What exactly is autism?
What exactly is autism?
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A type of mental retardation
>b-b-buut we wuz smart and shiiit
No shit for brains. You was not.
Can you elaborate I know it's retardation but it's become an overused meme and a pretty vague thing.
extreme male brain
Will I become autistic with supplements?
If you ever get the impression that someone isn't quite living in same reality as you but in their constructed variant of one, they are most likely autistic. The cause is of course not their fault but a genetic/neurological abnormality which prevents them from being real people.
Mhm interesting
>i think other people live the same reality I though
unironic autism
It's about the magnitude of the difference.
These are meme answers.
Was that so hard?
>It is distinguished not by a single symptom, but by a characteristic triad of symptoms: impairments in social interaction; impairments in communication; and restricted interests and repetitive behavior. Other aspects, such as atypical eating, are also common but are not essential for diagnosis.
Most autistic people have lower than average IQs but high functioning autistic people can often be very talented at specific interests. Severe autism is extremely debilitating:
About 30% of people with autism are nonverbal and never learn to speak more than a few words.
It's a meme designation, the "spectrum" includes everything high-functioning geniuses at the forefront of their fields to the severest of learning difficulties.
The commonality is apparently autists have an especially hard time with social norms.
Given that the most exalted minds known to us are often retrospectively diagnosed with Aspergers, it seems absurd to call it a disability.
I'm glad the likes of Newton didn't waste their time learning courtesy and ephemeral pleasantries of his time, he had contributed more of lasting value by the age of 25 than the entire field of psychology.
If god were real some Jew would have given him an autism diagnosis.
Von Neumann wasn't autistic at the slightest
Very interesting. So what you're saying any form of differentiation from the "normal" human behavior is designated as autism?
It's a specific kind of deviation characterized by social/communication impairments and narrow interests.
When it comes to how "real" mental illnesses are, that's a more complex question. Almost none of them are caused by a single, easily identifiable factor. They're loosely grouped together by checklists of symptoms and serve as a label to identify functional impairments because of it and help adapt to or treat said symptoms. So in one sense, they're just "abnormal" people and there is no on-switch for autism or schizophrenia or whatever in the brain. But at the same time, the labels describe real treats that have real effects on functioning. Does that make sense?
Consider ADD for example. It probably would have been less of an impairment in a hunter-gatherer society than an industrial one where literacy and being able to perform fairly monotonous and specialized tasks in larger-scale organizations are important, because the division of labor was not as present in the past as it is today, and physical activity was more important.
>real treats
I meant to say real traits, lol.
Ok, thanks for the quality info.
The most exalted mind of our time
>epic translator
>prolific writer
>fucks bitches twice a day
Human experience is the arrangement of information into particular patterns used to make predictions and dictate behavior. The frequency on which autists operate approaches a wavelength incomprehensible to most people, i.e. they make sense of the world in a way unpredictable according to the perceptions of others thus autistic people are repulsive.
>A Renaissance European setting built in ancient japan
We get it, you got bullied by an autist in school.
The true Übermenschen.
>Given that the most exalted minds known to us are often retrospectively diagnosed with Asperger
Now this is a meme, just because someone had a certain eccentric trait it doesn't mean it was caused by autism.
extreme masculinity
a psychology meme
I had all of those but a higher than average IQ of 136. What gives?
Brains are incredibly complex, it's largely still a mystery. Autism might very well be caused by otherwise good genes that mix poorly for all I know.
Autists don't demonstrate a superior ability at the MRT(A) though, and testosterone doesn't cause the decay spindle neurons very obvious in autistic brains.
As far as we know, autism is a spectrum of structural abnormalities in the architecture of the brain, especially Brodmann's Area #44. It's a developmental disorder, like downs syndrome, but not always as profound or debilitating. The causes are unknown, but like most developmental disorders, it appears to have both genetic and epigenetic components. A classic example is OP, and his pathology demonstrated by a repetitious need to suck cocks.
kek'd irl
Not history or humanites.
And why is this question in Veeky Forums ?
Maybe he is assuming there is a religious or philosophical reason for autisms existence?lol
I know it will be fun to try and come up ways that might be true.
A social and communication impairment.
Strange, I have aspergers and I did well in school and I have managed to grow more mature and make more meaningful friendships down the years now.
the lack of recognition of the hohol as a superior breed
hohol mafia
"High functioning atypical" autist here, ama