Told my friend to buy bitcoin 6 months ago

He did. Now he is sitting on 300% returns.

He told me he havent received his bitcoin cash and is still waiting on them.

I told him its lost forever. He isnt aware it's worth 600$ each.

How can I proceed to gain atleast one bitcoin cash from him?

I helped him get rich, now he should help me.

tell him you need to check his private keys for spelling mistakes

>I told him its lost forever. He isnt aware it's worth 600$ each.
Tell him you're going to try to recover it and work with the computer in front of him.
If he's a retard he's not going to understand what you're doing.

If he uses there's a high chance the bitcoin cash is there waiting. Good luck and good job getting your friend into crypto :).

gonna try this

>helped him getting rich
you didnt do shit you told him about a risky as hell investment and he got lucky
and now youre jelly and try to steal his bitcoin cash ?
i wouldnt want you as friend.

not stealing just gonna ask for it if he wants to help me do it for some cash

Then jusk ask him instead of stealing from him. You are a garage Human beeing

Why would you go out giving advice that you yourself didn't follow? Why weren't u buying 6 months ago you retard

just your typical Veeky Forumsness move