>tfw want to be an Orthodox Christian/traditional Catholic but to intelligent to believe in God
Tfw want to be an Orthodox Christian/traditional Catholic but to intelligent to believe in God
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The threshold for being too smart for Christianity is much lower than being to smart to believe in God.
Just turn off your brain user
Just become a nigger.
>>but to intelligent to believe in God
>falling for fedora the circle jerk
Do your own research.
> evidence is just blank pieces of paper
I guess that's basically all throws books amount to
>tfw to intelligent to fall for the "big corrupt organized church designed by the devil to confuse people and make real Christianity out to be evil and supported Hitler's regime, knowing fully well that Hitler was the leader of Satan's armies on earth"
>tfw believe in God but uninterested in going to church
>not such a fan of organized religion, denominations and what not
>still pray and talk to God a good bit but by myself on my own time
It's like I believe in the penthouse but not the many floors beneath supporting it. Is this wrong
No, but you should at least go to church on occasion, especially for confession.
Let me let you in on a little secret: the churches don't actually support God.
Which church? Raised Episcopal so that's a good start. I'm allured by orthodox tradition and whatnot, but on the other hand I'm not a meme LARPer faggot
this is obvious to me, I never give money when they walk around, the people are so nice though and it's a good way to meet qts/helpful people in general
you are clearly no hohol, who always submits himself to god
hohol mafia
hahahahahahahahhahaha OH NO NO NO NO
it's literally the other way around you fucking delusional faggot
Atheism is a trend. The majority of atheists today are atheists because they think its so cool and cultured and makes them smart, rather than having thought about their beliefs throughoutly. Deism is the superior belief
Even if you believe in some form of God for philosophical reasons, everything else in religions and spirituality is still based on nothing and reastically just human inventions.
If there is a god (there isn't) and doesn't interfere in our affairs at all or and afterlife, then it doesn't matter anyway.
Deism is equal to Theism in superstition unless your "god" is a hyper-intelligent alien.
Even if what we call "God" in philosophy is so vague that it's probably real in some way, most deists are still projecting man-made beliefs on it.
There are no reasons to think that it cares more about us than animals or even rocks, that we have an afterlife and that we can have any kind of personal relationship with it.
Deism tend to basically be secular christianism.
What do you mean with that pic, a specific religion or some sort of deism?
If it's for a specific religion I'd like to know more
Man, I'm an atheist materialist because that's what reason tells me and denying it would be hypocrite of myself but I was raised an Orthodox and was very religious as a kid (read the whole Bible and a lot of doctrinal booklets and lives of saints at the time most people are giving their first kiss) and sometimes the fact that I'm not going to see my grandparents again, that the Evil will not receive judgement, that our morals are just social consensus and that this is it, all the time of existence and all the joy we can feel really troubles me, almost to the point of tears.
Here some music for the thread:
What made you stop believing, you were raised in it so aren't you afraid of hell?
By what I wrote it is clear that I like to research deeply on a lot of aspects so I started studying History, Doctrine, Biology, Anthropology and such and came to a materialist conclusion.
>tfw teleologically suspend the ethical in infinite resignation
"Live a good life.
If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by.
If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them.
If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
-Marcus Aurelius
>tfw this is how I feel
>tfw still go to Orthodox Church some Sundays as my fiancé is in the tradition and it's honestly not that bad given I never went to church growing up
If you just want to socialize, you don't need to believe in god for that.
Yeah, look at all the youtube atheists making anti-flat earth videos. Religion overwhelmingly BTFO!!!!
>I know of nothing about it, therefore there is nothing to it.
*tips fedora*
>I know of nothing about it, therefore there is nothing to it.
>>*tips fedora*
Ok, what are your arguments for that kind of claims?
>I'm allured by orthodox tradition
This frankly
Psalm 82 but the church is the life of the religion
Heh sounds right
catholic server /bkXHBgq
Unrelated but how can one get into Orthodoxy? The brand of Christianity in Asia is batshit lunacy.
Some form of deism is at least reasonable enough but philosophy can't really claim anything about God being good (some arguments imply it but seeing all forms of evil as the absence of good is sketchy yet possible but you can't really prove that it's the right way of seeing the word given how unintuitive is it either way), caring for humanity, us having an afterlife or really anything really religious or spiritual.
Here you go, corrected it for you.