The alt right will kill crypto
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No they won't. They enemies of the alt right are too busy trying to figure out how they can construe "It's ok to be white" as hate speech. Crypto isn't even on their radar.
Jesus, this pathetic persecution complex of alt rights is laughable. Vitalik is an intelligent and educated guy, of course he dislikes the alt right.
Also it's not 'It's ok to be white' that is considered hate speech by 'the enemies of the alt right', it's all that stuff about killing jews and blacks :) But you are the victim right :)
It's all open source. Don't these faggots realize the platform is open to anyone?
This, I heard white peoples kill blacks and muslims and Jews in the streets of US but Trump covers it up. Nazis are making a come back
It's open for everyone, with all the good and bad sides. Just like the internet.
But yes, this can give crypto an image problem with normies. Especially since they are so loud and claim stuff as theirs. The influence of /pol/ here has also noticeably grown. Overall not good progress for maximizing gains.
the smileys triggered me d00d im so le buttmad
gr8 b8 m8
Whatcha talkin' bout, tubs? Do you assume I am alt right because I speak the truth about your retarded political wars? You are just as idiotic as they are, the only difference is they are nimble enough to continually outflank you. If "it's ok to be white" wasn't a problem, then your people wouldn't have been angry about the posters. A truth, said by an unsavory element, is still the truth. Yet you are butthurt about it, because you don't actually believe it is ok to be white, regardless of what public image you would like to portray. You are a hateful, spiteful person who wants to fuck up everyone else's life with your authoritarian nonsense, just like they do.
Pic related, it's you.
What? Is your reading comprehension this bad? I'm not surprised actually.
The alt right would murder jews, muslims and blacks en masse if they had the chance. Violence, murder and the deprivation of civil liberties is part of national socialism. Because of this, natsocs should be treated as vermin and the only right way to dispose of them is through violence. Free speech does not apply for nazi's.
What are my people? I do not identify with contemporary leftist politics at all, especially not identity politics. I am white and I don't give a shit. People should be able to say 'I'm proud to be white'. But that is not what the alt right is saying, they actively call for genocide on minorities which IS hate speech. So if you think the alt right is for free speech and to be able to say 'I'm proud to be white XD' (which is equally pathetic with 'I'm proud to be black or a womyn XD'). Also the people who say 'It's okay to be white' also tend to be the same people who say 'kill all niggers'.
Do you believe it is ok to be white?
Fuck yeah.
The pic shows Vitalik killing crypto though.
The people who say it isn't okay to be white are also the ones likely to be calling for the genocide and slavery of whites.
I can go on twitter right now and find ten posts calling for the death of whites by so called progressives.
Also you state you do not give a shit about 'retarded political wars', yet to be able to be proud of your fucking skin color is so important for you. Pride comes with your actions in life, pride comes with stuff you build and how you develop yourself. Being proud for having a fooking skin colour shows you have no other qualities to be proud of. You cannot be proud of something which was not your own responsibility. I know it is hard to understand in the perspective of your passive, meritless life.
Well I am white and I think I'm pretty okay, so yea. Other than that it's a bullshit category, it's like saying 'It's okay to have a big left toe'
What? I'm agree with you. The US is racist, they kill minority's in the street. The US ppl voted for Trump so the US ppl cover it up easily. Genocide is happening in US but racist US ppl, news, and president cover it up to hide from international
I never stated anything about being proud of my skin color. You did, in fact, when you said you are white and are ok with it. Did you know that people who say that also want to genocide minorities? Tell me, why do you hate minorities?
>"The alt right would murder jews, muslims and blacks en masse if they had the chance."
>it's ok to murder people you think are nazis, btw only whites can be nazis
the lack of self-awareness and circular reasoning always takes my breath away.
Why did no one warn me money skeleton was such a faggot before I bought my ETH bags?
how can you do any trading with a sub-70 iq? buy high sell low amirite?
i didn't know people took this "alt" right and "alt" left thing serious. looks like the media tricked you guys into categorizing each other even further
>I am white and I don't give a shit.
I am also white, and I'm very proud of my cultural and racial heritage.
you should have no pride for being white. seems like a waste of time
Yes and those people propagate hate speech too and need to be repressed as soon as possible. This works both ways.
>I can go on twitter right now and find ten posts calling for the death of whites by so called progressives.
Do it then, show me. I'm sure you are right, but the framing here is wrong. NatSocs and other alt right retards claim they are the victim, that they will be genocided by evil SJW's or whatever. In reality it is the alt right that actively calls for genocide. The whole 'white genocide is a thing!!!11' is to whitewash (lol) their ideology. It's always easier to recruit people when they have the false belief that they are persecuted.
I do not understand the rhetorical games you are playing now. I said I'm okay with being white, which is something completely different than being proud to be white. Find me one person who openly states he is proud to be white, and does not have some affiliation with genocidal ideologies
This is also bullshit
this thread
You first said that people who say it's ok to be white tend to want to geneocide minorities. You then said you are ok with being white. Do you understand that by the information you have given me, I must assume that you want to genocide minorities? You said it yourself. If you want me to believe you are the exception to your own rule, you are either going to have to prove it, or admit your generalizations are nonsense.
I did not say murder, I said violence. The deprivation of civil liberties like freedom of speech is a fundamental part of national socialism. To defend national socialism because they have the right to express their opinion is absurd and contradicts their own ideology. Nazi's do not want to debate, the only reason they are not knocking on doors to mass execute anyone who does not agree with them is because they lack the power to do so.
>circular reasoning
yea, you do not know what that means
>The alt right would murder jews, muslims and blacks en masse if they had the chance.
>The deprivation of civil liberties like freedom of speech is a fundamental part of national socialism
I guess that makes you a national socialist, since that is exactly what you believe in.
Let me state it like this then, so your feeble mind can finally understand.
1. I think it is okay to be white because whiteness/blackness or any racial category is completely meaningless. So, the 'okay' here means 'It is not harmful to say, considering it is a meaningless category'.
2. In practice the people who tend to say 'It is okay to be white' for activist purposes are people who follow extreme right wing ideologies. They hang posters (or whatever you Americans do to protest) in their uni with 'It's okay to be white' to spread their propaganda. Then when it gets ripped off (and it surely will, because it is propaganda) they can play the victim. And playing the victim they will. This is so dangerous and misleading about the alt right. They frame themselves as normal dudes who just want to be proud of their heritage, but when you dig deeper they also want to kill jews and shit.
I think it is funny that you are so naive to think an 'It's okay to be white' poster is innocent. It would be innocent in a perfect world. The problem is that the person who placed the poster also believes other stuff which is not so cool :)
Do you understand now boyo?
Do you believe that you are persecuted for being white?
If so you are even more fucked in the head than anyone you think you're against. It's not even in question anywhere that it's okay to be white.
For everyone else here, who's not some brainwashed fool, please remember:
“Never believe that [racists] are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The [racists] have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
They don't think it's innocent, they know they can claim plausible deniability. Don't waste your time arguing with people who are acting in bad faith.
we all know you're itching to pull a trigger on a nigger, rebecca. you don't just prance around in your black yoga pantaloons for show.
>For everyone else here, who's not some brainwashed fool, please remember:
>proceeds to spout leftist propaganda
I think it is okay to take away the civil liberties of those who actively threaten those civil liberties. This is not the same as not believing in civil liberties at all. ISIS threatens our civil liberties too, so should we allow them to organize demonstrations and rallies?
XD lmao
wow you showed him there
Nice example bruv. Engage with the argument instead of immediately resorting to ad hominem and I might take you seriously.
>I think it is okay to take away the civil liberties of those who actively threaten those civil liberties.
Like you.
So long as those demonstrations and rallies are peaceful, yes.
The "alt right" and "white supremacists" are conjured boogeymen with no real ability. At charlottesville they were outnumbered 5:1 and constantly harassed for a normal assembly. At the Tennesee rally it was the same story. These meme events are nothing new, it's just that the media needs a new thing to fearmong to prevent anti-establishment, populist candidates like Trump from getting into office and reversing their globalist policies.
It really is that simple. The big time news outlets are owned by avowed globalist sell outs. The fringe right wing has not changed whatsoever in size or actions from 3 years ago to now.
Wasn't mean for you, buddy. Sorry you don't have the mental faculties to consider positions based on their logical merit and instead only judge them by how threatened they make you feel, imagined or not. I guess some have to be left behind as the world improves ;)
It's kind of the same thing like when they were trying to demonize Trump rallies even though the fights were because antagonizers were showing up and deliberately trying to be assholes.
>"loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
You're absolutely right brother. Whites are dangerous. We need to kill them off before they do us in first.
Eat shit, commie.
XD good one lmao, you really got me good there
Let me explain in a simple way for a simple mind
1. Believing in civil liberties
2. Wanting to destroy civil liberties
1. Me
2. ISIS, National socialism
Do you understand the difference now? I don't believe in murder either, but if someone wants to kill me I'd kill him first
At charlottesville they were outnumbered 5:1 and constantly harassed for a normal assembly.
Yet they ploughed a truck into a crowd and killed someone :) but those poor people right, hope they didn't get harassed so much :(
I don't know why you have the need to project all this toxic shit onto people. Saying "It's ok to be white" is perfectly ok. Don't project some evil genocidal thoughts onto people who say things that are perfectly ok. It's not healthy.
Because there was a mob blocking the road. The dude didn't even press forward, he reversed and got out of there. If someone wanted to kill people it would have been more than one fatty
Then they will have a peaceful rally where there will be lots of ISIS networking and the exchanging of information, which after that they can use to plan terrorist attacks. Peaceful rallies would make everything easier for them.
But you are probably trolling anyway.
>“Never believe that [racists] are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.
Kill a commie for mommy, today!
It's "ok to be white" but it's not ok to say it's ok to be white if you're white
Why are we talking about politics? Literally no one cares, fuck off to pol
It is perfectly ok in a perfect world. Thing is that it is used as hate propaganda as I've described it here above.
oh gimme a break, the guy plowed right through a crowd
>he reversed and got out of there
This is not even true
Thanks for the great arguments guys :)
I'm curious if you have the same concern when marxists who talk about "suffocating" the capitalist pigs put up posters. I'm not accusing you of sympathizing with them, because I don't believe you do, but I wonder how much of your concern about the alt right is because it's new and it's in the media, and you're being carried along with the "right scare". I mean, do you honestly believe the alt right has any chance of taking over the country and starting a genocide? That's not a reasonable belief to hold. I mean look at them. They're a bunch of bums. When they get pepper sprayed they cry about it for months. So excuse me if I've been playing games with you in this thread to amuse myself, but I do find it fairly amusing when someone either honestly believes the alt right is going to lead to genocide, or pretends to believe it for their own political reasons.
>be retarded commie
>stand in road
>get hit by car
Clearly this is the driver's fault.
>this thread
>one person is arguing that Charlottesville was an accident
>another is arguing that "it's ok to be white" is hate propaganda
fuck this I'm out
eth already tanking in price
just sold my last eth stack
God. Reddit is the worst sit ever. Do they just all sit around being cum dumps for the BBC they love so much?
i prefer calling them alt-retarded. truly a special kind of retarded, trying to destroy society
Not sure what you're trying to say. Im just tired of us minorities being murdered by whites. But you're reply makes me think that liberal whites might just be as problematic as the alt right.
Vitalik is /OurGuy/
I am not from the US so there is hardly any talk of alt right in the media here (Western Europe). I do not believe the alt right can take over a country and start a genocide, but I do believe it's what they strive for. If a given group strives for genocide, even if they are retarded bums who cannot wipe their own asses, then they still need to be extinguished. Do not forget, small groups of retarded bums can accomplish a lot through terror (see ISIS)
Also I do not believe there is such a thing as a 'right scare'. Islamic fundamentalism is much more dangerous than extreme right wing groups. Everything I said also applies to extremely left wingers (which is not the same as marxists) who do spread hate and violence (see for example the G8 Summit in Hamburg a few months ago). People are just less intimidated by leftists because they target police officers, politicians and others in powerful positions, so not the average dude in the street. Right wingers would target the average dude in the street (if not white), just like ISIS. This is why it is way more scary.
Also, in America people tend to forget that national socialism brought Europe to the brink of total destruction, so yea it's not cool to be a nazi here for obvious reasons.
It's not hate propaganda, but if you're a nazi hanging the poster on a college campus for the purpose of spreading your ideology, then it is hate speech. Is that so hard to understand?
If a hardcore Stalinist goes around posting posters with the message 'It's okay to be proletarian' in order to spread Stalinism, then YES THAT IS HATE SPEECH. But if a pacifist marxist posts it, it is not.
Difference is, there are no non-nazi's who would go around and post 'it's okay to be white' posters on college campuses. Only nazi's believe people think it's not okay to be white.
>White Pride!!!1!1!!1488!!
Vitalik confirmed for /ourskeleton/.
sweet burn
You're very obtuse
By not being given a platform to spread specifically the advocating of considering some group worthy of genocide, even if they "aren't actually doing it"
Every day there are people on my twitter complaining about some aspect of "white privilege", "white men", or something else I should be ashamed about
you are just blind. Same thing you accuse others of, no perspective whatsoever. I guess that's how humans work, whatever
I'd tell you, but you'd just reply: "So you'd take away their civil liberties just like they want HUH HYPOCRITE"
But haven't you already said that taking away the platform just breeds sympathy for them and furthers their cause? Tearing down the posters is what they want.
Whites are waking up to this garbage. Were done supporting those thay choose not to help themselves.
Just for the record, I'm huwhite and in favor of genociding all brown people.
I will do no such thing. I want to hear your ideas, because I don't think you have a method that would actually acheive such a goal. Leaving the posters up allows them to disseminate propaganda. Tearing them down proves their point. Killing them or throwing them in jail makes them martyrs. So what do you do?
fuark i really baited a fuckton of leftist communists
you will all be removed in due time dont worry
>Only nazi's believe people think it's not okay to be white.
Being this fucking naive, sheltered and ignorant in 2017 smdh.
He really is a flaming commie. I fuckin hate his fucking face.
We should..............ummm...how should I say this.........we should visit him.
Sometimes I forget Veeky Forums is full of emotional and intellectual children who still roam the leftist plantation.
Everything is White Supremacy and you have to point it all out.
Also, the fact that this faggot Puterin is cool with Vlad but has "1488" on his radar, as well as tweeting about hiring the guy who fucked Trump's account shows you his real face and his stance on "decentralization".
A fucking autistic sperg faggot who controls his shitcoin with literal infinite supply that he can "print" on command talking about decentralization...fucking faggot. That's what you get when you mix canadian and russian, you can't get any worse than that.
Look at his face, body, posture. Muh 1488 larpers! Yeah, because I rather be a fucking degenerative fag skeleton with speech impediment.
Yea because your Twitter feed totally describes the Zeitgeist of the western world. Gimme a break retard. Just because you follow some stupid leftists doesn't mean they will be knocking on your door to make you defend your fooking skin colour.
You have an interesting point here and to be honest I would not know the answer to your question. It is true that ideologies that incorporate victimhood tend to grow under state persecution. There are countless examples of this in history. On the other hand it is absurd to leave nazi posters hanging for fear of them victimizing themselves. I simply do not know.
thanks for the arguments guys :) no wonder most great writers, poets and philosophers of the 20th century were leftist :)
It's okay to be Muslim.
Is it okay?
Please point out where I said that? Maybe you have me confused with someone else. I'm perfectly okay with not actively giving a platform to people who promote genocide or extremism regardless of which side of the political spectrum they fall on.
kek I'm white you dumbass, and no, people like you are a cancer in enlightened society and have ruined the dream our ancestors fought and died for
Anyway it's cool, the market will eventually sort your shit out for you as idiots like you simply won't be able to compete much longer since you're losing the competetive advantage you got just for being born in a first-world country, and harder working, more intelligent people from everywhere else are going to take it from you, and you won't be able to do a thing about it
Not stupid leftists, even a lot of moderate people. Granted it doesn't include a lot of older folks but this is the next generation so I consider it indicative of what I'm going to have to deal with.
And it makes no sense because my generation of white men hasn't benefitted from anything, just fucked both ways. I grew up poor and am in student debt but apparently there's a privilege card I haven't swiped somewhere.
For example, how does this work? Do you think I'd be convinced by your post, that I would be insulted? Do you think the Naruto in your pic would offend me? How does this work? Tell me honestly. I see so much /pol/ posting on Veeky Forums every day and it almost never makes sense. Is it the fear of your intellectual opponents? To believe we all look like fat Naruto's who are emotional and intellectual children?
Not today.
>implying hurt feelings can kill crypto
>implying anything can kill crypto
>no wonder most great writers, poets and philosophers of the 20th century were leftist
What a fucking dumb faggot you are, you fucking degen. There's no helping you or your pathetic identity politics. Hope they beat you with a hammer or a sickle one day, and they will, you idiots will in-fight sooner than you think.
I really wish I had an argument for niggers behaving like apes and mudslimes behaving like religius fanatics infesting and hating western countries at the same time.
There is no argument for that.
There is also no argument for the things jews do and why it is always the fucking jews.
The only argument the action of these people leaves is that they are inferior and endanger the western civilization and its future and thus need to be removed. If not by free will, then by violence.
> Is it the fear of your intellectual opponents?
Yes. They know they can't compete when it comes to an actual logical discussion so they do whatever they can to derail it.