What do you think of Pol Pot's last interview?
He pretty much says he was a gud boi and had no idea his men were pickaxe-ing people in the head.
What do you think of Pol Pot's last interview?
He pretty much says he was a gud boi and had no idea his men were pickaxe-ing people in the head.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Am I an evil man? No.
>I had no idea that the men in my party of which I was the head were doing things which I personally ordered and were in line with my policies
He is what happens when you let a man with average intelligence and communist ideas into power.
The fact that he was left to live peacefully despite everything that happened shows that he was really a valuable CIA asset all along.
>tfw you know deep down that you'll probably be just as bad as Pol Pot (or even worse) if you ever came into power
I really don't think that I would be as bad if I even tried to be.
>H-he was totally not a commie, guise, he was a CIA stooge!!
So this is what the emos evolved into
What the? You are actually 100% right about this on further examination. The West really are the bad guys of history.
>written on a computer
I mean US aid to the Khmer Rouge is a well-known fact, there's no denying it. Kissinger did everything he could to curb the Vietnamese influence in the area. even if it meant allying with China.
>written with a semitic alphabet
>with gandharan numbers
>semitic alphabet
Wrong. It may be influenced but to call greek and latin semitic is wrong.
Meanwhile westerners had other forms of writing, but the internet was invented solely by westerners so please leave the internet.
>call greek and latin semitic
No idiot, the alphabet is Phoenician. The language is not but the writing system is moron.
>greek and latin and phoenician aren't spearate alphabets
Are you dumb?
Never claimed the language was retard
The written alphabets of Latin and Greek is a Phoenician one with slight modifications. What do you not understand brainlet?
>but to call greek and latin semitic
Greek and Latin are languages. While Latin can be called a writing system (descended from the Phoenician alphabet), Greek is never called a writing system, your usage of these two together indicates language is meant, but you were too dumb to realize that or what the writing system of greek is - cyrillic. So yes, you did claim the language was.
>Greek - cyrillic
what a retard
Greek is the ancestor for Cyrillic and Latin scripts
>"but you were too dumb to realize that or what the writing system of greek is - cyrillic."
This is your clinically braindead quote, now stop trying to save your dumb ass.
I was reffering to greek and latin as writing systems from the start but obviously you didn't get that.
I ain't him.
Though it's pretty clear you were referring to the languages themselves.
>thought it was pretty clear...
Well, you thought wrong.
Idc if u are or aren't him but people who haven't a clue of what they're talking about should go to /pol/ or some other board
People who can't speak English like yourself should probably not be posting here :^)
Nice ad hominem there sperg, I speak 4 languages with english not being my native one you cretin.
>dumb ass
>clinically braindead
Ad Hominem who?
I have a reason for using it, you don't.
Very unfortunate. His mass murder of intellectuals is a comfort for anyone who has had to spend time amongst intellectuals.
Evil fucker.
Who was that western marxist academic that went full dindu nuffin on Pol Pot, then he went to Cambodia and was brutally murdered?
Please go back to plebbit.
You're thinking of Noam Chomsky, who didn't actually defend Pol Pot and was severely misrepresented in his arguments
You can't be both? :/
>but they can't pay taxes
What does she mean by this?
No he isn't.
no there was a journalist (either Australian or American, I don't remember) who went to Cambodia to shill the Khmer Rouge, and after he talked to someone in the Khmer Rouge a gunman broke into his hotel and killed him
Three days after Caldwell was killed, the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia and soon put an end to the Khmer Rouge government. According to Becker: "Malcolm Caldwell's death was caused by the madness of the regime he openly admired."[2]
>goes to shill for Pol Pot's regime
>end up being the smoking gun that destorys it
ayyyy poetic justice
top kek