To what religion should Romaboos convert to? Catholicism, Orthodoxy or Roman Paganism?
To what religion should Romaboos convert to? Catholicism, Orthodoxy or Roman Paganism?
Ptolemaic Era Kemetism.
they should venerate their own ancestors and build shrines to their most prestigious ones, do rituals to drive away spooky ghosts from their homes, and gut birds and other animals to divinate the future.
The Pope culturally appropriated the office of Pontifex Maximus, which is now the only surviving Roman institution
>A latin appropriated a title from a Latin
stupid fool
Religio Romana or Sol Invictus or Cultus Mithrae
The Cult of Sol Invictus
Mithras for Men. Vestal virgins for women.
Overall ancestor worship for the non ascetics
I know it's a philosophy not a religion, but it's honestly the patrician answer
>Iranian cults
fuck off
who is this semen demon?
Ancestor Worship IS the one true native Roman religious practice, you fucking dunce.
the truly roman answer is to follow what the romans worship, that is, BEGOM CATHOLIC
no it was given to him by the western emperor gratian in 380 i think. gratian was underrated.
Kike Cult
Iranian are our Med brothers, and are also our IE brothers. Kikes, on the other hand, are semitic untermenschen.
eleusinian mysteries
>Jews are indigenous to the Med
>Literally cluster with Italians and Greeks
>Somehow they aren’t Med but central Asians are
Oh my Jove, Hadrian, stop being such an irrumator for Greece
Good thing ROMAN Catholics continue the practice then.
a what?
>Good thing ROMAN Catholics continue the practice then.
No they don't.
Ancestor worship is literally treating your ancestors- people from whom you actually descended from- as domestic gods over your household.
The Veneration of Saints is derived from the Greco-Roman tradition of Hero Cults (the worship of individuals who performed epic deed like Alexander and whom everyone agrees underwent apotheosis)
>literally treating your ancestors- people from whom you actually descended from- as domestic gods over your household.
is it? You seem to be confusing the genius (spirit of the family exemplified by thr father) with literally worshiping the individual family members as gods. Also Catholics in Italy still make sacrifices for their dead in purgatory.
Mithras is the conqueror of the Sun. Very Solar symbolism all throughout it, unlike the Lunar religion of Orthodoxy baked in a solar cloak.
Mirthism was dead even before Christianity was legalized
it was actually pretty common among the warriors and in egypt until the persecutions by christians and muslims
Religio Romana is not an "iranic cult" or whatever the fuck you're being delusional about today.
it’s neopaganism. even worse. Sol Invictus and Mirthas are both Asiatic cults tho.
Sol Invictus is semitic
t. Reza Mohammad