What would happen to me in Nazi Germany if I said the following?
>Fuck Hitler
>I'm not going to salute, kiss my ass
>I don't like politics
>I think the State should leave us alone
>What's so great about Hitler anyway?
How fucked am I?
What would happen to me in Nazi Germany if I said the following?
>Fuck Hitler
>I'm not going to salute, kiss my ass
discrimination or prison
>I don't like politics
>I think the State should leave us alone
>What's so great about Hitler anyway?
Concentration camp or prison.
You get sent to Dachau, or if there is a war going on you get sent to die in one of the Strafbattalions.
you get sent to auschwitz on the holocauster where you are masturbated to death and turned into lamp shades by goering himself
Well user, it's me again. At least you weren't under Islam and Sharia law. If you said "fuck Islam" you would be beheaded. The Nazis didn't behead people for being against Allah.
>you'll never be masturbated to death by qt blonde nazi for not being white and turned into a lamp shade
Discrimination? Is that the worst thing that could happen to me? I figured I'd be investigated by the secret police or sent to prison, but discrimination? In what way?
By people that liked Hitler, secret police were more busy with commies trying to help USSR and sympathizes trying to help the allies... and after all german had 15 secret polices that refused to work together.
Openly stating these things and not just to your friends would very likely get you to prison / KZ if not even hanged (in the ending phase of the war)
You would get hanged yes but wouldn't get sent to any camp, they were overcrowded.
Guillotine after Stalingrad
Pick one
Depends on the person you are saying that to. The Gestapo largely relied on defemation.
>qt blonde nazi
>for not being white
>t. American
A beating, a week in jail, social neglect
epic meme bro, Germanistan, amirie xDD ?
actually they did behead people, though, for writing leaflets
>Fuck Hitler
>kiss my ass
People would have looked at you badly for speaking like a Nigger but nothing more.
If you were like the one in the that same photo (not very enthusiastic or directly an opponent to hitler but respectful of the democratic process that led Hitler to power) nobody would have done anything
You'd probably be sent to prison for such remarks
at least it wasn't for insulting Allah.