Were monks the NEET's of the middle ages?
Were monks the NEET's of the middle ages?
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Noone could afford that. If he wasn't occupied with some sort of intellectual job, he would do some menial or hard physical labour. (Of course, if you, are some sort of abbot or a bishop, you'd live in a lap of luxury even if you ignore ambitions and duties, but it doesn't make one a NEET)
lolno monks were actually useful
Nobles were the neets of the middle ages
No, they had land and animals to take care of. Also copying books and whatnot.
No they were actually respected members of society and held in high esteem.
>ora et labora
No, they were not NEETs.
late 18th nobles were
>educated and continued to learn throughout their lives
>worked every day
>contributed to the society
>made advancements in philosophy, theology and general science
>voluntarily practiced celibate
No, they were completely opposite of neets.
hohols were known for comfy neetdom
hohol mafia
>educated and continued to learn throughout their lives
applies to neets
>worked every day
nice meme
>contributed to the society
an individual's contribution is so small it's irrelevant if you do it or not
>made advancements in philosophy, theology and general science
only because nobody else knew how to read
>voluntarily practiced celibate
just like neets who give up 3dpd
>trying this hard to defend your rotten lifestyle
>enjoying your life is bad everyone has to work 24/7 even if you don't need it to survive!!
how's the 19th century?
Get a job you feggit
Ora et labora, retard.
no, government pays everything I need
NEETs are what we become now that being a monk is no longer possible.
>hurr but you can still become a monk
It was about as easy as showing up at the door of the abbey back then, now that they completely lost their social functions they are exclusively religious affairs that only accept the zealous
Don't you ever want to do anything more than just exist? Sounds horrible.
No because they worked too hard
Beggars were NEETs
>Were people who thought God wants them to work as hard as possible NEETs?
You tell me.
Except monastic orders were split on how much time should be work and how much should be prayer
>It was about as easy as showing up at the door of the abbey back then
Not really. In that case, you'd simply become a cheap church serf, working to the death in the fields or some other manner of physical labour.
In order to become some sort of scientist-theologian, you had to enrol in monastic education (which wasn't at all easy and/or cheap), succeed in it, too. And besides academic complexity, your life there would be hard in many other ways too.
>HURRDURR why isn’t the church still corrupt
Just become a digger man
>hard in many other ways
OWO what’s this
Whenever you talk to an anarchist / communist, you can easily one up them by declaring yourself a Digger, that's some lowkey class subversion shit my dude
>liking sectarian indivualistic diggers with no plans for internationalism
Wew lad
More like MGTOW
like what? I live to have fun, working is not fun so I don't do that if I don't have to
You'd live in pisspoor conditions even by Medieval standards. You'd be at a complete mercy of your teachers and supervisors, who would dish out a plenty of hard and painful punishments and demanding tasks and standards. In the meantime, you'll also live together with the other students, who may very well cause you various problems as well.
I wasn't talking about buttsex, but it isn't out of the picture entirely too.
No. It takes alot of mental strenght to give up on everything and become a monk. Monks dont do escapism either like NEETs.
>literally praying to a bearded wizard to save them because can't handle reality
>not escapism
>It takes alot of mental strenght to give up on everything and become a monk.
Monks aren't hermits. Lol just look at this guy who gave up on everything!
Watch this documentary youtube.com