 20th century. And for reasons of law enforcement because anarchists/communists/spastic nationalists just political & crowned heads but random people.
>doesn't know Medieval Kings absolutely didn't give a shit if peasants owned weapons because they have a professional force that can quash them anyway.
>doesn't know some even encouraged- hell, required- civilian weapons ownership amongst the commons because Kings weren't exactly people who were picky at how his armed forces are raised. A good example of which are urban militias since Medieval City States and Communes/Chartered Cities whose citizens formed up militias because unlike rural peasants who had the protection of their knights, they're outside the feudal system.
>having civilized people learn to speak like backwards pissant savages
>Which of your possessions is worth enough to you that you would kill someone to keep it, while putting your life, your family's lives and your neighbors' lives at risk? Serious question.
All of them. If a robber came in wanting a steal a pencil, I would still blast his head off. Although you seem to be under the delusion that I'm putting my life in more danger by killing him, when in fact I am putting myself under less danger by doing so.
>the notion that an armed citizenry can check federal government is frankly hilarious
Do you know anything about military history user? Especially American military history?
>dumbass who doesn't even know how much a gun costs
>Wants to lecture people about money and gun rights.
considering the whiskey rebellion failed, no
>hating Hamas
t. Schlomo Gutenstein
America is a tyranny though. Idk what else to call a country where people get shot while on all fours begging for their lives, get poisoned by bad water supplies in the richest country in the world, and have no actual political agency since.
>would you want an /int/ without american?
What kept us free was (and still is) our unique government structure and distribution of power.
Its not about the money! Its about sending a message.
Lol you cuck nobody is invading you outside of your gay fantasies.
>t. Goblino future school shooter of America
medieval europe and imperial china had lots of coerced disarmament of its citizen/serf/slave/peasant/etcetera populations splashed throughout their lands. not sure about rome but i assume the citizen population was eventually disarmed. maybe coincides with the civil war and birth of the empire?
>Do hobbyists really represent a check on federal government today half so well as organized veterans performed a check on a single sheriff's dept. more than 50 years ago?
it's easier and faster to turn a hobbyist into a milita than a regular joe.
>Why not embed yourself in an unwilling community and hold them hostage. Why not take the opportunity to rape the townsfolk while you're at it. Sick fuck.
but we ARE the community. Nobody's gonna move into liberal shithole cities to stir up shit, the government is the one that's gonna find it real tough to rule over the vastly rural US.
>not sure about rome but i assume the citizen population was eventually disarmed. maybe coincides with the civil war and birth of the empire?
Greetings, i will be your Romaboo for tonight
Despite having a very extensive set of laws regarding many aspects of citizen life, weapon ownership/use was always a grey area for Romans, and it's because their society was very military-focused. Early Romans were all part of the mandatory military service and had to provide their own weapons and armor to fight, and even after the Marian reforms, Legionaries would have a cut of their salary taken in exchange of their gear until it was theirs. After their 25 years of service the legionaries would often keep certain items and sell the rest. This was common and there weren't really any special permits legionaries had to buy or sell arms that citizens couldn't. Different legions were outfitted locally and large factories were only a thing late into the empire's existence. From this we can infer that the production and distribution of arms wasn't regulated much if at all, and weapon-making was a widespread, thriving business open for more clients than just the state.
Ownership for lower classes and slaves would seem more complicated, but knowing that Romans had gladiators and used slaves as hired muscle, body guards and all sorts of forceful tasks it didn't seem they took insurrections seriously. We DO know that cities had their own rules and Rome itself saw several attempts to restrict people carrying swords in it tto curtail political violence, clashes and crime, none of which worked or were taken seriously, as everyone who could afford it would have armed security in their houses and watching their backs.
There were cases of generals, governors and such ordering for the confiscation of weapons but it was mostly something done to other peoples like germanic tribes.
>nothing has happened therefore it works
would you perhaps want to buy a stone that scares away tigers?
>doesn't understand the concept of deterrence
How to spot the /leftypol/
>medieval europe
Depends on where and when. Medieval England literally required freemen to own some sort of weapon or pay a fee contributing to the defense of the realm. The Holy Roman Empire was basically the wild west of the medieval world. In addition Medieval Communes who had no knights for protection being outside of the Feudal System relied on Citizen Militias
>and imperial china
Absolutely fucking wrong. In Imperial China, Law Enforcement for the longest time, was a community job.
If you lived close to a military garrison (say, a fortified city) then the cunts enforcing the law would be the soldiers.
However, China happens to be a vast empire, and soldiers cannot afford to move far from their garrisons lest they spread out. So in the rural countrysides, what the Chinese do is simply send a single judge/jury/executioner type legal officer called a prefect to oversee at least 3 villages. Law enforcement, however, is done by the regular Chinese peasant, who owned weapons. The males of the villages would form armed posses to go after robbers, bandit groups, town troublemakers, and problematic animals such as tigers & wolves. To make Posse actions legal, the Prefect has to be notified of any arrests or, during times of bandit wars, lead the posse himself as the dude has basic military training.
In fact the Chinese militia was often more effective than the army during the times of peace since they saw more action than them. The Pirate War of 1560s was almost entirely handled and won by scratch built armies of peasants and fishermen along the Chinese coast since the state army of the Ming couldn't be assed to stop fighting Mongols in the North.
A Chinese commoner was not allowed "state weapons" such as crossbows, then replaced by firearms. But the commoners found loopholes (i.e. bamboo guns, tree trunk cannons), in addition to state officials not giving a shit about the law so long as nobody is rebelling.
Countries with exceptionally strict gun laws are just as free as the US in terms of political liberties.
Name one.
>Political Liberties.
France, Germany, Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Japan, Canada should I continue?