
This is a thread about the peoples of the nile, thier history and how they are today.

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What does Egypt have to do with Nilotics?

It is traversed by the Nile. Niolitic means Nile based.


Can we avoid racial derailment of the thread.

In fairness, the reason that the Nilotic tribes migrated into the Eastern African Rift was the collapse of the Christian Nubian kingdoms which caused the refugees fleeing Islam to push the pagan Nilotes down who in turn pushed the Central Sudanics down into the Congo-Ubangi basins.

They are a Nile tributary, at the height of Egypt's power all of the peoples living along the nile were vassal states including the pygmies at the base of the nile on the equator and pygmies served in the royal court.
There is also a substantial amount in culural exchange from Nilotes, Nubians and Egyptians which can be seen in Egyptian art by their headpieces, hairstyles, architecture and the practise of circumcision.




IIRC Geb was a central african pygmy god & Apemadak was a Nubian god. A few Egyptian deities like Horus in turn were revered as far southeast as Somalia.

No we can’t the thread is racial is origin

kek, this one never gets old.


No it's not

My mistake, not Geb. Bes.

What I find odd about this is, the pitch black people that most would attribute to being Nubians, look nothing like actual Nubians and look exactly like the people of southern and south sudan. It is very likely that the pitch black people are not "Nubians" at all. Then that begs the question, where are the Nubians in this pic.

It was believed that cats could prevent or stop fires.

The end of We Wuz Kangz is almost here. Now we just need some genetic testing done on Predynastic to Old Kingdom Egyptians.

That’s true though
They can, they just don’t care to because they’re lazy bastards

Here's some focus on a part of the tomb with surely light skinned figures. Note that there are obvious males there with the skin tones of lighter West Asians.

Those are women.

Me personally? I think it’s a matter of stereotyping. When you live in average communities of like 500-1000 people each, any foreigner will look WILDLY alien from your POV. Like how Romans & Greeks claimed ALL Germanic, Thracian, Illyrian, Scythian, and Slavic peoples were flaming redheads. When you’ve seen only people with brown & black hair all your life you’ll be like “HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ALL THOSE GINGERS!!” because they just stand out more. And with the Egyptians, the odd dark skinned Nubian must have looked like an Argentine to them.

Sure they are, Kunta Kinkang

Here's another set of males. Note the skin color.

They are. They all have breasts, unlike the men.

Now show the same picture from the front.

>Pale priests have literal tits and enlarged nipples.

Is this a dude too? She got a shaved head and all.

You can see it more clearly here. All light-skinned figures have a breast and something that looks like a nipple. This is absent from upper figures.

Nubians only presided over one dynasty. They're hardly synonymous with the term "Egyptian." Nor are they negroid anyway, so, if your intention was to make out that Egypt was primarily black, you're going to have to try harder.

I wasn't trying to racialized this at all. For all the criticism whites give blacks for we wuzzing, whites are ten times worse. The will inject their race bullshit I threads that are not at all about race.

Nubians are black and consider themselves black. You know damn well you’d cross the street to avoid pic related at night. Not all black people look the same.

Was the Semitic urheimat located around the Nile region?

Semitic is generally agreed to have come from the Levant region around 3800 BC

circumcision came from the Middle East dumbass. Wigs are not an argument.

Circumcision independently arose in many cultures

I highly doubt the Polynesians were in contact with the Assyrians

no, afro-asiatics are

then why do you imply it was culturally exchanged? Egyptians aren't Polynesians you know.

Where did I say that?

>substantial amount in culural exchange from Nilotes
>can be seen in Egyptian art by
>the practise of circumcision

movement on or along the Nile works both ways you know

It would seem possible that the various fish taboos of Afro-Asiatic and Nilotic peoples might have shared roots. Probably related in part to their being pastoral cattle and livestock rearing people.

Arabs and Nilotics clearly have shared roots.

This has already been debunked. The migration went from Eurasia to Africa.

Speak not to me with a mouth that eats fish

—Somali nomad taunt

This is funny.

Nobody knows where the urheimat is.

the Natufians were the ones who probably spoke proto-Afroasiatic.

Africa seems more plausible because of the greater number of AA languages and families spoken there and also because the associated haplogroup E1b1b originated there.

This is supported by ancient Egyptian and Greek records.


Literally who



No it hasn't lmao. There's no consensus of the origin of Afro-Asiatic.

This channel has a good number of videos of different Afro-Asiatic languages, some are probably from the World Language Movies videos.

So who domesticated camels?
Wikipedia says they were first domesticated in Somalia and southern Arabia.

You just answered your own question.

Why are you sad?


So, you are always sad because you are homophobic?

How much is known about Nubian Christianity? The Ethiopian church had their first Archbishop and Patriarch consecrated by the Coptic Pope in the 1950s. The Ethiopian church however seems more culturally distinctive whereas the Nubian kingdoms are shown to have employed a Hellenic script like Copts to the North of them. Historically they seem to have behaved like bandwagoners, first they become Egyptianized as the Medjay, later they became evangelized, and last they convert to Islam.
I wonder if Nubian Christianity employed group song and drumming like in this Ethiopian liturgical ceremony.

What would separate Egyptians and Nubians and make them separate people since there is no physical boundary?

Language? Like Meroitic maybe and whoever the ancient Egyptians considered to be Nubians or Kushites.

It would probably be hazy differentiating between Cushtic peoples and Nilotes historically as well as southern Semites.

But how do you get two separate people with two separate languages living right next to each other without a physical barrier?


Why do yo think they need a barrier its not there's an impenetrable force field between them.

Because it's unusual to have to distinct peoples developed without a physical barrier.