>Putting your money in the hands of a SJW edgy teenager
Enjoy ETH redistribution whenever he does the inevitable trip to subsaharan Africa.
>Putting your money in the hands of a SJW edgy teenager
Enjoy ETH redistribution whenever he does the inevitable trip to subsaharan Africa.
>muh /pol/ le go back to /poleddit/
But seriously, you don't have to be a /pol/fag to hate virtue-signalling faggots
Vitalik just keeps on digging, doesn't he.
Who among you loves Trump more than money? Get the fuck off if Veeky Forums if you do.
>ETH fags ignore chain bloat
>ETH fags ignore vulnerable, weak smart contract language
Yeah I am sure the prospect of hiring an employee who objectively provides negative value will change these idiots minds.
Why even speak to ETH brainless?
True, seeing this honestly made me wanna dump all my eth. I'm so sick of faggots like this and I sure as fuck don't want to support them. Hope he gets a visit from the truck of peace.
You wouldn't say this to his face and he's probably half your age, smart, millionaire, can literally print ETH and a successful career. I don't like him because of philosophic pov on a lot of things. You can't say what you said.
I don't even care about Trump, I just hate virtue-signalling faggots. I think virtue-signalling is disingenuous and attention-seeking, not to mention immature. And quite frankly seeing it from the leadership of a project worries me as an investor.
trump btfo. also, fuck trump and his supporters. lol way to go vitalik. if i could, i would buy 100k eth
LooooooL Truck of Peace is a new one for me
just dump them, you virtue-signaling faggot.
This. I think Trump is senile but Vitalik is a massive pussy and that's worse.
Lost all respect for the cunt. Pretty sure he is a ((JEW)).
Lovin the FUD guys. I know you're all trying to create negative sentiment based on literally nothing. It's too obvious.
Remember anons: People can make money if the market goes up OR down. People always have an agenda.
IE user?
He wants to hire because it wasn't "human error" you think a twitter employee can take down President twitter because he "made an error"
No. Dude knows what he's doing I'm hoping vitalik figures out who he is.
Virtue signalling like pic related? Go back to being poor, faggot.
go back to you racist fuckers
Vitalik is more rightie than trump himself
Dude is a robot, doesn't care about sympathy or all that shit
Ah did I offend you, little bitch? And no I won't because I don't make emotional crypto decisions.
+1 for truck of peace
And you don't have to be SJW to dislike Trump
Hmmmm. What’s Sergey’s opinion on Trump?
>think this is about trump
An employee just took down presidents twitter which is the MOST SECURE TWITTER ACCOUNT on the platform. This wasn't a virtue signaling you idiots. Vitalik genuine impressed at the feat and want to hire geeees dumb idiots
All he did was click some "deactivate" button
Wow -.-
No shit sherlock
How is it more secure? Sure, outside of twitter offices or whatever the fuck that shit is, I assume you have to call them first telling them you want to login or shit like that but for an employee I assume it's the same for them to shut down a random account and the president's.
LMFAO Suck it you 4chain loser morons!!
You have to be SJW to like an action that silenced a democratically elected president just because you disagree with him. That level of extremism is not normal.
Are you retarded? This was a customer service contractor who used tools Twitter gives them to deactivate accounts. This indicates that even high profile accounts have no protection from contractors and is very bad for Twitter.
You might actually be retarded, if you do not understand simple technical concepts of this nature you should not invest in cryptocurrency.
Vitalik does not care about Trump. Honestly I think he was trying to be funny bc he think since the media is all hate trump it seemed like a good joke. Stop spreading FUD
Shut up Pajeet
This thread wouldn't exist if he said that about Obama
he'd get instead lot of 'based' replies
Ah so now you move the goal posts? Explain to me please how you know that Trumps page was secure. How secure was it that a contractor was able to disable it?
I said nothing about Trump you fucking idiot. This is not FUD, this is an objective take on Vitaliks shitty PR and his incompetence. If I really wanted to FUD your shitcoin I would post about how bad it's smart contract implementation is.
>Dickalick literally posts a tweet praising Harberger's taxes
>he-he's only being a crypto commie for the lulz
I'm wishing this isn't real but judging from comments here that tweet is real.
You're the edgy one not Vitalik, that's why you're so mad.
lol check out the big brain on brad hahahahaha
yes please break down how bad the eth smart contract is. please please i'm so curious and you seem to have some very smart answers.
>Wanting people to be able to express themselves even if I disagree with them is "edgy".
You may actually be right, not being an extremist authoritarian might start being considered edgy soon enough.
What money hating retard is still holding ETH?
Really getting sick of this guy. Look at how he responded to a simple joke. He acts so prissy and mean on his twitter.
So... You don't actually have any insight into the Twitter thing, you were just speaking out of your ass. Glad to know it.
Sure thing, ETH smart contract language is vulnerable. It's already been hacked before
And will continue to be hacked in the future. Further since ETH never thought ahead their block chain will massively outgrow the rest due to tokens using it endlessly. After a while you will need a cloud network to even hold the chain. Enjoy it hahahahaha
Here’s the chimp IQ poster
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
I honestly wonder what these fucking idiots think would happen if they hired this pajeet contractor. What value does he add to anything
Daily reminder that on the DOTR, right wing death squads will come to your neighborhood and genocide all shitlibs, cucks, and other subhuman degenerate trash. Can't wait to watch half the faggots in this thread swinging from lampposts.
He's not wrong about that. Out of all the accounts he disabled trumps. Idk.
ETH will inevitably fail because Vitalik would rather fap to trannies than develop good code.
You should not put your money in the hands of a gay 23 year old marxist who spends most of his waking hours on Twitter.
He's trolling. You're posting about it. He doesn't give a fuck - "virtue signalling", give me a break.
>kid who becomes wealthy acts superficial
He is not /ourguy/. I'm all in long LTC anyways, check out the RSI on daily chart
As someone who works in a large subscription based company, yes, it really is that easy for customer service to shut down large accounts.
His political views might be shit.
That doesnt really matter as much as his ability to deliver a good product.
I dont have to like the guy.
He needs to deliver.
ETH is not a good product and has no use cases beyond scam ICOs.
Its "language" is vulnerable and weak as shown by the Parity wallet hack and The DAO situation.
Vitalik is a gay 23 old marxist who wants to control things he doesn't like.
What a boss
His product is entirely reliant on his decisions, and politics might affect them.
You'd put your money in an ICO by Bernie Sanders?
I find the fact that Etherfags hold ETH long term a lot more funny.
That shitcoin hasn't moved past it's ATH which was settled in June JUNE.
Twitter and your company are different. Trumps Twitter account is one of the only things that makes the company float, they have openly said he makes them massive revenue and can't lose him. Any company worth anything would build measures to block specific accounts from being deactivated. I work enterprise software and I see my business partners bend over backwards for the high dollar earning clients.
I am not saying that the contractor should not be able to deactivate accounts, I am saying Twitter has been shown to not actually have any safeguards in place for high traffic or importance accounts and everyone knows that's fucking stupid.
This guy fucking gets it
Replace iota with ARK and have Iota crashing through the window with a suicide bomb on
Ltc is going to be btfo by vert and groestlecoin
Methheads are going to get burned by this loudmouth
I wouldn't buy a stock from a company that is openly political - its divide and kills half of your consumer base
Same with crypto
lol I think it's funny as fuck how Trump supporters are the biggest snowflake of them all.
One little tweet and you inbred retards are triggered haha.
Thankfully you invest with emotions and throw away your money
Selling all my eth. Fuck that moron. I thought russians were based
>I thought russians were based
how old are you, 13?
i thought that was a pretty witty comeback
Maybe thent he fact that the employee was able to deactivate trumps account is the reason why vitalik wants to hire him?
Serious question there.
I think the success of crypto currencies as a whole will benefit both SJW and 1488s far more than what they are doing for themselves at present will.
>buying and selling based on words that hurt your feelings
The state of Veeky Forums
>Vitalik is a gay 23 old marxist who wants to control things he doesn't like.
most people hate trump or at least pretend to care enough to. this is good marketing
That makes me like the money skelly even more
>Communist Money Skeleton VS Capitalist Money Belly
that's it I'm selling
There is nothing technically genius or even valuable about abusing the power given to you by an inadequate superior. Please explain to me what of value the employee did, and how they have benefited Twitter in a way that Vitalik would conceivably like to bring to his own product.
You can't because this employee fucked his company by abusing their lax standards. How fucking dense is this board?
Buterin must not know about the Trump curse...
Go look at Under Armor's stock quote after they blasted President Trump