We're all in agreement America was the good guys, right?

We're all in agreement America was the good guys, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>no direct democracy
>treats it’s citztens like shit

You are a corrupt version of the UK

>direct democracy



yes. Anyone that says otherwise is just a miserable husk of a person who is motivated by unwarranted elitist ideals.

Kind of
The whole ordeal was much bigger than it should have been
The americans had a somewhat reasonable request and the british where dealibg with bigger problems at the moment
This promopted the aristocrats to kindel the flames of revolution which is what caused the shitstorm of poorly thought out british policies that caused the war
Overall it was a mess caused by poor administration

You have no clue about what you are talking about
Parlement was wrong in giving in to the colony

When did parliament give in? Was it after they branded every colonist a rebel and ordered their arms seized?

What the fuck did parliment give in too?
Giving up the war?

only when it was led by based Washington the Strong. after he died the country went to shit

Southerner here. We kinda chimped out for something that wasn't that big of a deal in the long run. The colonies in Africa faced much worse treatment and Canada stuck it out for almost another century.

Parliament could have solved the whole mess by giving the colonies some form of token representation in the house of Commons. If they had, taxes would have rolled off like rain and all of North America would still be in the Empire.

'good' is not a good word to use in a historical debate. The answer is for some fags they are good guys. For other fags they are bad guys. Throghout all its history, on some Mondays they were good guys, on other Mondays they were bad guys. Agreement of this board won't change anything as all arguments are dull and biased.

it wasnt a chimp out, disenfranchising colonists was arbitrary, and was asking for dissent.

this bait is reaaaaaaalllllly obvious.

There are no good guys in history, there are bad guys though

Not saying it wasn't a bad or stupid move on Britain's part. Just saying that the colonies didn't have it that bad by comparison. Taxation was much worse in the British Isles.

america was always the good guy until vietnam

now they're the well-intentioned villain

More like until WW2
Because during WW2 America became a command economy for a while, paving the path towards the deep state. Apparently the McCarthy era was more totalitarian than the fucking Soviet Union(after Stalin ofc). Glad that ended. America could have really lost the plot back then, happy they didn't.



Key word being 'was' but yes you are correct.

i believe this is the point where america turned from a republic into an empire.

>Apparently the McCarthy era was more totalitarian than the fucking Soviet Union(after Stalin ofc)
[citation needed]

>Just saying that the colonies didn't have it that bad by comparison
"What are you saying? That this isn't quite as bad as the Soviet Union?"
-Nigel Farage

the only "good guys" are the hohol
hohol mafia

>Implying wars have "good guys" and "bad guys" and not just rich cunts that want people to fight and die for their ego.

If America had lost Australia and New Zealand would never have been colonized by the British. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

>remove stamp tax on everything but tea
>taxed 1 pence per head
>letting Washington live after attacking a French patrol

You are a retard read a book
More Colonials fought for the crown than independence you utter spastic

>mods delete my post without a word
The state of mutts so upset that they can’t elect there own president
How so?
Or are you some retard that calls everything you disagree with bait

>good guys

In America.. TODAY, there's an inherent need for royalty.
Think "Celeb", what comes to mind?
Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Kanye West, Trump, etc.. Those are your royalty, because you have nobody to venerate for real.

When the British invaded Acadia (What is now my home, Nova Scotia), they were better than the French, because they offered the Natives solidarity and protection and the freedom of religion; and the British gave the same privileges to the French (Which is why Canada is very catholic and French), but neither the natives or the French would pledge loyalty, because the natives were whipped by the French, and the French were whipped by feudalist civic law from France. The British pushed the French and French natives west but many were allowed back. Americans wanted independence because of taxes and lack of representation. But Americans were part of colonies, NOT countries; and it only became a country because the amount of advancement the Americans had (due to British trade) was enough to supply them weapons and technology. They allied with France and defended themselves against the British, throwing the tea in the harbor, protesting etc.

And now, because of America's existence, there's been a long standing LACK of tradition where if soldiers go into war, they no longer engage in battle like civilized men, but hide and wear camo like savages.
Americans grew as a state, because they took and took and took, unlike the British who mutually benefited EVERY country they ever conquered.

>Taxation was much worse in the British Isles.
The bong overlords ruled by the sword, which worked fine at home. Away from home? Not so much.

The bongs got driven out of the Americas and went off to shoot pajeets

>the British who mutually benefited EVERY country they ever conquered.
The bongs never conquered a country, they were all about shooting up poos, tribalists and witch doctors. Give 'em a bit of cold steel, and they always folded.