Holocaust deniers in 2018

>Holocaust deniers in 2018

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In the current year

The truth doesn't fear investigation.

>implying anyone is preventing you from investigating the truth


If you are not a burguer, jail waits for you

lol no

Let's all be honest, is the world sincerely worse off for six million fewer Jews?


~90% of them were shtetl Orthodox weirdos

Based Russia!

Putin isn't a jew hating lad

Why would a nation in the middle of a war (which they are losing) spend valuable resources killing people they could use for slave labor?

surprised at Russia but than again they got invaded so they got to put more blame... and what the fuck is up with it being a crime for free speech??!?!?!

I know that. Of course Putin doesn't hate the Jews.

Why would a nation in the middle of a war (which they are losing) spend valuable resources developing, testing, and then employing a thoroughly useless weapon that can't hit the broad side of a city, and doesn't do much damage when it does. Clearly, the V weapons never existed.

>the v weapons were useless

Nazi Germany used jews as slave labor during the war

But they did

>It-it never happened guys. Really.

The V1 was okay, the V2 was garbage

Why are you assuming that the nation that every action taken by the nation that sank extensive resources into dumb superweapons was completely rational?
Yes, they were.

They were.

> those of us who were seriously engaged in the war were very grateful to Wernher von Braun. We knew that each V-2 cost as much to produce as a high-performance fighter airplane. We knew that German forces on the fighting fronts were in desperate need of airplanes, and that the V-2 rockets were doing us no military damage. From our point of view, the V-2 program was almost as good as if Hitler had adopted a policy of unilateral disarmament."

I believe the quote was from Dyson. In any case, the point is clear. If you (stupidly) think the V-weapon program was a good idea, I can point to the policy of giving the best equipment to the newest soldiers so they can promptly lose it to stupid shit, or having two completely different and competing "high commands", or the repeated no retreat orders that got large formations pocketed, the reinforcement of Tunis against the wishes of the theater commander, the garrisoning of Norway with a colossal force, the construction of the BIsmark and Tirpitz, etc.

The German regime made a whole lot of really stupid, suboptimal, and even irrational decisions. What's one more?

Its a shame the term holocaust denial is so broad in spectrum.

A lot of people don't deny that it happened, but disagree on the numbers of deaths directly due to extermination procedure vs. disease, malnourishment etc. or which camps are designated death camps, or modifications made to the camps post capture which are fair points of contention - however, those people are grouped in with individuals who believe absolutely nothing happened, and it portrays them not only dishonestly, but prevents discussion at all.

Similarly, the deaths of homosexuals, roma, ethnic poles, slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, intellectually disabled, birth defects, deformed, physically disabled, schizophrenics, epileptics, dementia, political opponents, etc. ad nauseum all gets swept under the rug and this is another point in contention that sometimes gets construed as holocaust denial.

Hell, even arguing that the Holocaust itself, is not the only, most lethal nor most important genocide will be met with the tag of Holocaust denial and anti-semitism.

So really, its a loaded term to begin with and mocking people haphazardly labeled with it seems hardly fair.

holy shit an actual smart person on Veeky Forums, are you real?

No just someone that agree with you

go fuck yourself, okay?

He isn't smart. He's a holocaust denier pretending to be neutral or objective.

there is a difference between investigating the truth and breaking anti-denier laws

Nothing like empty smart talk and showing how much you care of the innocents, here is your (you)

murder is wrong

>no argument and no sources
get fucked brainlet 5 v2 could level moscow just imagine what a v3 could do

jidf on point tonight

The same difference in investigating the truth and don't praising the great leader in NK

>the deaths of homosexuals, roma, ethnic poles, slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, intellectually disabled, birth defects, deformed, physically disabled, schizophrenics, epileptics, dementia, political opponents, etc. ad nauseum all gets swept under the rug

Do they really? In highschool we gave plenty of attention to Aktion T4 and talked about the general mistreatment of Eastern Front prisoners as a way of "diversifying" discussion

>v2 could level moscow
Then why didn't it?

All of you are being good little goyims. Keep talking about the Holocawst as it makes us people of zion very happy. Goyim are cattles and they are going to be slaves of zion because goy are nothing but cattle. Be good goyim cattle.

I hurted you, cinamon roll?

Because they are as expensive as an good airplane and useless

>surprised at Russia
Why? Russia is controlled by the Jews even more than the west.

Did you know that more money was spent on the V2 project than the manhattan project?

The type XXI U-boat was the only German secret weapon project that was actually worth the pricetag, but even then by the time it was done the war was long since decided.

I'm jewish, not a goy

>You rape children!
>I don't. That's slander. It's a lie that threatens my good name, safety, and way of life. I'm taking this to court.
>WTF the truth doesn't fear investigation!

A v-2 carried a warhead of about 725 kg.

5 of them constitute 3,625 kg of explosives, or about 3.6 metric tons. That's less than the standard payload of a single B-17. aviation-history.com/boeing/b17.html

Are you saying that a single B-17 could level a city the size of Moscow? Why did'n't they level Berlin, which was, after all, repeatedly struck by B-17s.

Yeah well they can always apologise for killing Christ

Also the v-2 only had an operational range of 320km, a B-17 had a range of over 3000km.
The first true ICBM wouldn't come online until 1959.

Also ballistic missiles are absolutely not worth the cost of building them if you're just going to put a conventional explosive on it.

Depends on where you are and who your teacher is mostly. When I worked in the public school system, Aktion T4, wasn't required education and a lot of teachers would just skip it or focus purely on the Jewish perspective. Contrary-wise, my wife's teacher when she was growing up focused heavily on Aktion T4. So it mostly boils down to district requirements, and teacher's efficacy.

You seem to have gotten Jews confused for Romans. I'm not really sure how, to be honest. Were your mother and father brother and sister?

Yes, even if you can prove it's wrong to call someone a rapist

there is no primary source to prove that Jesus ever even lived

Do B-17 and other meme american planes have any use other than bombing civilians without AA-guns or defense planes

That's the V-2's role as well.
>without AA-guns or defense planes
nigga what, do you have any idea how many resources were spent on the defense of the reich?

>You seem to have gotten Jews confused for Romans

Yes, the Romans went out of their way to interfere with the Jewish community because...???

About 10% to 15%, the rest was sent to the east front... how do you think americans did manage win a war if not against 10% of the enemy?

>believing Jews in 2018
Good goy

No, the majority of german aircraft production was used to defend the reich, as well as most of its anti-aircraft production. The air war was one of the few areas where the western allies bore the brunt of the german armed forces.

Because they conquered Judea, set up a puppet king to rule over them, said puppet king had little actual authority, so their decrees had to be backed up by Roman troops. I must say this is rather basic stuff, user. How is it you don't know this?

The fact that allies had a hard time don't mean they faced some real obstacle, a small obstacle can give some politicians and untrained civilians a hard time.

Maybe they could rule themselves if they didn't burned their food stocks during siege asking for a miracle

And why was Jesus such a threat to the Romans that he had to be killed?

>the fact that the allies had a hard time
That's not what I said, at all.

Do you shift the goalposts out of innate trollishness, or are you too stupid to understand the subject of discussion?

I know they didn't had a hard time, no matter how incompetent you are, it's too easy to backstab and save URSS

He's referring to Matthew 27. The rabbis and priests had Jesus bound and brought before Pontius Pilate. At the feast, Pilate offered two prisoners up for freeing. Barabbas and Jesus. The jews chose Barabbas, and when Pilate asked what to do with Jesus, the Jews cried for crucifixion. Pilate complied when he saw that arguments against were worthless against the rising tumult of the crowd. So he washed his hands and said I'm innocent of the blood of this just person. And the jews said his blood be on us and our children.

Under that logic, while the Romans may have carried out the execution, the reason and condemnation of death came from the Sanhedrin and by extension Jews.

Presumably because of that whole "claiming to be king of the Jews" thing. The Romans took a dim view to people who didn't have their say-so claiming crowns.

You should get mad every time someone don't talk what you would like


Yes, but Matthew is a well known bullshitter. (There's a prophecy that the Messiah will be a Nazarene! I know it's not in any other book but mine, but it really is a prophecy!) Furthermore, the entire paschal pardon narrative reeks to high heaven of shit. There are zero corroborating points of evidence for what is apparently a well known custom. Barrabas is almost certainly Jesus, what with his own given name being Jesus and his Aramaic differentiator meaning "Son of the Father". There is no indication, or even a clear reason why the Sanhedrin would be assembled in Jerusalem in front of Pilate's palace and not at the Temple offering their paschal sacrifices, or eating them after said offerings. And of course, everything else we know of Pilate suggests he's not the sort who would be intimidated by a mob, and ordered heavy-handed crackdowns at similar demonstrations of Judean will.

They ruled themselves just fine for over a century. They only stopped doing so when the Romans intervened in a civil war. Really makes you think, huh?

It could also be argued that they were saving resources in food, especially since agricultural production and supplies had been dwindling since the start of the war; there were less mouths that had to be fed

What the fuck are you even saying at this point?
My point was that allied air operations during the defense of the reich were primarily responsible for the complete destruction of the luftwaffe as an entity.
Germany produced 77,000 aircraft during the second world war (Ellis, John (1993). World War II - A statistical survey. Facts on File. p. 258.)
57,405 aircraft were destroyed during the defense of the reich (US Strategic Bombing Survey: Statistical Appendix to Overall Report (European War) (Feb 1947) table 1, p. X)
the majority of german air losses occurred during the defense of the reich. That says nothing about the copious amounts of anti-aircraft guns that were produced solely to defend german cities against western bombing efforts. There's a reason why the germans could barely muster a hundred or so fighters on the eastern front by 44-45.

are you implying that German cities did not have AA-guns?

You know that defending against USSR counts as defending the reich

the Judean client kingdom was long gone by the time of Jesus

You do know that the defense of the reich in this context refers to the air war over germany, right? Have you ever read anything about world war two before?

implying that most 88 and any other decent AA guns wasn't on the eastern front being used as anti-tank gun

Actually, most 88's were assigned to the defense of the reich.

We are talking about WW2 user, the actual war not some movie.

Incorrect. Agrippa kept kingship of all Judea years after the nominal death of Jesus circa 30-33 AD. At the contemporary time it had been divided among Herod the Great's descendants, but they were still client rulers over a subject people.

21,310 flak 88's were produced during ww2. 10,000 of them were present in the reich during 1944 ALONE.
I think you should consider suicide.

probably 1000 or 1500 being used as AA

No, all 10,000 of them present in germany itself in 1944 were being used as anti-aircraft guns.

Why are you feeding a troll?

Hehehehehhe hahahahaha hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho hahahahah heeeeee oh-hahahahahaha.
People still believe it happened?

Because Americans had a hard fight and won the war, even a dumb troll knows it

Yes, why you don't run away and think you are right anyway?

>people still posting this in 2018

>Holocaust deniers in 2093

>be amerifat
>wake up
>crawl from my filthy, crumb-covered sheets to computer chair
>throw the mountain dew bottles that litter my desk aside
>use sleeve to clean some of the accumulated grease off the keyboard
>let's get to work
>check my 17 tabs of Jew threads
>get to Veeky Forums
>someone has responded!
>"Well actually if you check Friedlander's works it refutes what you've said in detail..."
>lmao I'm not reading that
>I know I'm right already
>start another thread
>people start replying
>have a victory wank to BLACKED
>salute my Nazi flag
>go upstairs to see if mom has breakfast ready
>today is a good day

why did you necro this shitty thread with your dumb shitpost

it was fp when I opened

>people still believe in the lolocaust
wew lad

>the truth doesnt fear investigation
>deliberately edits photographs and makes up quotes

What did they mean by this?

>a stormfaggot doesn't have the slightest clue about what happened during the Holocaust

Every. Fucking. Thread.


name 6,000,000 people who died during the holocaust.

Name 16,000,000 who died during WW1

That doesnt lead to the gas chamber though

>it totally happened, goyim, stop asking questions

>it didnt happen, look at this unsourced infograph i found on /pol/

I thought you hated "amerimutts" for being pro-Jewish and anti-Nazi.

>l-logical fallacy guys!
You do realise that that is just another poor argument right?