I know it has been shilled a lot, but guys I'm serius. If you dont get on this now you will regret it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Unfortunately an army of shills is the only feature this coin has.
Even the tor integration is potentially dangerous, making verge less secure than the original dogecoin.
Love the monero bagholders. Verge doesn't even have shills, just greedy Veeky Forumstards too impatient to wait until wraith releases for the actual moon.
Wraith Protocol will change the game for privacy cryptocurrencies. Going to see HUGE gains in market cap and very short term (few months) overtaking monero.
Zencash might end up beating Verge, but until they make an announcement, Verge will be targetting $1b market cap
And what exactly is this "wraith protocol"?
Did they show any actual technical details yet?
Last time I checked they had just the cool sounding name and nothing else.
I get suspicious when a coin is primarily discussed here and nowhere else. I'm debating buying in to either this Req or both after a dip. (it looks like both should dip sometime this evening)
Seriously considering getting out of it now
not sure if fud or shill
>wraith protocol
Still waiting for someone to tell me how it works.
Kek you noob is this you first day here? its a WRAITH PROTOCOL, noone knows how it works thats the idea behind it. You have a button and if you click it you go invisible and get 50 chicken tendies
lmao that is the gayest picture ive ever seen. is this official? or did the fanboy nerd in the picture make it?
You can show your transaction in the open on the network or you can hide all info about the transaction using wraith, making it untraceable like tor, read the updated black paper, best new thing for privacy to hit the blockchain
When will the infrared paper be released? Is it pre X-ray?
you speak the truth. i knew weeks ago that this was going to moon, i've been silently stocking up, almost 1M XVG right now and couldn't be comfier. I seriously think I'll 5-10x my gains in the next month
Too much shillings, BTT is full of verge people to. They all just want the 10,20-100x gains, talk about a shit community. Any reason why people wouldn't just use Monero or ZenCash/Zcash instead to buy their drugs than this Dogecoindark?
Wow that looks so fucking gay
>making verge less secure than the original dogecoin
Wow security specialists everyone. OK newfriend, you just stick with XMR and enjoy getting dumped on by fluffycu.ck.
Nice, just sold 100k
XVg is mooning today, meme lines dont lie.
Anyone actually serious about staying anonymous will transparently proxy their entire system through tor, not just individual applications. Using verge with a built-in tor client on such a system creates a tor-over-tor scenario, which isn't considered safe.