>featured on The Merkle: themerkle.com
>666 supply, .0666 eth each
>600 dollar Market Cap - expected to 100x to 1000x
>already trading on etherdelta
>solid dev team, great community
>great blackpaper
Why aren't you buying SatanCoin?
Other urls found in this thread:
We might invest in it.
Try pitching it here: discord.gg
It's a pumping community, don't share it with too many people though...
Meanwhile at the 3rd annual satancoin conference...
>don't share it with too many people though
>just post it on Veeky Forums
A for effort on blackpaper. Buying 1 shitcoin just as props
I mean don't share it on Leddit or any normie places.
Shilled it there, apparently it's "unprofessional"
I like it, might get some just to go with my Yoshi coins. I like some limited edition, collector's tokens, lol
lmao one of the funniest things I've seen in crypto hands down
Hahahahaha this is fucking great!!! Buying some for the lolz
what is sticker name in ed?
Inb4 ISIS drops Mohammed Coin
On website it says they plan on going to etherdelta by Christmas Eve, so after the funding rounds
u buggers what is sticket name...i will throuw one eth on it
No sticker yet - use contract address for more. Sticker will come in a couple days
Send your eth to the contract 0xCCcA48874780f9c42b162c9617bC6324c5142C22. Follow the directions on the website (in increments of .0666
sorry i dont scam coins
I noticed there are some buyer's addresses that show the token "SATAN" on ethexplorer but some addresses do not show the token. Why is it like this?
i see order book zero....how to buy it then
The tokens should be given out. Not sure - perhaps visual bug
>Send your eth to 0xCCcA48874780f9c42b162c9617bC6324c5142C22 Make sure it's in increments of .0666! (The contract address)
You can read the contract here - etherscan.io
what if i buy whole 600 supply?
You cannot buy the whole supply of 600. You can try though
alright I bought 2 of em
sounds fun
the sticker name is SATAN.
that said i'm buying some fucking SATAN
then you get a guaranteed eternity in hell. no virgins
How dosen't someone just buy all 74 this round? How does that work
>developer "makes" more
>whoops guess we have 6,666 coins now
>one month later
>whoops guess we have 66,666 coins now
>one week later
>whoops guess we have 666,666 coins now haha
>one day later
>Guys I regret to say this but today I will be resigning from chief developer of SATAN. Thank you for believing in us and I wish great success in all your lives!
>drives off in a lambo
No thanks.
I dunno m8 42-coin still has only 42 coins
Buying 4
Nope only 666 will ever be made
The smart contract is coded to a maximum 666
They're waiting for you to join them in hell
so since scarcity breeds value will these things moon like hell?
It should lol
Lmao, if this does better than Jesus Coin
eh maybe not
there's a coin called 300 Coin that's only worth $182 a coin
Fuck jesuscoin. Satancoin is where it's at
bought earlier. where my sexy satan hoes at.
lol like buying silver with potleaf stamps is of fake
Let's kill jesuscoin
1000/1200 sold just 200 more!
Im a holder of 1000K JesusCoin on tradesatoshi. how this new SatanCoin will affect my holding? JesusCoin will increase or decrease in value?
Buy both just in case
>inb4 RIP Jesus
Jump in now and buy JesusCoin to avoid going to HELL tradesatoshi.com
Might buy just Satan Coin because the guy in the Jesus Coin ad looks like a cuck ass bitch
JesusCoin its a holly coin, dont buy satan, buy jesus
Yes, I'm sure Jesus would have loved to be turned into a shitcoin.
I like how there are so many sheep in that pic, very symbolic of JesusCoin Holders.
Jesus Coin cucks unstoppable