>hey, remember that mind-control drug the CIA has been testing for the last 15 years? well it will actually totally free your mind, man!
>woah... what if we like, changed the world by "dropping out" of society, getting stoned and listening to psychedelic pop music?
Hey, remember that mind-control drug the CIA has been testing for the last 15 years...
Other urls found in this thread:
Psychedelics are fun but at the end of the day you ARE getting high on chemical weapons
>you will never be ernst junger
>you will never come out of the trenches of ww1 and drop acid with its creator
I wonder what kind of fucked up shit he saw on his trips
>I wonder what kind of fucked up shit he saw on his trips
Only someone who has never dropped acid would wonder this. It's not like that. Go read some trip reports on Erowid if you want to know what it's really like.
I would think that seeing some fucked up shit IRL would increase your chances of seeing some fucked up shit while tripping, no?
Not necessarily, depends entirely on your headspace when dropping it
You don't actually see crazy shit like in the movies.
if you´re a schizo maybe, I´ve done acid a lot of times and the only visual effect I noticed is enhanced colors and random flashes
At higher doses you do get some intense visual distortions, but what you see is like a photoshop-filtered reality. You don't see anything that's not actually there.
The effects on your consciousness, on how you think, are more profound than the sensory effects. But it's hard to describe. Unless you try it yourself, you won't understand.
Whenever I've done psychedelic drugs, I feel like I've been reduced to a very "basic" state of mind.
Dunno, one time I was tripping on mushrooms and my buddy looked like a lobster to me.
t. Not Jordon Peterson
It depends on the dose. I've had some trips that were super visual and some that were much more mental. The laughter is always unrelenting though.
Personally I hate how evangelical most psychedelic users are. It's a fun experience, not some profound spiritual bullshit.
I've done psychedelics over 250 times. Only about 40 actually involved LSD. My main was AMT + one of the longer lasting 2cs + Ethylphenidate/MXE (rip MXE you glorious fucking drug). Just once a week. Cheaper than most other forms of entertainment per dose and more eye opening.
They're fun if you're introverted and wild (at first) if you're an extrovert. If you spend more time with your thoughts, you're better capable of dealing with the sensual barrage and not panicking. If you're an extrovert, find the chillest introvert to act as a solid ground for your trip.
Psychedelics allow you to play with mood and various types of synesthesia while shedding a lot of negative emotional baggage. What's stupid is those fucking idiots in the 60s who did them ALL DAY ERR DAY. Or these teenage cunts taking a psychedelic in an environment (music + lots of people) that already taxes your ability to deal with sensory stream AND they don't bother to drink water. Let alone water with salt.
If you're tripping, gatorade is your best friend. All you do is open and drink it. It sounds childish but in the "state", you're already cognitively taxed. The simpler to manipulate, the better.
>teenage cunts taking a psychedelic in an environment
I did a lot of LSD at raves and outdoor parties. I did fine in these environments because I knew the people surrounding me were okay with me tripping. Kind of like how if you smoke pot where it's legal, you don't get paranoid.
At a party I couldn't go to, one of the guys smashed a toilet seat with his head because some other guy was freaking out.
There was also the guy who went through my shit and almost overdosed and probably only survived because I figured a wet towel would solve his rapid dehydration and muffle his screams.
Maybe I've just had shit luck in regards to that.
I miss being in college
honestly, though, does Veeky Forums ever trip?
>MXE you glorious fucking drug
I still don't get why people like it so much. It gave me one of the worst drug-related expirences of my life and basically drove my junkie friend insane. And I've done a lot of psychs before it.
>while shedding a lot of negative emotional baggage
Disagree with this completely, if you have serious emotional baggage you should not do psychedelics.
Ingested or insuffalated? And when did you get the MXE? After Europe passed various bans, makers proffered other dissociatives as "MXE".
Well for a depressed guy to not feel depressed, to feel a sense of positive self-worth....
Well I understand why losing lobsters got their fight back after serotonin injections. And emotional baggage comes in many forms. Mine was the veil of depression but feeling that sense of self-worth and non-posturing amazement...
Well I guess you could say it was worth the trip.
These stories involve late-20s early-30s veterans. Different than college. I'm still mad about the toilet incident because that shit would not happen under my watch.
Should also mention that insuffalation produced a light mental high that increased the pleasure of music.
Ingesting it just gives you a gnarly body high along with a too gnarly mental high.
Always snort your MXE. Btw, life does get easier after your 20s. Unless you did something irreparably stupid in your 20s. Should mention that another factor was my relatively late introduction to psychedelics (mid 20s). I couldn't imagine doing it at 18, it'd be the worst spaz meltdown in a century.
>This thread
Is there anything more cringy than people talking their "epic" hallucinogen trips?
>hey bro, I totally dun psychedelics over 250 times. But i'm mr.scientist, doin it for science
Ok buddo. You and a million other people.
>I dun go to rave n outdoor party
Fuck off normiefag.
It's not even repetitiveness that bothers me, because I understand human experiences only have so many variations and this doesn't diminish their value. Stoner tales (especially pot/hallucinogens) are just cringefest though. At least drunk tales can be fun. drugfags always strike me as having an aura of unjustified elitism. They think they are fucking prophets because they snort mxe and shit. OP made a great point. Enjoy your CIA cocktails.
It's almost as if certain drugs create altered cognitive states with altered emotional weights! Or to put it simply, you play and get more creative.
And how are hallucinogenic stories supposed to be "fun"? You're talking about living in a society of sociopathic manipulative robots. To realize that a frame, of mind, is just a frame of mind. The experience is fun but lends itself poorly to poetic language that isn't saccharine.
Remember, there are a lot of defeated lobsters in our society. Not even defeated by superiority but by bad information. For all the complaints about it,the internet has enabled an flood of information better than bad. We're just living in a time where bad information is official propaganda.
>late-20s early-30s
It's just me or every stoner has the exactly same opinion on how or society is evil, manipulative and oppressive, how drugs make you free, creative, happy, without any collateral effect and there a system that hide the truth from us?
2/3rds of military jobs are mere support. "Veteran" in legal parlance just means anybody who spent a day in the military and above.
Well you live in a world driven by FIRE industries which are overwhelmingly headed by tribal psychopaths. And in a world where a lot of your materials, including a majority of rare earth minerals, are harvested by literal slaves.
This is also the same world where Nestle stunted the neurological development of millions of third-world babies by giving out free formula. That's shit nutritionally in comparison to breast milk. A monstrosity larger than the holocaust and nobody says a word.
>This is also the same world where Nestle stunted the neurological development of millions of third-world babies by giving out free formula. That's shit nutritionally in comparison to breast milk. A monstrosity larger than the holocaust and nobody says a word.
I can imagine this bullshit coming out from a local stoner, just in other language... do MXE make you think alike?
>2/3rds of military jobs are mere support. "Veteran" in legal parlance just means anybody who spent a day in the military and above.
This is what stoner think of military and veterans?
its more like 3/4
combat:noncombat is like 1:3
I don't see how it's bullshit when it's been well documented. Formula is shit compared to breast milk, which also confers antibodies that protect against harmful bacteria and viruses, Otherwise they'd infect the baby and trigger constant inflammation responses that stunt growth.
I'm a veteran you idiot. The military isn't a holy institution. Our DoD is the 2nd largest bureaucracy behind the People's Liberation Army.
If you think government departments are bloated bureaucracies, wait 'till you get into the military.
>And how are hallucinogenic stories supposed to be "fun"? You're talking about living in a society of sociopathic manipulative robots. To realize that a frame, of mind, is just a frame of mind. The experience is fun but lends itself poorly to poetic language that isn't saccharine.
fair enough, but don’t think anyone actually cares who isn’t part of your circle jerk. Let alone is entertained.
>I've done psychedelics over 250 times
is this suppose to be a praisworthy accomplishment? Getting a college degree is an accomplishment. Cleaning your room is an accomplishment. taking psychedelics over 250 times is just shit.
>formula stunts neurological development
it quite literally does not
You just a weight in a decadent army
I only say it to say "I have experience". But on the other hand I think a lot of society is shit and cognitive traps. That time exploring and playing was worth more than all the stupid low-energy social traps. But as I said, I only put that forth to say "I have experience" because I've seen a lot of stupid shit that could be easily avoided.
I've honestly heard this exactly phrase more than one time, just in other languages
Can somebody please tell me where I can buy LSD in Los Angeles?
There's a difference between not breast feeding in a society with abundant nutrition, relative safety, and good sanitation.
If you're an infant in Haiti, breast milk is quite literally your shield against infectious disease. So it's kind of a dick move to push formula onto poor motherfuckers just so they can give you money in exchange for impairing their kids,
>thinks he's any better
lmao get fucked mr. cirrhosis
You've never been to a poor country, have you?
How does that relate to neurological development again?
Also, source?
And when I say source, I mean source on formula impairing your immune system development as well as studies showing that it actually caused a significant increase in infant mortality due to infectious diseases in the countries it was implemented in.
Are you asking a stoner for source?
>At least drunk stories can be fun means i’m an alcoholic
I haven’t had a sip of alcohol since the christmas season.
Not him but you don't have to drink constantly to have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, user.
>hey remember when I made this same thread a couple of days ago
I barley drink at all. Makes me stupid, and i’m in college. Can’t afford to forgot yesterdays material.
Let me tell you another biology story. So why did Southerners have a reputation for being a little slow and a little lazy? The heat and humidity was certainly a factor but then you had southern farmers being out competed by northern black farmers. And this difference accelerated after the Civil War. Blacks, at the very least, had a real productive advantage over southern whites.
But why? Turns out that imported slaves had a few parasites which they had immunity to but to which southern slavers did not.. And then imagine slaves 'tilling a food farm and getting those parasites everywhere...
I keep to heart Nietzche's injunction against putting moral tales and ideals above the actual fundamentals of a life. Diet and habit. People can be shittier people given the right shit diet which promotes shit habit.
Breast milk really isn't that amazing when the person giving it to you is also malnourished. Formula is distributed in poorer countries where the mothers may not be able to provide the proper nutrients in their breast milk anyways. Not that a stoner would do their research, of course.
It's a beautiful thing, how threads that start the same can have two different outcomes
Source on that.
>instead of giving a single source or explaining my strange claim, I'll do a stranger claim
From the same source: pbs.org
There were a couple of pediatric studies which showed that illness struck non-breastfed babies 16-fold in the first two months of life, versus breastfed babies. Unfortunately I'm not a robot with perfect memory nor a real discipline to keeping my citations so bear with the delay.
More from that "source": pbs.org
That's just writer's block trying to magnify something insignificant. It's like saying an article in Nature was badly done so the whole journal is shit.
If studies show it, you could at least show us one study, all I've searched say the exactly apposite.
So on top of not having any sources, you are a useless stoner who's incapable of using a search engine to find papers that support his argument? Good to know.
Even then, you'd still need papers demonstrating an increase in infant mortality in the specific countries affected by the formula.
I asked for a study, not a corporate "NGO" saying how they have saved the south from a south america parasite that affects both blacks and whites.
While you continue searching, here's a paper that questions the usefulness of breast milk in controlling infectious diseases in the first place.
Look let's be reasonable people. We know infant exposure to infectious diseases stunts growth. We know breast milk contains antibodies that protect the infant. We know Nestle put out an impressive multinational marketing campaign including sending representatives to hospitals and pushing free formula.
We also know diet is more than calories and that inflammation hinders cognitive ability. Hmm...
Not a single peer review
I live in a poor south america country... I don't need a mentally damaged stoner to tell me how what I can see every day "really is"
>we know breast milk contains antibodies that protect the infant
top fucking kek m8, the antibodies are there to protect the mother, not the infant, see You have yet to show a source on the inflammation thing, or even that it hinders cognitive ability, whereas I have provided an academic paper that shows no significant relationship between what specific feeding method an infant is given and its cognitive development here reasonable people use sources when debating.
Its been cited by 32 people scholar.google.com
So a lot of people in your country have parasites that hinder growth. I don't see how it's "mentally damaged" to assess how parasites alter growth and behavior.
>cited is the same as peer review
you really are damaged
>Look let's be reasonable people.
>please ignore the fact that I can't find any papers that support my view because I'm a retarded stoner
>you really are damaged
says the guy who hasn't cited a single source this entire thread
A lot of people on my country do have parasites, we are even taught about it in school, but parasites don't work like you imagine they do...
I'm not making some crazy claims about countries that I don't know anything about
another one for you while I wait for that high-quality literature
We live in a world of limited information, a lot of which is bad anyways. We live in a world of limited computation. I'm not a "retarded stoner" when I've seen how diet and habit in adults accelerate aging and health problems. It's not the boldest leap, in a society that encourages really shitty diets and really shitty strategies for losing weight, to be prejudiced against the entity which has a profit motive to replace breast feeding with shit formula.
We've lived in a dumpster of terrible information about the fundamentals. How can I "think good" if infectious inflammation degrades my cognition?
>Limited information
>Make empty claims of countries you don't now anything about to support your point
It's fairly common knowledge that infant infections can have life long consequences. Why do you think preganant women are told not to be near cats? Because infant taxoplasmosis causes increases in premature birth (something like 50% of infants with TX). It can also cause eye and skin damage.
Other clearly false claim, without any kind of evidence
>we live in a world of limited information
We live in a world of constant, almost unlimited access to information. The fact that your malformed stoner mind is incapable of using a fucking search engine is the issue here, not these nebulous big corporations whom you haven't yet presented a valid reason to hate.
>shit formula
still haven't seen a citation showing the massive negative health effects related to formula you keep pushing, while I've posted several which seem to contradict what you're saying.
>We've lived in a dumpster of terrible information about the fundamentals.
Scientifc papers are terrible information now? Do you have a PHD in nutrition from harvard or something? is that why you seem to think you're enough of an expert on nutritional sciences that you can make baseless, unsourced claims on an anime imageboard?
>How can I "think good" if infectious inflammation degrades my cognition?
Once again, you've failed to cite any papers that demonstrate an increase in this alleged inflamation, while I have cited a paper that shows no significant decrease in cognitive ability among formula-fed children.
Infant taxoplasmosis is a lie. The evil doctor cartel has it in for the cat and cat litter industries.
I'm honestly interest on why ever stoner, no matter age, education, location, language or access to information think exactly the same
Its been 40 minutes user, where are those papers?
>Scientifc papers are terrible information now?
You completely twisted my intent. I'm talking about what is considered "common knowledge" and mass culture. You have to be an idiot to not see the mountains of bad information and bad faith unleashed upon people.
Imagine seeing a society that would rather treat acute cancer and diabetes than make simple changes to dietary habits. But mass culture , in regards to nutrition, has been almost barbaric. Public schools feed kids shit diets that don't satiate them.
If Americans had a diet of eggs and bacon, minus the toast, trillions would be saved. If americans practiced intermittent fasting, trillions would be saved. Instead we wait for people to bloat up with very treatable conditions that exacerbate other parts. So that part of the cream of the crop can keep some poor fucker alive in his prison of fat and muscle wastage.
At least they aren't frogposters
Another batshit insane claim instead of evidence, now it's diets on american schools
Oh, the stoner is going off on a retarded tangent. Who would have thought?
>mountains of bad information and bad faith unleashed upon the people
What bad information? That formula isn't bad compared to breast milk? Because that's not bad information, its correct information.
What the fuck are you talking about public school nutrition for, faggot? We're discussing breast milk vs formula, not what the lunch lady put on your tray yesterday (how is high school, by the way?).
Address my points about baby formula or admit that you're wrong and stop going off on tangents to conceal your fucking ignorance on the matter.
But I like to put such things in terms of bet. I bet that I will win more on such and such positions than other such and such conditions. Because we're literally in a field of limited information (a bunch of studies on a website is not the same as complete sorting through all possible configurations of mechanics) and a field of information asymmetry.
My position is that my stated opinions have a far bigger payoff than alternate opinions. And so far it's been working in my personal life.
>That formula isn't bad compared to breast milk? Because that's not bad information, its correct information.
How is it correct information in a world where infectious diseases stunt infant growth and that replacing breast milk with formula is disastrous in societies with lower quality of life, health, and safety than 1st world countries?
You really have to say all everyone is ignorant because you can't show any evidence
Again, you never leaved your country and want to tell someone that lives in 3rd world how 3rd world is, that's pathetic
>But I like to put such things in terms of bet. I bet that I will win more on such and such positions than other such and such conditions.
Completely irrelevant, you're not smart because you go off on some bullshit direction because you're losing an argument.
>we're in a field of limited information
nearly unlimited information.
>because a bunch of studies on a website is not the same as sorting through all possible configurations of mechanics
I bet you deny climate change too because "its just a bunch of studies".
>My position is that my stated opinions have a far bigger payoff than alternate opinions.
You have yet to prove that your opinions are even based on fact.
>so far its been working in my personal life
What the actual fuck are you even going on about m8
citation fucking needed, faggot.
>What the fuck are you talking about public school nutrition for, faggot?
Because that's where kids can get 2 (maybe 3) meals a day and be socialized into "what is good" and "what is not good". Funny enough, the timing of meals is socialized in that aspect. But it'd probably be healthier to just eat a single large meal and allow the fasting state to hit.
But we love our insulin resistance so we stuff kids with shit bread sugar.
We're talking about breast milk, not school lunches. Why are you bringing that up? Its okay to admit you were fucking wrong.
As I said, I think in terms of bets and I have stronger confidence in my positions. We don't become masters of knowledge by reading studies. We become masters of making the most likely bet in a field of information asymmetry, limited information, and hard computational limits.
Now tell me why formula is so good for babies if that's the bet you made.
>People have being eating bread for more than 3500
>the recent surge of diabetes is caused by bread
Even when trying to change the subject so you don't have to a admit you're wrong, you fail
> We don't become masters of knowledge by reading studies. We become masters of making the most likely bet in a field of information asymmetry, limited information, and hard computational limits.
Lol, I've not keked this hard in a whole week
My point was that "little things" (diet and habit) have lifelong consequences if blindly followed. As I said before, we'd rather spend trillions treating acute symptoms that have been developing in a lifetime of shit diets. As opposed to eating less sugar and supplementing with various vitamins and minerals based on age, especially as the cellular machinery for absorbing certain V/Ms degrades. Grandpa should be supplementing with Zinc and all that.
>I think in terms of bets and i have stronger confidence in my positions
You think your positions are strong because you believe in them really really hard? I guess nazis are right, then.
>We don't become masters of knowledge by reading studies.
We literally do.
>We become masters of making the most likely bet in a field of information asymmetry, limited information, and hard computational limits.
That's not accumulating knowledge, that's attempting to win an argument. Why are you using big words to disguise the fact that you don't know what you're talking about?
>Now tell me why formula is so good for babies if that's the bet you made.
Because it provides nutrition on the same level as breast milk for developing children while not affecting the immune system development of the child at all, as evidenced in the papers i've repeatedly posted.
If you're not going to respond to my actual arguments why do you keep posting? Just to go off on tangents?
>>People have being eating bread for more than 3500
>>the recent surge of diabetes is caused by bread
Imagine Wonder Bread. Now you can eat a bunch of literal sugar without the fiber slowing down absorption. Imagine all the fucking sugar thrown at kids, Your fucking ketchup has corn syrup. It's almost as if spiking insulin resistance causes a cascade of conditions which are only exacerbated by developing diabetes.
And what is wrong with it?
You are too damage to even understand what an argument or knowledge are all about