>99% somali
>99% muslim
>one of the only homogeneous nations on earth
>somehow manages to be the most divided and unstable country on earth
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So were Japan and China for most of history.
Blacks, user. They ruin everything.
*sigh* looks like it’s another “diversity and multiculturalism doesn’t exist within ethnic groups” episode.
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger!!!!!!
What we know as modern day somalia wasn’t united until 1960
Couple that with a tribalist dictatorship and you have a recipe for disaster
>tribalist dictator
>in a homogeneous country
You are wrong on that.
They are ALL culturally the same
It's weird because if Somalia would one day somehow get its shit together they'd quickly become an economic powerhouse simply because they have a perfect geographical position between Africa, Middle East and Indian ocean.
That’s probably not gonna happen in our lifetimes. Kenya and Ethiopia has been bullying this nation for decades. They will always keep Somalia a shithole since they are infinitely stronger politically and economically to Somalia so they can’t do nothing about it.
Somalia has several clans. A lot of tension occurs among them. Even among refugees clan rivalry is present
Don't forget the entire north being under self-federalized states that openly make agreements with foreign countries regarding bases and oil reserves
Oh and the Ethiopian occupation in the Ogaden doesn't help either
President of Somalia is basically just the mayor of Mogadishu
religious and ethnically but they have tribes and shit
>99% muslim
theres yer problem
Djibouti and Kenya fill the role of East African maritime infrastructure quite well. Particularly Djibouti, which has relatively advanced facilities for a port south of the canal.
somalis are arrogant as fuck. its nice seeing ethiopians slap em around a bit
>its an all niggers are the same ethnicity episode
The country is literally named after the ethnic group
Somalis are the most stupidest fuckers you’ll ever see. I’m a Britbong here and everyone knows how these stupid Somalis are. They do shit in school, then they join a gang (if not make up one there friends). This is the exact same in all Somalian communities. From Sweden to South Africa everyone knows how fucking stupid they are.
>ebin civ nat multculti doesn't explain somalia
>racial theory does
You forgot 100% black.
>cuck cuck cuck cuck
is your argument destroyed yet?
>100% black
user us Somalis are not black. The reason why we are a nigger tier nation is because Ethiopian niggers formed rebel groups to overthrow our hero Siad Barre.
user you lack BASIC anthropology. Somalis are Arab. We have been enslaving Bantu niggers for thousands of years
>Muslims are a monolithic culture
>Somali's are a monolithic culture
Made a few mistakes here user
>user us Somalis are not black
Those IQ test are the same as Bantus so yes you are fucking niggers. Even Ethiopians are niggers based on IQ test and how Israel treats them.
*smacks lips*
So you be saying...
Somalia is gonna be a real life Wakanda n' SHEEEIIIITTT?
Black Panther movie wasn't offensive but it sure was honestly boring.
>Marvel Comics black power fantasy
I'm sure Tyrones in the West loved it.
Interestingly they have a lot of transsexuals. I have fucked 3 Somali transwomen in London already, it's part of their culture you don't learn that much in the media.
Objectively wrong. China was at the forefront of civilization for most of its history.
Japan on the other hand. Yeah their culture was basically China knock-offs until they industrialised.
Black Panther was a good movie. Say what you want but I enjoyed it, I’m not even a nigger
No it was united in the early 20th century, 1910-20. Most nations are actually this young anyway.
If Siad Barre didn't invade the Ogaden it would be the strongest and most advanced country in the region (Africa and the Middle East).
My favorite part is that the movie is full of kweenz and strong womyn even though most of Africa is very traditional and patriarchal. Just typical American degeneracy projected on a continent they know nothing about, I'm surprised the main character wasn't gay as well.
Somolians are ayys
the other one percent is clearly not hohol, or it wouldn't be in trouble
hohol mafia
There's a reason niggers act like niggers everywhere they are in the world.
Is there any particular reason why Somalis look like they have hydrocephalus?
Clan based politics combined with a system built on hyper-clientelism, plus a deeply entrenched conflict economy, make it a real hard one to sort out. Biarre had some half-baked socialist policies that were supposed to stop it, but even in his time the clan-system was super pervasive in government. After Biarre it all essentially fell apart, and like some other anons have mentioned, neighbors like Ethiopia and Kenya have a vested interest in keeping Somalia the way it is.
Apparently they were an ancient Phoenician colony who were a naval super power for centuries up until the british bombed them into anarcho-pimitivism in the early 20th century.
This they broke the HypoKorean’s back
There wasn't any, men were still in charge.
Hey Killmonger
% somali
Opinion discarded.
Kys faggot
I read somewhere that Nigerians had a higher iq than Ethiopia. Can't find it for the life of me
Their skulls have trouble accommodating their gigantic brains.
>tfw to smart for unification
>fucking muslim nigger trannies
Sounds like a very niche degenerate fetish
That explains it
So why is the rest of Africa more stable and prosperous than Somalia?
Somalis are 50% caucasoid but their country is the biggest shithole in the continent.
Somalis are the niggers of Africa.
Nobody can stand them because all they do is rape, kill, steal, sell drugs, leech from better countries, and spread their cancer religion.
I unironically witnessed a Ethiopian dad tell his kids to eat because they are children in Somalia starving that would kill to have that food. Pretty funny shit
Also: youtu.be
kek, this is too funny
>50% Caucasoid
That's expected, racemixed mongrels are always worse than pure races. The Aztecs and the Spaniards each had advanced civilizations, but their offspring, Mexican mestizos, are literal human garbage.
Nigeria’s average IQ is 84 which is higher than India, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Lebanon, Honduras, and Qatar.
Ethiopia is 69 and Somalia is 68.
Caucasoids are supposedly superior to Negroids so using racist logic Somalis should be the #1 country in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Even if Caucasians were superior to Negroids, MONGRELS are inferior to everyone. Mixing races should be a criminal offense.
How? Mixed people are in between both
Nope. African Americans (20% white on average) are subhuman compared to both pure whites and pure blacks.
This is debatable. Thier average IQ is 85 which is higher than just about every african country.
And their murder rate is worse than in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe doesn't keep good records.
Nah, they’re pretty accurate when it comes to murder stats
Watching that video is like watching a /pol/tard complaining about Jews
The average Somali earns more money than the average Kenyan, a lot of Kenyans complain about Somalis opening up businesses in the CBD
>are subhuman
>compared to pure blacks
in what way?
Crime? Crime in Africa is all over the place. You got places like Ghana and places like South Africa. The average admixture might be 20%, but the prevalence of the warrior gene variant is in 5% . We won't really know unless they do a comparative study for those genes on Nigerians and other west africans. Is the prevalence of violence enough to be subhuman if it doesn't pertain to most, when they have a higher avg IQ? I don't even know what subhuman is supposed to mean anymore.
Lol they really must be ethnically homogeneous to a ridiculous degree- they truly all look the fucking same it's madness
>this thread
>I'm surprised the main character wasn't gay as well.
If you want niggers to NOT watch your movie, you make the main character a fag and not a Real Nigga.
How liberals justify the behavior of most niggers and still turn around with their progressive LGBT shit will always escape me
Japan and china never had a single religion.
Japan was split into Shinto/Animism and Buddhism
China was split into Dao/Confusionism/Buddism/Animism/etc
China for most part had been a union of multiple different ethnic groups, Han identity is merely the result of absorption of those identities over long periods of time.
The villain was a "real nigga" while main guy wasn't. How many "real niggas" are in a Tyler Perry movie or an episode of Blackish? The percentage of blacks that are for/against gay marriage is split down the middle so LGBT support goes either way.
Ghana has over 2x less murders per capita than Russia
So I exaggerated a little but their history is pretty cool and they're credited with domesticating the camel.
>My favorite part is that the movie is full of kweenz and strong womyn even though most of Africa is very traditional and patriarchal.
Men were in charge but many women in African societies had/have notable roles and impact in society.
Women's War is one big one.
Also Eastleigh
>Starting in late 2012, a mass exodus of Somali residents was reported after a prolonged period of harassment by the Kenyan police and public. Hundreds of Somali entrepreneurs withdrew between Sh10 to Sh40 billion from their bank accounts, with the intention of reinvesting most of that money back home in Somalia. The collective departures most affected Eastleigh's real estate sector, as landlords struggled to find Kenyans able to afford the high rates of the apartments and shops vacated by the Somalis.
What's with fucks like you using the phrase "niggers of X". It's such an extreme American projection
But they are doing very well in South Africa.
>Somali businesses have offered goods to customers at lower prices than their local competitors, cornering the market in many areas. By 2010, Somali entrepreneurs provided most of the retail trade in informal settlements around the Western Cape province, among other places.[3] Somali-owned convenience shops selling products like snacks, soft drinks and clothing have been especially successful.
>In 2008, xenophobic riots against immigrants broke out in the Western Cape province, displacing some 20,000 foreign nationals. The Somali community's insular nature reportedly helped protect it from the worst of the violence. However, many Somali-owned stores and supermarkets were destroyed and looted.
>Concurrently, Somali traders and establishments have become increasingly targeted for violence and robbery. The willingness of many Somali merchants to work anywhere, including run-down townships, has facilitated the attacks.
Be honest, how long have you been on Veeky Forums?
Why does it matter. That comparison is so vague as fuck, nonsensical as well as completely glossing over the historical context.
>Why does it matter
You know why.
You gonna call me a redditor and sperg out?
You're the only one sperging out about a word so far.
I'm not. Just saying it isn't an apt comparison.
You're a nigger.