What a fucking clown.
What a fucking clown
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top fucking kek. What a guy. This is what America needs :^ )
no way thats real
skelly retard
"Benevolent" dictator.
well this basically confirms my theory.
>gay 23 year old canadian is left leaning and dislikes trump
>when autists try to into humor
Nice, just ate a 100 k
he looks like a young santa clause
Ho ho ho ho :^)
The concept of crypto industry is to unbank you fool-tards. V is right. you shithole
my boy
Did Vitalik assume their gender?
o jesus, well thats the nail in the coffin for eth.
Bitcoin is the true king after all.
is he realy a faggot? one more reason to hate ether
i'm not taking the bait. i'll be quiet.
link to this. I don't believe it
Prepare the ETH crash, its gonna burn.
He mentioned a tranny on stage at some point on one of his big youtube interviews. Can't blame him if he likes em tho
Good, I would hire that guy too. FUCK TRUMP
>eth finally breaks through $300
>vitalik makes sjw comment on twitter
>price comes back down
what if he's just pissed he sold so much of his stack early on and controls the price so he can accumulate
Why is he not allowed to dislike Trump exactly?
Is this guy a savant by chance? Because everything I've seen him do or read from him outside of ETH has been horribly autistic
Actually, why are his supporters so thin-skinned? Isn't he allowed to joke around either?
just read the next comment in the picture
Sure he can.
But if u invested into ETH, look at NFL, CNN and others that publicly 'dislike' him, and the financial consequences of it.
Totally man. Icos dont want nor need eth at anything higher than 300 usd.
ive been wanting to transfer my ETH to BTC for a while... and missed the fucking recent moon too. Idk. I also feel like ETH has a lot of potential and is solid but man, this guy is a faggot.
>Icos dont want nor need eth at anything higher than 300 usd.
sarcasm? If not, then what to you mean?
I wonder what Trump was doing for those 11 minutes he was without twitter.
they got WAAAAAAY more eth than they needed during ICOs and will continue unloading their bags, keeping the price right at 300 usd for a while lol
Reminder that Trump won't audit the fed.
Reminder that Trump supporters are abnormal in a negative sense.
Reminder that Vitalik is smarter than you.
I have 18 ETH. That's it. Would you recommend transferring some of it into BTC? Or holding the ETH and dropping ~5 grand into BTC. BTC basically at ath right now but has been mooning hard while my ETH is stagnant af.. ;[
The autism in those comments is overwhelming.
Free speech was a mistake. Let enforce quality speech or something that won't leave retardation run free.
killing CIA niggers
Trump is a fucking hero. go suck hillaries bloated clit
>"quality speech"
"Quality" is a 100% subjective term that will be used to censor things you don't like. You don't support free speech.
>you shouldn't be allowed to say things that I consider "retarded"
Such a concept is certainly going to be corrupted in no time, and I do understand it's retarded anyway, but at least I'd like Twitter to stop showing to the world the mediocrity of mankind.
I'm including Trump and Vitalik in the picture.
Go back to /pol/, we don't need that bullshit here.
Inb4 getting called a nigger.
we don't need what here? He's replying to someone with an opinion with his own opinion. Go to reddit if you want censorship you fucking faggot
Nah, he's calling names, bringing no value nor facts to its "argument" while choking on Trump's orange cock, mentioning Clinton for no reason except political autism.
/pol/ made flesh actually.
fuck off, cut off your own tongue and fingers if you dont like dumb comments
free speech or death
Serge, lay off the carrots
It's real
Makes sense, he is a raging Marxist after all.
The Americanest.
I want to make a Tyrone FUD video against ETH, but I dont think the stuttering pothead pasta fits
Are there any good anti-ETH pastas? Or will I have to keep trying them on Veeky Forums until one sticks?
/pol/ is a board of peace.
t. skippy podesta
mm-muh calling names!!!
I dont need to argument, you people would not understand logic if it hit you in the face with a truck of peace.
you think you're hot shit dontcha?
now stop whining and buy your ETH, surely such a professional lead dev in a centralized currency assures the investors.
vitalik is a literal commie faggot sjw. this is no surprise.
>muh virtue signals
>muh no max supply cap for ETH
I can't wait for ETH to fucking crash and burn
>this man literally has the power to delete your ethereum
As if only capitalist trumptards know and own crypto?! :D Chanting: "USA! USA! USA! USA!"
Eat a dick pajeet.
reminder that your reddit spacing indicates you need to go back to r/berniesanders you fucking commie scum
ETH will inevitably fail because Vitalik would rather fap to trannies than develop good code.
You should not put your money in the hands of a gay 23 year old marxist who spends most of his waking hours on Twitter.
get your asshole bleached with eth if you like it so much you bug chasing faggot
> :D
Gas yourself.
Politics are just fucking up private enterprise in the USA. Honestly I didn't support either candidate, but Hillary pushes for Internet and monetary censorship a fair amount more than Trump. Right now crypto is for entrepreneurs who are looking to break into the next big market. I could care less who sits in the oval office as long as they allow their citizens freedom. Soon enough people will organise themselves together and push for less government involvement in the economy.
"Hey you know that guy who deactivated the president of the united states account because he doesnt like him? Let's fucking hire him"
Messing with the POTS account because your feelings were hurt isnt going to look good on a resume
Thanx 4 the laughs, I've never seen so many Trumpsters avting like what they like to call liberal and forward thinking peaople - SNOW-FWAKES! :D Come on, really? "Wha-AAA-aa!!! The mean man said bad things about paw-paw! I will sell all ETH!"
apparently it does to Vitalik. brb selling 1000 ETH
And yet it is ok to elect a greedy retard into office of the worlds most influential country that in actual fact ALSO spends most of his waking hours on Twitter? Yeah, that's some progressive thinking and strong analytical skills right there mate! He literally made a huge scene about his twitter acc being down for 11 minutes!!!!
>Soon enough people will organise themselves together and push for less government involvement in the economy
not while the 19th amendment is is still in place. these damn roasties always vote for big government bullshit. seriously we need to repeal the 19th if we ever want to remove all the corrupt government bloat that womyn and their white knight eunichs keep voting for. we would all be much freer if womyn were prevented from being useful idiots for the marxists. The founding fathers would be freaking out if they saw how much power we've relinquished from the state level to the national level.
>all these assblasted lefties get red IDs
and you wonder why your stepdad hates you
Trump and Vitalik are on friendly terms you dumb fucks. How exactly do you think Trump has gotten around taxes every year? how do you think he went bankrupt? how do you think he actually became president?
you guys are fucking idiots.
Vitalik threw an inside joke at Trump and both of them got chuckles out of this.
You are all deluded, and probably holding LINK as your first "investment"
Fuck trump. I'd hire the guy.
Lmao Trump is like literally Hitler xDDD
The founding fathers would stick a musket barrel up your colon before burning you on a stake for witchcraft an heresy if you'd be able to time travel and pulled an iPhone out of your pocket in front of them... idiots thinking that laws made by people who couldn't possibly conceive how much society and our environment would change in the coming centuries belong "In the arms of Jesus" with their beloved founding fathers... I'm a self proclaimed Marxist and I say that for our species sake, people of a primal intelligence should be sent to outer space in their birthday suits.
Found the Ameritard
Our founding fathers would be far more disturbed by how much our government has been subverted by corporations... Something that orange orangutan is making worse.
It's not that's he's not allowed to dislike Trump. It's that he's said he'd like to hire someone who litterally just sabotaged a customers account (and a high profile customer at that) on a whim, based on not liking Trump.
Is THAT someone you're willing to trust with your money?
If he mindlessly consumes the 'trump is hitler' shit coming from outlets like buzzfeed and CNN it's extremely disconcerting because it casts a lot of doubt on his intelligence and his ability to separate narratives from reality.
It's actually pretty amusing that people like you exist. ie. Marxists that proclaim to have even an inkling of insight as to how the founders would behave in ANY given situation, let alone some completely nonsensical hypothetical. Lol. What I love most is that Stalin would have killed you and your entire family.
>I'm a self proclaimed Marxist and I want to kill people who disagree with me
what else is new
this :)))
MAGA you commie bitches! Hail Trump, Emperor of mankind. All who oppose him are subhuman regressives.
We could use Stalin now. I'd wait in line for 4 hours for mismatched shoes if I could see all the assholes get shot or thrown in the gulags. Worth it.
fun part is, you would be the first deported, regressive moron.
Yeah, well... Stalin DID kill a good portion of my ancestors, but that doesn't mean that the ideology is to blame! "Bust socialism and communism gave rise to this guy and that guy..." Capitalism gave rise to Trump and the likes so now instead of shooting people whom you dislike in the face instead they are polluting, poisoning and dumbing down every living creature on the planet to control and enslave into their own agenda. I am not defending Stalin or Lenin or Karl Marx for that matter... but do you really think capitalism requires useful idiots like yourself to defend it? I don't think so, yet here you are, spewing ignorant shit all over the place like lawn sprinkler of vomit.
Yeah, cause you all are so much different :D
300$ per coin
lead by some autist that looks straight outta auschwitz
the only thing ETH has going for it rightnow is being the platform for ICO scams
tell me how many smartcontracts are executed with ETH ?
oh wait none
I believe in free speech and you do not.
You want to kill people who disagree with you.
You are a brainlet.
Yyyeah... capitalism - SO MUCH WINNING! (Y) Keep up the good work.
>see all the assholes get shot or thrown in the gulags.
You realize that isn't how he instilled fear into his populace right? Sure he killed intellectuals and various people that he deemed ideological enemies, but he also killed families / people at random. There is a quote in a book that I recently read called Stalin's Folly by Constantine Pleshakov that essentially states that the regime would encourage those that heard jokes / criticisms being made against Stalin to report them, and the regime would them swiftly execute both the joke teller and the one that reported the joke teller. It was completely nonsensical and evil while being highly effective in breeding absolute fear and obedience into the people.
tl'dr; you would be one of those assholes
I wish I could buy you a one way ticket to a communist shithole like North Korea. If you hate capitalism so much gtfo. no one is stopping you from living your dreams in a commie shithole.
I'm not defending Trump. I'm pointing out that you likely would have been executed under a Marxist regime. You should read more.
Is it not human nature to want to rip the spines out of entities that compete for your limited resources? You claim to believe in free speech but when a muslim opens their mouth, despite what's coming out of it your rebuttal would be: "Go back to your own country you filthy sand nigger!" No? Am I missing something here?
Western capitalist countries have the highest standard of living ever seen in human history and the lowest level of poverty.
Trump is a jew loving, israel cock-sucking faggot, and money skelly is just a dumb liberal with no political awareness who dislikes Trump for the wrong reasons - muh borders, muh racist.
Holy shit. ETH running in full SJW mode. Time to short
I miss the old ETH pasta about don't buy because of it coin supply calculation etc
>"Go back to your own country you filthy sand nigger!"
I have freedom of speech to say this.
Freedom of speech has nothing to do with immigration, and there is no Constitutional right to immigrate the United States.
You do not believe in free speech. We do.
You want to kill people who disagree with you.
You are a brainlet.
Are people really this ignorant as to think what Lenin did was a part of the socialist ideal? It was corruption, same as today, IN CAPITALISM! Now, instead of achieving control via fear (in most cases) they have gotten more clever, the system is designed around you so that if you say or do anything that doesn't fit the norm you are out, that is it... they wont kill you or your family but they will sentence you to an ever twindling life of illness and capital impotence... sounds fun, dont it?
CNN is that you?
>sounds fun, dont it?
sounds better than dying. please stop talking now. You sound like you're 15.