I know how much you like your heritage
European/(Neo)Classical Architecture thread
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shameless self bump
This is the view out my window, even better at night when the streetlights are on
That is not neoclassical, it is romantic
never on /pol/, possible best thread, godspeed haters
also not contributing because helping people makes them weaker
you're right
Amsterdam Central
I hope you dont do it in a shoddy and plastic looking way.
You do know that castle is nothing like the real buildings it tries to emulate and was built to a madmans specs on what he thought castles should look like?
No, in fact I think they went overboard with the reconstruction effort.
They even purchased custom made English stales from Canada. Similar to the ones used for the original riding hall, but they are barely produced anymore.
fuck up nigger, future castles in the uk will be mosques
First combination of classic and modern elements that doesn't make me want to jump of it, but the original roof was still better.
Building a palace to look like a medieval castle was pretty common back then. Pic related.
Hallo Eilyn :)
Holy shit please tell me how you were able to reverse search that image
Bleib entspannt. Du kannst dich relatic leicht selbst doxxen. Rschtsklick auf dein Bild, Google Bildersuche u d schon findet man deininstagram.
I quiet like the incorporation of modern architecture in this pic
Nah i think some penibility is important as those buildings will stand for a long time and carry great symbolic meanig.
Being a cheapo would bite you in the ass for the next 100 years at least afterall.
Also nothing worse then disney stucko.
Customs House in Dublin
I don't think they even use it much these days
I know this isn't European but it's a nice looking building
I'll admit burgers have the best flag
Nice! it usually goes the other way
It's still a European style of architecture. Interesting mixture of Neo- and stripped Classicism btw.
God I miss continental Europe. The UK is bad enough - if you're not in one of the more expensive areas, there's just red-bricked shithouses everywhere. Now I'm going to move to the US where no house is older than 50 years and is made of wood shingles.
I think once I'm done with a few post-docs, I should head home, the old land is calling for me.
no they don't
>Tympanums are somehow a big deal
wut. They are a pretty generic thing in Classical/Neo-Classical Architecture
The fuck? Why did this get moved?
Because mods on /pol/ are probably closeted faggots
Breaking news: Mods are fgts
But at least thread got deported to Veeky Forums, not /bant/
Eilyn fucked up
Not sure if it counts, but it looks pretty
Holy shit, that looks aesthetic af.
Antwerpen Central Station
Hungarians should be rangebanned
Found the butthurt gypo
Sorry, I meant all V4
No you didnt
What did these 4 countries do to you fuckboi?
Mayan Revival
Shit like this is the best
>pic related Bristol Byzantine
Madrid has some pretty great buildings
Durham cathedral
both are awful
they are, but the old one at least wasnt pseudohistorical kitsch.
>pseudohistorical kitsch
Its still kitsch, not FYROM tier kitsch, but still kitsch
That's the original 1923 facade plan, though
Is that really a pump house turned mosque?
>there is a hohenzollern monarch (not reigning) alive today
What's the matter bitch boy, not enough brutalism posts?
The Dampfmaschinenhaus at the Neustädter Havelbucht in Potsdam, Germany, looks like a Turkish mosque but is actually a pumping station in disguise. Its purpose was to accommodate an 81.4 horse power steam engine – a 19th century masterpiece of mechanical engineering – that was used to pump water from the River Havel to the Great Fountains in the Sanssouci Park.
You're hard
St john's cambridge
The finest piece of neoclassical architecture in my opinion
>I know how much you like your heritage
>t. A 56% goblino
I think he was talking to americans in the first place
There's shit like that from the Greek revival period all around the west
It's kind of the size and age + significance that makes it stand out
The ancient Greek revelation and modern Greek revolution that brought about Hellenic European cultural identity and awareness culminated with the non-stop zerging of Greek revival in every country that supported Greece. There's Walhalla in Germany, the Austrian Parliament building that looks just like the British museum, the Academy of Athens and the National Library, the Royal High school in Edinburgh etc etc
Instagram roasties get of my board