Athene the international scammer and actual cult leader is releasing his own ERC20 token called "Purpose" (PRPS).
It's clearly a scam. He has NO whitepaper, roadmap, or any details whatsoever, yet is already selling it to his naive twitch stream viewers. With 1 BILLION coin supply he is selling them for $0.50 as his pre-sale price. He has stated repeatedly to his viewers that he expects this coin to maintain $0.50 indefinitely and to possibly reach as much as $5-10 per coin despite the 1 billion supply. He even said he'd buy all coins from exchanges that are trading under the pre-sale $0.50 price to ensure that remains to be the floor, as seen here:
Recently some anons were concerned with him making these kinds of verbal commitments, thought perhaps there might be a case for legal action. Athene became aware of this discussion and actually responded to it live on stream, first acknowledging the hacker Veeky Forums ( and then addressing his position regarding the law:
Sounds like what's going on here is that all of these on-stream donations are going to Reese (his partner) whereas Athene's the one that actually holds all of the PRPS in his own wallet. So when Reese receives donations, Athene just so happens, out of the goodness of his heart, to decide to give 2 PRPS for every $1 donated to his buddy and thinks this absolves him of all legal responsibility in the scheme.
He's based in Germany btw so if we have any EU lawyers around who can offer insight into the legality of his operation, that would be nice.
In all likelihood as soon as PRPS hits exchanges, Athene himself will just dump a huge portion of his own supply, or get one of his minions to do so for their benefit. I wouldn't normally care as much about a scam ICO but this guy will bring a lot of negative attention to crypto as a whole.
not 4chans job to regulate the market, go complain to the SEC
you clearly jealous of him that he can make 250k in a few days work.
Dominic Flores
'We are safe because of many reasons' good argument.
Hunter Thompson
Veeky Forums here.
OPs a fag but is right. This is a scam don't waste your money on this.
True purpose comes from sprouting Bitbean.
Jose Jackson
>We are safe because of reasons >Bulletproof >Water proof >DISCLAIMER! >air tight >REASONS >goodwill! goodwill!
Xavier Campbell
everyone knows he's a scammer, all his lvling records used exploits, same with the pvp ladder, then he did le meme quantum meme thing, not sure what was his angle there and proceded to scam plebbitors for charity crap dont forget he's a sandnigger
Andrew Evans
Young EU lawyer here (6 years xp)
Depending on what he does on the promised date of handing out the coins, there can be a very strong case built against him AND his partner. If you want to go after him, you go after both.
If he doesn't hand out coins ->very strong case If he hands out coins but doesn't buy at $.5 ->decent case
Mason Garcia
what im worried about is the fact that he keeps pushing this "no obligation to give out coins for donations" thing, which also goes the opposite way - he's free to give out coins for nothing.
So he'll scam both sides of it: sell them at an inflated rate (currently his rate is about 600 coins per 1 ETH which is absurd for a 1 billion cap coin) and then just hand them out to his housemates/slaves to dump on the market. He thinks that if he personally doesn't take the action he's immune to legal action being taken. This is the least complicated, most obvious scam I've ever seen. Can you contact anyone you might know to get this guy shut down? He's not hard to find.
Real name is: Bachir "Chiren" Boumaaza, he speaks like 4 languages (English, Dutch, Arabic, some French I think). His compound is in a small town in Germany, a re-purposed former Nazi Hospital.
yep he's a literal Arab
Carter Walker
>Can you contact anyone you might know to get this guy shut down? Like who? The internet police?
Until he actually scams someone, there is no case. When he actually scams someone, you need that someone to sue him. I need a client to go to court, they won't even read a vigilante case with no harmed party behind it.