Did she really wrote that diary or is it a conspiracy?
Real or fake
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Yes, she wrote it.
Did she really written it? Of course she died.
She wrote it but the book was obviously compiled and edited
Can I check the real book?
>Oh yeah and daily reminder that Anne would still be alive if the South had won, fuck Yankees and Krauts.
How did people come to this conclusion anyway? And why is it discussed in literally every Civil War/Dixie related thread from here to /pol/?
It's a conspiracy by Damn Yankees to rob us of our pregnant waifu!
She wrote parts of it, with parts of it written by her father. The sexual parts were hers of course
Jews are notorious perverts so the sexual parts are just as likely to have been written by her father. What teenage girl writes about her genitals in a diary?
Why would the father write sexual parts and then censor them?
It's a meme
post em
Almost all of them?
>Something wonderful has happened. Peter... I’m pregnant.
What do?
>Where children are executed on arrival
All children under 15 were killed. Anne had turned 15 a month before arriving at Auschwitz. Now fuck off with your retardation.
>Then you get so sick the Nazis put you in a hospital they built inside a death camp
Bergen-Belsen wasn't a death camp
>Then you die of Typhus but still get called a "holocaust victim" because your daddy needs to use your diary to get shekels.
How was she not a victim? She was ripped from her home, separated from her family, and sent to a literal forced labor camp with abysmal living conditions simply for the "Crime" of being a Jew.
>sexual parts
Can we get some quotes? I never read it and was unaware of these parts.
Should've added pregnant Anne to that meme
>it's a "stormnigger hasn't the faintest idea of what the Holocaust actually was and what happened in it" epusode
Isn't that every episode?
The IHR has huge, detailed articles exposing parts of the Holocaust to be a hoax... and yet clearly get the basics completely wrong. Like the article that does complex mathematical calculations to prove that six million people couldn't have been gassed. It's farcical.
t. The creator
Yes, you should've.
t. pregnant Anne Frank fetish
They do seem to have absolutely no idea other than "something something Jews something something gas chambers" with the rest filled in with memes and infographics.
I'm continually amazed that at least once a week they ask "why Germany would waste such a large pool of slave workers and not send them to labour camps instead"...
It is in a library in Belgium. If you have the credentials, yes. Otherwise, as a member of the public, probably not. it would be expensive if they let you.
>implying they had ball point during WW2
? Isn't there room for some nuance here? I'm thinking specifically about some of the videos done which show that the primary sources used by people like Yehuda Bauer are clearly not trustworthy, wherein supposed eye witnesses claim that their raggedy old clothing was able to stop bullets.
> inb4 stormfag
Open and critical discussion on the scope and intent of the Holocaust is only a good thing. Given the foundational importance of the Holocaust to our political self-understanding post-WW2, it seems reasonable to me that we should be very sure about what happened during WW2, and not place artificial barriers to that self-understanding by declaring post-hoc that the Holocaust is not allowed to be questioned or prodded.
Those videos are made by holocaust deniers. They deliberately choose untrustworthy eye witnesses while ignore others more important ones.
>choose absurd testimonies
>ignore others more important ones
In an extermination policy there are no more important people with more important testimonies.
This is why 6 milion didn't die.
You got it
>all eye witness accounts are equal
This is why everyone knows you are a moron.
100% of them? Girls are more obsessed with genitals han guys.
So people aren't equal in a death camp?
Not all holocaust victims were out into death camps. Not all holocaust victims saw or heard the same things.
The commander of the guards and a Sonderkommando obviously aren't equal.
You'd think mods would've killed at least one of these two bait threads are obviously intended to just encourage people to shitfling over the Holocaust and post pregnant Anne Frank porn but no.
Because we, the worshippers of the glorious /k/ube took your preggo anne frank meme and memed it even further into a thread about what you'd bring back in time to the south to win the civil war, and being the best board, our culture spread
Praise the /k/ube.
Now get a /k/ drawfag to recreate this painting but add a very curious and very pregnant Anne looking at it and reaching out to touch it.
>he doesn’t want to cum inside a week overdue Anne while caressing her huge belly as she rides you, watching her throw her head back and her grip of the bedsheets tighten as the sensation of your hot goo filling the hole in her body and soul overwhelms her
Begone faggot
oh, she wrote it
in ukrainian
hohol mafia
>How was she not a victim? She was ripped from her home, separated from her family, and sent to a literal forced labor camp with abysmal living conditions simply for the "Crime" of being a Jew.
>ywn confront those Kraut bastards and force them to fight someone their own size for once
Yes, she's another Jew who died of Typhus, just like the majority of the some ten thousand Jewish deaths in the concentration camps.
the people who aren't obviously lying are generally more important that the people who are
>If you disagree with my version then you're lying
>some ten thousand
Wasn't it 270,000 or something like that? I mean, that's still a denier meme that's been debunked for decades but at least it's got a reference. Where do you even get that estimate from?
>just like the majority of the some ten thousand Jewish deaths in the concentration camps.
You guys can't seem to decide if it was 10,000 tragic unavoidable typhus deaths or 300,000
>if you start talking bullshit about holocoasters and bear execution cages you're probably lying, if you talk about things that some form of evidence shows actually existed, and then a bunch of people say the same things; you might not be
Tell that to Corrie Ten Boom, fellow BB internee whose film on internment at BB makes mentions of GAS chambers wnd executions via same. Either CTB is a massive liar, she is deluded, has PTSD, doesn't know what she is saying, or is an opportunist MERCHANT.
Film is available on Amazon Prime. For any anons without access, I'd be more than willing to transcribe the HORRORS OF THE GAS CHAMBERS!™
Please do. Word for word.
>teenagers never think about their genitals
>Corrie and Betsie were sent from Scheveningen to Herzogenbusch political concentration camp (also known as Kamp Vught), and finally to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, a women's labor camp in Germany
>No mention of Bergen Belsen
She was sent to Ravensbruck, not Bergen-Belsen...
Presumably it was Bergen-Belsen in his mind.
I assume it was an honest mistake if anything, surely that user wouldn't blatantly lie like those grubby kikes.
Her son died there so, without seeing that particular documentary, that may be what she's referring to.
Thank you Sherlock for uncovering the mystery
oh wait
>What do?
The natural thing teenagers do with an unexpected pregnancy.
Panic and do incredibly stupid things that make the situation worse like in all romantic comedies.
how many do you think it was (because the historians think it was 5/1 million at very bottom, probably 5.7 give or take a few hundred thousand, but could be 6.3 million tops)
Why can't /pol/ stay in its own board?
Learn english.
OP obviously doesn't belong on our side of the wall.
Based /k/
*dies for landed gentry class*
Southcvcks never fail to make me laugh
Fake, of course. M*xishits don't know how to write anything other than their own names and some graffiti.
>Anne Frank
Just another way to keep the masses blind.
I didn't say anything about Marxists, you stupid beaner. I'm talking about you and your fellow Sp*cks.
That's disrespect to a dead child man. At least niggers don't make depictions of having sex with actual children and act like they're not pedophile. (unless they're muslim too)
I should write a comedy about the comedy of everything involved in this crazy and wild hoax. A moneymaking scheme centered on a dead daughter killed by NAZIS in the Holocaust .
You mean to say that one of those poor suffering children might not be entirely truthful? Feigned shock!
>Jews are Mexicans
This is some ADVANCED retardation
Still waiting on that transcription. No rush though.
Inútil frijolero! Te ahogarás en el hedor de tus propios pedos empapados en heces.