>32 million dollar man
32 million dollar man
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The next Bill Gates
thats my boy!
seriously he dresses like a slob
Everytime you autist screech i dump 50k links keep it up
god damn, he's put on weight since high school
Only high test investors put money towards such a THICC opportunity.
>Thick. Tight. Solid...looking good my man
What the fuck. Why is he wearing sneakers. Does he have autism of the highest degree? Also what the fuck is with his pants looking so THICC around the waste and that awful short shirt? This is truly the Veeky Forums Man of the Year 2017.
Did you see any other of the presentations at DevCon? They're all dressing in normie clothes.
Normies don't wear athletic shoes when they're not doing athletic activities. Thats only something autists do.
Yeah but his sneakers look like shit
Looks like he's funnelled half of his fortune down his gullet.
Ill fitting pants he makes it look like sweatpants
Waaay too small shirt
Cheap plastic sneakers
I love it
Heh I dressed like this in highschool. Good times
kek'd and check'd
Money Belly is getting fresh sushi COMPED thanks to you fucking dumbshits buying LINK and keeping his scamcoin alive. holy shit he must be knee-deep in the finest japanese hookers by night, and stuffing his face with dericious sooshi rolls all day.
that is abnormal weight-gain for a man under 30 unless he has simply given up.
Realistically he is on SSRIs after Veeky Forums tarnished his life's work.
>Money Belly
keke, did you just coin that term
>newfag detected
>Money Belly
Please someone make a wojak related pic of this
Sibios was just 2 weeks ago. Seriously, how the fuck does someone get THIS fat in such a short amount of time?
>Barista CEO
Why the fuck is he wearing these
Listen to him not realizing his mic was on and almost entering full blown Michael Bay panic mode.
Why not. They are comfy af
>under 30
How old is he?
Don't pretend you people don't wear autism shoes.
holy fuck lmao
I thought Veeky Forums was quite progressive. Fuck all of you for making fun of a disabled man. I'm out of here.
I prefer these actually
>biz threw millions of dollars at this man
Which is why they will remain wagecucks LOL. biz never learns, but it's a good thing, someone has to do the menial jobs.
>investing in the most promising and disruptive tech of 2018
>angry about developers shoes
So brave
that gif is great
Sergey is fucking awesome. He's like MoneySkelly if money skelly wasn't absolutely retarded and pretentious with his MLP T-shirts and Twitter retardation.
This is what a man look like, when he doesn't give a fuck about anything other than achieving his goal, which is to change the fucking world with smart contracts.
Look at any visionary from any tech company that did anything and realize that none of them cared fuck all about appearance. The swindlers, marketing goys and hypebeasts wear flashy suits and focus on how they appear. The people who change the world focus on nothing else than what they're trying to achieve.
I can’t believe I placed my economic future in this man’s hands.
I woke up with the same thought. In 5 years I will either have a bronze statue of this man in my living room or be a broken person.
We’re gonna make it, user. I’m hodling for at least a year before eating a gun over this coin. Check’d for dubs.
Doesn't matter what is He wearing, the link is dump only without any pump. My little MoneyBelly Bear:)
hey...people said the same about vitalik, even worse things actually. "he looks like a methhead child molester autist", always dressing like complete shit (mlp shirts), but if you looked past that and bought ethereum at fucking cents, you'd be rich as fuck right now.
damn bro. sirgay looks like he's been boozing it up. He looks like the kind of bloated that comes from drinking all night and then chowing down on some 4am burritos. We need to get him in shape. He's not going to be able to solve any oracle problems if his arteries are filled with nacho cheese and miller highlife.
And that’s why I’m hodling. But the guy still looks like shit.
Disgusting fat baby. Wasnt he svelt just a few months ago?
We gonna be rich
i dumped $10k in the presale because of the potential, my only regret is not selling like 25% at the ATH.
the way i see it:
>smart contracts are the future, the rapid growth of ethereum proves this
>smart contracts need SECURE middleware, chainlink can provide this, and has first mover advantage
>working together with numerous financial bigwigs.
the only thing that worries me is their squirmy way of communication with their investors. now, this could mean two things...either they don't know what the fuck they're doing, and trying to buy time, OR they're under very strict NDAs. if it's the latter, we're holding the golden ticket to success.
This should be called the DUMPcoin
Butthurt pajeets all over the place, LINK is going places
>the virgin money skelly
>the chad money belly
holy shit what happened. hes fat as fuck
you realize only pajeets would be desperate and stupid enough to buy into something like chainlink right?
Crypto development is rife with the most autistic people Ive ever seen. Hopefully they will be like bill gates and get us rich
so the 32m went to his gut???
He can't even solve his autism, how could he possibly solve the oracle problem?
what time
The time is in the link
>having chinks putting your dick in their wet disgusting hairy cloacas
I would fucking buy link just to continue his beta life
his weight and link price has reverse relationship
money belly lmfao i will use that in the future
Lol. Nigga, that was last night...
I know right.
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get.
Nigga, welcome to Veeky Forums
Why not post the real picture?
you may not like it but this is what peak male performance looks like
Sergey pls
riofl u mad him fater L0L
...he's a saint. No; seriously! His plan is to improve the condition of life for everyone.
>neets get lambos
>pajeets get toilets
>everyone get rich
What an absolute visionary!
All heil Money Belly
Sounds like me before giving college presentations. Boy I hate presentations.
The more autistic he is, the better his product will be. How can you not realize this?
>he values physician appearance over the fact that he's the only human being in the history of the universe are to solve the oracle problem forever
32 million dollars... more like 32 million pounds. lol. you burgers really are a fucking comedy, you know that?
you misspelled obese
>When autistic NEET shut-ins pretend to be normal
Kek ur a literal retard who clearly doesn't go outside
I have no idea what he's talking about