Tfw finnaly learned how to make money

tfw finnaly learned how to make money.
its simple, dont try to beat the market, and aim for small gainz.

you need to lose some pawns in order to win the game user.

You still need to beat the 0.5% commission

i actually did, you brainlet. i made 1,4% on this trade.

gj user how long was the time between when you bought and when you sold?

>1 good trade
you could just be lucky op

around 3 mins

maybe, i used ta for this trade and i planned my exit.
i learned a shitload of stuff too.
i think im actually gonna earn good.



There are a few issues surrounding crypto markets and using technical analysis:
1) age of the market
2) low liquidity - whales dumping or buying can quickly and easily create seismic disturbances, which newfags then react to by panicking
3) scams - lots of scams, dirty pajeets always want to steal ur money
4) lack of market makers - quickly changing, but as of yet there are no serious market makers, the volatile price makes it difficult too
5) market manipulation - TA is assumed to work because of all the regulations that surround traditional markets. If you want a more hectic market strategy then read 'reminiscences of a stock operator', this book is about financial markets in the early 20th century where there was much less regulation
6) FUD and FOMO - news has a larger than life impact on crypto. One word from a prominent public figure can send the price crashing (see: jamie dimon saying BTC sucks and the dump that followed)
7) BTC itself - shitcoins are annoyingly dependent on the volatility of the 'gold standard' and most shitcoins trade BTC pairings which further props this shit up

I'm all for TA but I wouldn't use it to rake profits in anything other than long-established coins with high liquidity and volume

What's your stop loss user? I tried scalping too, I aimed for 2.5% each trade. Unfortunately I did it with altcoins during the long nuclear winter we're in and held the whole time.