Why did the Zionist Jews and their American allies destroy Soviet civilization?
Why did the Zionist Jews and their American allies destroy Soviet civilization?
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Go to /pol/ for this
they feared the (actual) Aryan Russkiys
>soviet """civilization"""
I thought the commies were the jews, make up your minds /pol/ retards
/pol/ is unironically a Zionist board.
The Jews are behind both communism and neoliberalism.
because they started threatening Israel and kikes that controlled USSR crashed it
>Jew controlled Soviets started threatening Israel
> " Soviet civilization"
The Jews created both communism and modern capitalism.
Name a leftist contribution to civilization
Needs a looping gif form.
Workers rights to not get sacked for unsafe business practices resulting in injury
The same reason zionists created the soviet empire in the first place? I don't know, fuck off to /pol/, please
Why does he have a KMT star on his hat?
Workers have a right to get injured without being a burden to their employer
Bet you'd let the boss fuck your wife too
Why are leftists and right-leftists(/pol/) so disturbingly obsessed with cuckolding?
True redpill is understanding they're behind radical centrism by making the left and right look like retards.
Being apologetic about the boss sacking you because his shit business couldn't be arsed to ensure its workers welfare is one step up from actual cuckoldry
Wow. Never met a Nazi Marxist before.
Probably because they want to stop getting cucked.
needs one that fucking alien demoniod holding a stick over all of them.
>build socialism in worst conditions possible
>pull out of banker's world war
>defeat monarchist and capitalist invasion
>modernize in 5 years
>defeat their fascist dog in WW2
>beat capitalism to space
The redpill is knowing ((they)) hated pre-Kruschev USSR. Stalin pbuh only recognised Israel thinking they would turn commie after WW2. When that didnt happen they gave guns to Arafat.
>The redpill is knowing ((they)) hated pre-Kruschev USSR.
they hated post krushev USSR too. they only liked pre-Stalin USSR.
They only liked the USSR in the first couple of months before the shit hit the fan