What is the historical reason for this?
IQ by country
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>historical reason
There is only a racial one, otger reasons proceed from it.
China doesn't allow PISA or other tests to be given at random. They only allow it at preselected schools in major metro areas. So the reports if you read them normally read "Shanghai" or another city.
This map is fake as China has not allowed random sampling literally ever.
What is the historical reason for this?
The racial element cannot be 100% of the reasons. Even /pol/ tier books don't claim that.
It is 100% everything else proceeds from it.
considering the neighbours it's not like it would differ by much
Of course it's fake, it makes whi*eloids look stupider than chinks, nips and gooks, how can it be real??
But frankly speaking this chart is actually made by wh*teloids. You really need to try harder, whiteboi.
Hmm... I wonder why...
Language systems. Imagine spending your entire time reading this... You would be smarter in no time.
Read the study these datas are from, their methodology is shit, most countries didn't even had their population tested the score was just infered, and the ones that got tested often only tested a sample of about 10 personn often children or teenagers.
I think genetics have an influance in IQ but these datas are worthless
If it was about muh whitness, Italians who have a lot of admixture from the middle east and north africa would score much lower, and scandinavians who are pure whites would have a way better average.
Asians are good at ma-
Religion is a reason. Countries with low IQ are most religious, countries with highest IQ most atheistic ones.
Jews are even better and they are the main reason why white people dominate.
What the fuck happened?
What selective pressures would actually cause it, though?
China will eclipse all of european/white contribution to science in the last few centuries in the coming few decades.
Each of those characters are roughly equivalent to 3-4 english words packed together. No wonder they gain advantage when using their logos in writing.
A combination of education and nourishment.
What's the reason Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans even though they suffered more environmental disadvantages compared to them?
Dilemma only for /pol/. You can accept non-PC scientific facts about races and IQ without being into other /pol/ bullshit (Jewish conspiracies, "degeneracy", Hitler, Trump).
By average genetic IQ Jews > East Asians > whites > MENA > blacks > Australian aborigines. Jews are overrepresented among people with higher education, Nobel prize winners, chess champions because of their IQ. In developed countries almost all adult IQ difference is caused by genetics, worldwide - not all, but most.
>it's harder to think in a hot room than a cold one.