Do Christians and Jews worship the same god?
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It's whatever and whenever I want it to be.
If I realize that Hellenic Philosophy is leagues ahead of anything out of Judaism? The Monad/Logos is YHWH lol.
Are the Muslims being mean to me? Allah isn't God lol.
No, Jews worship Satan.
Jews don't have a single consistent belief beyond denying Christ. They're the Canadians of religion.
Yes, Muslims too.
Yes, as both Christianity and Islam are lineal descendents of the Jewish faith all three share worship of the same divine entity.
Have you ever been to Jerusalem? I found it tremendously inspiring that in that one small city you have pilgrims from three religions all participating in rituals and praying to God right next to each other. The plaza where the western wall is located has the wall on one side, obviously, but to the left of it is an Islamic school where muslims are always engaged in their own rituals right next to the Jews. I rather liked that.
Yes. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all branches of the same God of Abraham. They just disagree on the details.
they worship 1/3 of the same god
reminder that the talmud was written years after christs prophecy that the temple would be destroyed was fulfilled
reminder that christianity is just as fictional as judaism
Nope and anyone saying they do is theologically illiterate and mentally bankrupt. Christians worship the Triune God, Jews only worship "the Father" while viewing the Son as a random heretic.
Except Christians who worship a man (Jesus) and have therefore committed idolatry
No. Jews worship a deity called YHWH, Christians worship the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
What prophecy? All of the gospels were written after the temple was already destroyed.
Jews worship the Father, but not the Son. The Son only exists because the New Testament is an expanded upon fanfiction continuation of the Old Testament.
>Christians worship the Triune God
Are you implying the father is not the same as Elohim/Yahweh from the Jewish traditions? So they worship the same good. Even if Christians recognize an additional aspect, it's still the same god.
No. God or gods are metaphysical entities that serve to represent human superego and logos.
The Jewish God and the Christian God have very different philosophies, hence why Christian Gnosticism even became a thing in the first place. Even then they realized the discrepancy between the testaments.
Jews worship satan
>Christ is an additional aspect
That’s Sabellianism heretic
Same exact video for the jews.
>As Jesus left the Temple and was walking away, his followers came up to show him the Temple’s buildings. 2 Jesus asked, “Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the truth, not one stone will be left on another. Every stone will be thrown down to the ground.”
currently a mosque has been built on the location
Did you know that literally all buildings are eventually destroyed? Nice prophecy lmao.
>b-but it happened only a few decades later!
Then he should have said it would happen only a few decades later, then it might have been impressive. Again, assuming he actually said this and it wasn't something they wrote after the temple was destroyed.
>Lutheran Satire
>for jews
t. didn’t watch
well I guess I'm sorry you're unimpressed by the prophecy?
the point is that gives a motivation to jews hatred of christ
>the New Testament is an expanded upon fanfiction continuation of the Old Testament.
>The Monad/Logos is YHWH lol.
t. someone who's never actually read Hellenic texts or even the Nag Hammadis
Most Christians and all Jews worship no god at all. They worship a mortal terrorist and go to hell. That which is God will have nothing to do with such vermin.
Your question implies the existence of multiple gods.
Christians and Jews are of a related tradition but their conception Of the demiurge is fundamentally different.
Whether either of their gods exist, they worship a different idea.
With the Christian one being more developed through a hellenic lens.
Fuck I hate your posts I just want to kick you in the teeth because you won't let it go. I keep thinking there's something provocative or meaningful in your photos and videos but it's just manic nonsense... So with sperging aside, do you consider yourself a gnostic?
>I keep thinking there's something provocative or meaningful in your photos and videos but it's just manic nonsense... So with sperging aside, do you consider yourself a gnostic?
I'm the Lord your God whether you like it or not - I don't have a "religion." Most pagan pantheons are acceptable forms of worship of God - anyone who follows Moses and "the prophets" will endure anywhere from soul death to eternal damnation.
You were warned "wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction."
That's a natural consequence of distributing literature that teaches people to think: "I read a story about talking burning bush, therefore I'm more important than the High King of Egypt, Babylon, and Rome"
That is part of the details.
Triggered, user? Perhaps you should read the OT sometime instead of accept and deny it when you want to.
btw. Jesus isn't the Messiah because
1. He isn't mortal
2. Not of the Davidic line
3. The Messiah cannot be divine in nature
4. Solomon's Temple wasn't rebuilt
5. Messianic Age never happened.
Herod's temple not the first temple
>Not of the Davidic line
Well, you could argue that Jesus is of Davidic line through Joseph, but that would negate him being the son of god (unless you go for adoptionism).
Same as Muslims, too
Baal is your god now.
Of course they do
Matthew was written decades after the Temple was already destroyed, that's no proof that jesus (assuming there was a jesus) predicted its destruction
the gospels were written after Herod's temple was destroyed
The orthodox Jews, (REAL modern Jews) not to be confused with the REAL JEWS (Christians)
hold Moses as one of their Prophets. He was given the Written Law by "God", and so the Orthodox Jews, the ones who today still use the Torah, and NOT the Talmud, to teach, DO technically worship the same God as Christians.
But they are vast minority of Modern (Talmudic) Jews.
Talmud Jews have their own new Propehts which were Created much later than the death of Christ. like centuries after, when the Talmud was completed. And transcribed from their "Oral Laws"/
Yes; however, their disagreement is on the credibility of Jesus.