GRS moon

how does it feel to know that GRS is going past 1.0 within the next couple hours

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Except it won't

how does it feel to buy a coin up nearly 1000% on the week

feels good my man, look at that volume

lol I'm not buying this right now.

known as exit pump lmfao

lmao, check your stats again. it's not at the 1000% mark right now user

Maybe we'll see 2 USD before the fork but in any case you should not be being in now.

That cup and handle on the 5 min chart is tasty. Watch it break 13k in the next hour.

Haha you retard are in every thread omg !! Fml i bet you feel SO FUCKING SALTY for missing this one :D. God the schadenfreude is real. Stay poor fgt