ison its own a greater achievement then the entirety of African civilization
in before >muh Africa had advanced writing systems, metallurgy,
a fucking Brit has produced more to mankind then the entirety of black people
that's fucking sad
ison its own a greater achievement then the entirety of African civilization
in before >muh Africa had advanced writing systems, metallurgy,
a fucking Brit has produced more to mankind then the entirety of black people
that's fucking sad
fucking Euclid single handily surpassed the entirety of African accomplishment
let alone Newton
man /pol/ is really out in force today, is it because it's friday?
sad but true
oh but its perfectly ok to talk about how africans were superior with their
>muh mettalurgy
>muh writing systems
Shouldn't you be in school?
you mad that blacks have no great historical accomplishments
I look at great men like Newton and Gauss
my accomplishments are so grand, my race is so great
what happened to this fucking forum
Newton was a god. Don't you dare compare him with mere humans
>muh newton
typical *nglos overhyping a hack.
You are creating windmills to tilt at. Go outside, take a walk, enjoy the fresh air, and look at how people of all backgrounds are getting along.
You are mad you have none of your own and have to take credit for what other people with the same skin color have done. Sad!
he produced more than almost any other person in general you fucking mook
race isnt part of it he was just a great man
kys or go back to
And? It's also a greater achievement than all of Chinese civilization
It's also a greater achievement than the whole of Amerindian or Polynesian civilizations
Furthermore it probably eclipses the scientific achievements of any civilisation in history.
Literally the most important scientific paper ever published. Don't make this a racial debate, Newton, and Newton alone was simply the most brilliant scientific mind in history
Tell me, what have you accomplished?
wot about those zimbabweans what did a dry stone wall or sumfink after getting ARAB'D
Don't know why you'd pick on Africa desu,
He's the highest mind known to us.
There are at-least three continents for which you could make this claim.
>muh skin colour is race
Why are blank slatists such monumental retards?
Euclid was African you dumbass