What went wrong with Congo? I heard it is super rich in theory and they had one hell of a war here so they aren't as rich anymore.
What went wrong with Congo...
>and they had one hell of a war here
It was two. Soon three, as shit is boiling atm
Like most African countries it suffers from a mix of extreme corruption, lack of eduction in the general population, being flooded with western aid (killing local business and mostly ending up in hands of warlords), lack of competency when it comes to mining or farming (main exports and thus economy) and large amounts of intertribal warfare and local banditry. Basically a perfect storm preventing process and building a sustainable government at a local and national level.
>being flooded with western aid
Lol no. Aid is always as used as scapegaot to distract people from how fucked trade is between developed and developing nations or the SHEER disparity in protectionism/subsidies.
You think Congolese farming can even stamina chance of entering European markets.
>Congolese farming into EU markets?
Not what I was suggesting at all. 90% of Congo's farming is subsistence as such would not be exported. Only 3.2% of the farmland in Congo is used for arable farming due to most of the farm able land being covered in rain forest. Congo has massive wealth in minerals, precious metals and oil. If they hadn't fucked up like every African country during their independence by kicking the experienced and trained whites from their jobs and positions of power they wouldn't be in this mess where they don't have the trained manpower or infrastructure to extract these resources. They don't need to compete with other farmers, they need to extract metal and oil, but they're too fucking STUPID and we keep adding to the fire by trying to throw money at them. Thank GOD for the Chinese who are economically colonizing Africa otherwise they would be truly and utterly fucked.
You see, most governments take roughly the same form as the government that came before them.
You can see this in historical cases like the USSR becoming more and more like the tsars, and the Russian Federation becoming more and more like the USSR. Governments tend to be primarily built on habits and habits change slowly.
For the Congo, the Belgians instituted a "government" that essentially consisted of "if these Africans start doing something that interferes with us taking money, we'll take a bunch of illiterate peasants and kill everyone in the general area with them"
So when the Belgians leave, the only tool that the Congolese government knows how to use is coercion.
Next thing you know, you have an endless clusterfuck of civil wars, corruption, and extreme ineptitude.
>What went wrong with Congo?
Nothing. Only pussy ass liberals got horrified from all the fun stuff happening there.
And here I thought it was because of the frogs offing their leader.
>What went wrong with Congo?
Ethnic shit and tribes
Are you talking about burkina faso?
>Soon three, as shit is boiling atm
It didn't help that the Belgians/CIA had the most mineral rich part of the Congo secede and then killed the Congo's most charismatic leader for inviting the Soviets to help end the secession.
I like Ike, but he had a weakness for being used as an errand boy by former colonial powers.
>I heard it is super rich in theory
In practice however all their resources need foreign know how to extract (aside from diamonds, but you can't really do shit with diamonds aside from selling them to western markets, which are pretty much closed cartels that can and will give you dirt for your rocks) so they're worthless.
Not an SJW here but certainly colonialism did immensely impact this place, the power vacuum left after colonial governments moved away was making the ground extremely fertile for strife.
They are extracting the metals brainlet, 90% of their revenue comes from mining
Save for that one time when he told them to fuck off.
Shame it was only the once.
In recent Congolese history there have been
The place with all the minerals secedes. UN refuses to help. President calls the Soviets for help. US has him tortured and killed. UN then decides to help.
>Simba rebellion
A bunch of witch doctors and shit rebel against the Congolese government and take a bunch of white people hostage. Belgian paratroopers are sent in to rescue the hostages, which breaks the back of the rebellion
>First Congo War
A coalition of African countries led by Rwanda invades the Congo and puts Laurant Kabila into power.
>Second Congo War
A coalition of African countries led by Rwanda invades the Congo to remove Laurant Kabila from power. Five million dead.
And then there are a shitload of ethnic conflicts like the Kivu conflict and the Ituri conflict, and people keep eating the pygmies.
Whites btfo, Africa is kangz!
And the Belgians/CIA killing the Secretary General of the fucking UN in the Congo
Back to /pol/ you go
Yea but the question was what exactly is boiling right now that indicates we're heading for a third congo war?
learn reading comprehension
no assistance from ukraina
hohol mafia
Honestly I was certain Zimbabwe was going to turn into a giant flashpoint during the coup. There were a lot of players involved and the fact that it was bloodless is a testament to the progression of the region
Shut the fuck up.
>You think Congolese farming can even stamina chance of entering European markets.
UE-produced subsidized chicken is three to four times cheaper than a chicken grown domestically in Africa.
"Free trade" (in fact it's nowhere close to being free) is fucking Africa hard.
>90% of Congo's farming is subsistence as such would not be exported.
That's because non-subsistence farming in Congo is absolutely unprofitable due to world markets being flooded with subsidized stuff from Europe and USA.
The Belgians didn't educate them and just left, and they chimped out and elected some complete retard as President who fucked everything up, and they haven't stopped chimping out since.
t. spent some time in Katanga and the Kivus.
What's UE
They fucked with Rwanda, the Israel of sub-shara
Katanga. Getting basic shit like this wrong lowers your cred
I gotta say, it's amazing how well Rwanda has its shit together nowadays considering it wasn't that long ago that the genocide happened.
>What went wrong with Congo?
Average IQ is 78.