Top 20 public bank r&d company from India straight-up endorsed CL, GET IN.
>inb4 pajeets
Top 20 public bank r&d company from India straight-up endorsed CL, GET IN.
>inb4 pajeets
$7.4 BILLION in revenue this year. Put aside your hate of pajeets folks, this is fucking real.
"The time to buy is when there's shit in the streets."
Chainlink partnering with poo in loos. Finally the toilet problem is gonna be solved.
>literally ends up partnering with poo in loos after all the toilet memes
It's clearly an endorsement not a partnership
ripple is still faster cheaper then link.
banks will use ripple
These guys most likely had a rep at SIBOS. The timeline also coincides with yesterday's CL presentation (7hrs after the fact).
The seeds planted at SIBOS could be gaining effect. Don't kid yourselves that banks and other stakeholders aren't picking up on it.
>comparing ripple and link
Ripple and link do very different things.
Smart contracts are the future, no questions about it.
Chainlinks market is decentralized secure smart contract between chains.
A place in sibos is huge and it surprised me the market cap was only 100m (now even less) despite a contract with sibos
>The seeds planted at SIBOS could be gaining effect.
This is the banking industry we're talking about, the effects of Chainlink's Sibos demo will continue to manifest for years.
I still see chainlink as a gem but most would disagree. Its definitely nit even hidden. It's there, right in front if everyone
The seeds will GERMINATE!!!!!!!!1111
Banks are slow but have long attention spans.
Much of biz gave up on Link weeks ago when their overnight lambos didn't materialize, but banks are only just beginning to wake up.
The impatient will never make it.
Unironically bought 17k
>the impatient will never make it
Fucking this. Most of the teenagers on this board will end up losing all of their money because of this one simple fact.
Got 2.6k; will i make it fellow keyboard warriors?
Link won't have partners, it'll have users.
The partners it will have are development partners like town crier, ic3 etc.
It would make zero sense for users like banks to "partner" with Link, unless perhaps for bespoke node systems which in most small-scale cases any local code monkey could set up for them instead.
After centuries - the indian man finally rises oit of pure savagry
I am at 7k, am I going to make it?
>Tfw only 1850 LINK because of the 325EUR limit on coinbase
Thy use another thing completely different already made by the same company that made ripple
No, banks won't use ripple.