They tweaked their numbers and turned their 2billion market cap into 500 million. Sounds legit.
They tweaked their numbers and turned their 2billion market cap into 500 million. Sounds legit
Other urls found in this thread:
actually pretty clever. gansgtas move in silence. less spotlight. run it longer. more moolah
How did they do it ?
Can someone explain to me how that is possible ?
Also, why does BCC gain 2% when Bitcoin gains 2% ?
Thanks in advance
you want my referent link ? :) ............
because you have the interet ( frenchfag ) in dollars, but if you want bitcoin , you have to do fiat -> btconnect coin -> btc
Merci khey
so guys, circuled please, nothing fishy about BCC
99% of trade volume is on their own exchange, which you cant withdraw bitcoins from and has fake volume
coinmarketcap shouldn't even list that shit
I unironically put $1010 in this ponzi today
I lost 30k with LINK over a week so I thought i would see how far this 1k goes before they do an exit scam
linkie puts 1k in bitconnect how more deluded can you get
They started marketing campaigns. FYI the bigger a ponzi gets the faster it is heading to implosion. The marketing campaigns were either out of pure greed or necessity to bring in more investors before they are upside down. I smell the end coming very very soon. RIP to your $1000.
Please report back. Seriously.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bitconnect.
I’m rooting for you champ
Scared mother fuckers. The way to go with ponzis is to get in early.
As long as they're big enough, they should last years.
Additionally once this implodes everyone involved will be getting audited by the SEC. People who made gains will be forced to give them back to try to help the ones who lost everything. Just being involved with this is going to be a nightmare. I hope you hid your tracks so this isn't traced back to you.
the main reason i dont go hard on bitconnect though is because i have bettetr uses for my money than X% a day, and I have too much of a conscience to lie to people and get a bunch of referrals (which is the way to make A SHITLOAD OF MONEY with this)
Yup, their ridiculous music videos and marketing is a sign the end is near. user might still make some money but gtfo soon
The fact that all you see on Veeky Forums is bitconnect FUD is a huge buy signal. I bought December of last year and am making steady 1% daily compound interest gainz and I'm cashing out half every day.
You guys just think you're late to the party but in reality this is gonna go bernie madoff big or bigger. It's only barely a year old.
Of course here's my ref if you want to take a dive into bitconnect : https ://bitconnect. co/? ref= CryptoTarkus (remove spaces)
Throw just a few hundred bucks at it and take a vacation in a year. I went to the himalayas and did some trekking with my bitconnect neetbux.
Are you the guy who did that with bitpetite or is that like a common formula for dealing with ponzis?
>get payout
>cash out half
>reinvest half
Have fun when the SEC wants that money you spent back.
100% on coke when he went on that stage
no surprise the only people shilling you shit are desperate for you to use their referral code.
I don't know I just thought it up I'm sure it's not an uncommon line of thinking. Just start taking half profits daily when you get a comfy amount ex: 100 usd a day.
That's the legit site not sure why malwarebytes flags it, probably because some butthurt nocoiners at their HQ thinks its a scam.
Like I said try it out boys. Don't put in 10,000 dollars obviously but put in a few hundred and watch it grow to a comfy passive income.
Holding BCC would have made you more money than any loan. The only way to get rich is to shill for referrals.
>Of course here's my ref if you want to take a dive into bitconnect : https ://bitconnect. co/? ref= CryptoTarkus (remove spaces)
Yeah cause you know that you won't make any money otherwise. Take your scam somewhere else.
is it a scam if i've already made my initial investment back and then some? like i said i went trekking in the himalayas with my bitconnectbux i was cashing out however much i spent there (not much theyre poor as shit) daily to cover it.
I saw the same exact fuds against bitconnect a year ago. yeah it could be unsustainable i dont know how they operate but we making money senpai.
fuck it i signed up with your ref im gonna get my brother his best friend and a couple of my friends to put a couple hundred bucks so i can make 7% of what they invest and hopefully i can buy a new computer by the end of the year
If any one reading this is actually in this.. YOU'RE GOING TO LOSE!
The signs are there.
The problem is, it's already a year old, it could go down any moment.
You know it's a scam, yet you think you can actually gain from it.. stupid people fuel bcc. That is why is it working. When you run out of stupid people it all fails.
>tricking your friends and your family into a scam so you can buy a new computer
wew lad
omg.... YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE SCUMBAG. i hope you get run over before you can scam your peers.
If you get a few people to sign up under you, you'll make it. You're new computer might turn into a lambo.
My official comparison if bitconnect is actually a ponzi is Bernie madoff. That shit went on for years. And he stole over 65 billion.
Bitconnect will dwarf madoff.
Crypto is still considered niche yet there are no shortage of new bitconnect investors. Imagine when this hits the normies? It's still early pal.
this fud actually makes me more confident and whats a couple hundred bucks to possibly lose? if it falls so what i lost a couple hundred if it keeps going i make it. you guys are gonna be the ones buying in a couple years befre it really collapses lol
dont miss out on ethconnect, its still early on its ICO
ethconnect is an actual scam, don't use it it's gonna bitpetite real quick. Not worth it. Bitconnect is pretty transparent and will be around for a while. The people running it are too scared of a collapse as there will be prices on their heads.
Nah they took it from another account
>be dev
>right click, generate bitcoin
At this point bitconnect is so huge that they won't even exitscam it. They can just pay everyone even if crypto crashes tomorrow and then end the contract.
>They can just pay everyone
yeah, probably won't.
Yeah better go to jail instead
A Ponz scheme is probably the best you can do with bitcoin.
What I don't understand is, how does it work?
You deposit let's say 1000$ and then they pay you +1% everyday? I don't get it. I'm dumb.
So deluded that you think a ponzi won't end
You get on average 1% a day returns. For example, last couple of days I got 1.59% returns. The average time for a return on inital investment is like 3 months.
If you join consider using my ref ;)
>thinking something will crash having retards printing infinite tether, television talking about it and Wall Street.
It will never end. Even if bitfinex gets shut down they just send the wallet and the last to generate tether to some other exchange/business group and they will keep pumping it forever.
Thanks for the explanation. Sounds dope as fuck, Carlos was right. I don't live up there so I can't :(. Sorry.
only 1%? bitpetite had like 4%. Maybe that's why it crashed so fast.
diarrhea petite was run by a pajeet who shits on a street.
betpetite was a straight up scam. Bitconnect is legit and will be around for a few more years, easy. Crypto has a long way to go still.
who the fuck is carlos?
now he shits on a golden toilet after riding his lambo with his pajeet scort and diamond rings.
That's pretty much my hope, I can get in fast enough to cash out before it gets too big.
There's no doubt in my mind it's going to end badly however.. the whole system is the complete definition of a ponzi scheme but if it gets big enough it can last for long enough time.
Ponzis are a scam but theres plenty people that make money out of them but you have to pretty much consider your money gone the second you invest it
Hey Hey Heeey
Hey Hey Heeeeey
Hey Hey Heeey
BTFO bittttttcooooo
>but you have to pretty much consider your money gone the second you invest it
Bingo. I don't keep track of much except the $100 a day i collect off of Bitconnect. But i've made back my initial so many times over it doesn't matter how much i have "invested" in bitconnect when I'm making passive gains every day.
how to find the guy shouting bitconnect? can't find it on youtube.
when did you started to use it? and how much did you deposit?
$500 back in december of '16.
Will post my referral again, hopefully you guys understand how big this shit is gonna be once bitcoin is mainstream and the normies jump on.
https ://bitconnect. co/? ref= CryptoTarkus (remove spaces)
I read through their terms of service for lols.
They have pretty much covered them self for everything when they finally do their exit scam or get "Hacked".
>Any technological difficulties experienced by the Bitconnect system may prevent the access or use of members virtual currency temporarily or permanently, depending on the severity of damage.
>There are risks associated with trading and investing. If there should be a system failure, hacking incident or technical failure these terms apply to the members.
sounds like a clause anyone would have to cover themselves in case of a breach of security. Bitconnectbros are gonna make it and are already making it. You have until the last of the normies (grandma and grandpa) get on bitconnect before I'd say don't invest.
You've posted 10 times in this thread with the only intention of shilling your fucking referral link.
You really think anyone gives a fuck about your opinion?
I put a 1010 loan in it too but I know fine well it's a massive risk and there is little chance i'll ever see that money again
It's called getting exposure. Look up some impressions/vs actual interaction rate and see why being persistent is so key.
I've done a lot of successful grassroots work on biz in the past but persistance is key. One shill may not get any attention but after dozens you may get something.
Can somebody tell me how does this even work anyway ? It's basically you pay someone to recruit 3 guys and they recruit 3 guys each and that's it ?
>sign up with referral
>Put in some pocket change neetbux
>lend bitconnect
>reinvest earnings
>in one year have enough for a very nice vacation or take comfy passive income.
>When you run out of stupid people
Like that's gonna happen
Bitconnect is owned by the same loosely associated group as Coinmarketcap, FreeWallet, Changelly, Bytecoin, and MinerGate. Why would they not list it?
I do, it's nice to hear someone who akchually uses bitconnect services. All of us already watched the Carlos video.
This makes me feel good. I'm glad someone is listening to what I have to say instead of these fudders who are crying because they think they missed out.
Imagine being retarded enough to think that someone paying 1% interest daily isn't running a Ponzi and will not exit scam as soon as withdrawals exceed deposits.
Here's the catch. It's open source & they've been entirely transparent.
They've been clear about their adoption model since its conception. Months ago they said they were going to reduce the layers for refs.
They are a lending platform. The social consensus is that they are a lending platform. The trading bot is just a stub to anchor the growth of the community. Anyone can clone their web application and tap into the pool of investors who are ready to lend. Or you can contribute to the github repo and inject new services directly.
I'd go as far to say they're masquerading as a ponzi scheme, what better way to monopolize the lending market in the crypto space? Recall any fresh ICO's that want to be lending platforms to small businesses & individuals? Well, all bitconnect (or any developer for that matter) has to do is flip a switch.
https ://bitconnect. co/? ref= MissionKMG
Most of my faith is in the decentralized and open source technology & the fact that it already has a thriving community primed for the market.
BCC could be ran by satan himself, but he's put all his power into the hands of the people, and for too long. If I were going from 15 cents to $150 I would have already exit scammed.
If their numbers are real, invest 10,000 usd today and in 6 years you'll be a multi-trillionaire.
Seems legit.
nice try mods