Is ETH a meme now?

Is ETH a meme now?

its dogshit
get owned


I have not been around for five months here on Veeky Forums but something happens for one second and it is already
>the line dropped 0.00000000000000001% within two days
>is it done now, biz?

yeah its been fucked since it peaked. ethtards dont think in satoshis though so they think everything is dandy with 300 eth


doubt we'll be hearing that when bitcoin gets pooped on after the fork

This, opening ETH/BTC long the moment of hardfork

>chart gold against BTC
Is gold a meme now?

ETH is not a good product and has no use cases beyond scam ICOs.

Its "language" is vulnerable and weak as shown by the Parity wallet hack and The DAO situation.

Vitalik is a gay 23 old marxist who wants to control things he doesn't like.

everyone is talking so much shit about it it will probably bottom soon.

so far its the only coin that has even come close to bitcoin in valuation, nothing has ever been close to ether in this regard, and i doubt its going to lose that no.2 position any time soon with all the tokens that require it, and decentralized exchanges that will keep popping up that have to run on ethereum.

>i doubt its going to lose that no.2 position any time soon with all the tokens that require it

This is the problem. Scam ICOs got way more ETH than they needed, and are trying to slowly cash out.

This means there is tremendous pressure to keep ETH at a stable $300. As BTC continues to rise, ETH will continue to fall in satoshis and become irrelevant.

ITT a bunch of speculator amateurs who just sat on BTC for a year that thinks what applies to all those currency-only coins applies to blockchains that have actual utility wherein the coins are used to pay for those utilities.

People who read a lot about crypto and think BTC is a significant part of the future and shit on "alts" as if things like RLC, SALT and AMB are comparable to litecoin deserve to part with their money when BTC gets left in the dust.

Arrogant brainlets are the worst brainlets. I hope you cry over lost lambos.

it just means all of the early eth buyers are handing over their eth to smarter holders

the icos will eventually stop raising so much eth and go away once all of the retards have given away all of their eth

that produces selling pressure but a lot of people bought eth to get into icos

not to mention the ico hype is already dead at this point.

what coins are you holding?


some old copper pennies a 1944 quarter and a bunch of post 1963 scrap metal shiny ones

anyone that would have gotten rich from ethereum has already, werent you there from the rise at the first half of the year?

its not even a case of blockchains with utility, it's even simpler. apart from 10 or less coins, everything else is going to die, bitcoin clearly isn't, and ethereum's already cemented its position by having so much built on top of it.

even the 3 coins you mentioned are more likely to die that get anywhere, there won't be another pure store of value coin after bitcoin, but that doesn't mean 99% of all coins today aren't going to die.



Salt is the first of these that will blow up so its my biggest bag atm.

Also QTUM is best positioned to take over Ethereum's role if it dies for some unforeseen reason and coins and tokens can be largely copied over, including redeeming the balances if projects migrate.


thoughts on Stratis? it seems to be quite low atm and i was thinking of buying some

Sold this piece of shit in the afternoon.

i like your portfolio. i hold some of those as well. one more for you. have you looked into ARK? that was the other coin on my radar. i was either going to put some of my ETH stack(135) into either STRAT, ARK, or both. i may even just not buy any and sit on my ETH stack. care to weigh in on my decision?

What part of 'no one wants nor needs Ethereum at any higher than 300' don't you understand?
If it was for him he can just type the new value and that's it. He's keeping it low on porpuse while btc is being artificially pumped.
It's like comparing a dollar bill with gold. One is a currency the other one is not.
I still think he will either pump the shit out of eth AFTER polkadot network gets released or just create another coin and pump that one instead all for dick privileges.

good, i hope i bought yours, dumbass.

ETH is pegged to $300 +/- $20

as BTC continues to rise ETH will continue to fall in satoshis

>pegged to $300
there are people that believe this can happen in crypto

there's going to be immense amount of butthurt when eth starts mooning again. FOMO will be like nothing you have ever seen.

I'm gonna tran the fuck up to make up for my losses.