When Spain was reconquered by the Christians did they kick all the Muslim men out? Is this why there's no Haplogroup J?
When Spain was reconquered by the Christians did they kick all the Muslim men out? Is this why there's no Haplogroup J?
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No, they ritually sacrificed them and then ate them.
>converting to islam changed y-haplotypes to J in men
>muslim men were all J
Don't trust haplogroup maps, they're prone to a great deal of inaccuracy
More like population replacement.
Arab haplogroup in Andalus is J and E
A third of the Spaniards are North African rape babies.
I believe I personally infected Veeky Forums with haplospergism. You guys do not fucking understand what it means to be r1b or I1.
For example, I am R1b U106. That is a Germanic haplogroup but I got it from my very Irish and very Irish looking grandfather.
It only means that you patrilineal line comes from one place. It potentially has very little bearing on your genetic make up.
No, your map is just shit.
>Arab haplogroup in Andalus is J and E
>A third of the Spaniards are North African rape babies.
Too bad the population that was already invaded by Celts, Phoenicians, Romans and then Germans be spoiled by yet another invading group! Iberi-mutts are more mixed than the British.
British aren't that mixed. They're literally a mix of briton and germanic
Syrians in the roman army or something
I can't believe there are people on this board who waste their time learning about haploid groups. That's some trivial shit.
The Carthaginians secretly won the Punic wars.
Simce when did Romans occupy Germany?
Only male lineage matters, women are irrelevent.
Beside in most case high presence of an haplogroup from X people indicate an high admixture of X people dna
Basques. Only like 2% of them have I2 and that's not even their original haploshit which is G.
Some cultures are just matrilinear like that.
I don't know, they must have raped Germany at least a bit no?
>Some cultures are just matrilinear like that.
Some cultures are cucked I agree
1 out of 4 (1/4) of Iberians (Spaniards and Portuguese) are descendants of marranos (Jews who converted to Catholicism). There were many prominent marranos and marrano descendants.
However, much much less is the percentage of Iberians who descend from moriscos, since Moors didn't tend to convert and voluntarily removed themselves.
Moors where removed and jews where a simply minority that majoritary keeped practicing their religion in secret
Not that area, no. It was think forest far from their Empire and Civilization that Romans never went to.
Welcome to reality stormfag
>0.5% to 1%
It's literally nothing.
Soon it will look like pic related.
>someone was actually autistic enough to make this
Depression gets you places.
the romans occupied a large portion of germany
cities like mainz and cologne were founded by them
in fact, the romans had soldiers stationed as far north, on the continent, as the netherlands
If you look closely at the Netherlands and Belgium you see that the increase of J is concentrated around Antwerp and Amsterdam. This is probably because of the history of Jewish people there.
I know a story of a Dutch alt-righter from Amsterdam who discovered his grandfather's grandfather was Jewish. Thus he will still carry a J haplogroup despite looking Dutch in every way.
I will never truly understand what that bizarre phrase means
it's like right-wing for people shit-scared to say they're right-wing
the snowflakes of conservative thought
The funniest thing?
>The term "alt-right" was first used in November 2008 by self-described paleoconservative philosopher Paul Gottfried, addressing the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right".
>Gottfried was born in Brooklyn in 1941, to Jewish parents.[3]
helen shapiro is best shapiro
>conservative thought
If by alt-right you mean Dicky Spencer and similar retards then they're pretty explicitly anti-conservative.