it only made things worse for me, this is bad

you're the idiot who told everyone, so you deserve what's coming.

the gift is in giving OP, i wish i was rich so i could give

I will relieve you of that burden user

quit larping, you can solve your problem if you just gave away your money.

lol ya my grandma has an old saying

you got some money in your hankerchief? oh look its uncle (generic name) here to visit.

I did not tell them like a fucking russian oligarch kid, i like premium liqour and live in a nice area, im guessing thats how they put 2 and 2 together

How beta can you be? You have already made it so now you can literally become a mega chad and own everybody.
>hurr everybody expects me to pay for them
You own them now. Tell them to fuck off or to suck your dick or something, otherwise you're not paying. They don't like it? they were not your friends anyway so you're better off. Make them do stupid and degrading shit for your amusement. Become the alpha that you always wanted to be.

As a destitute poorfag I wish I could be sad for your reasons and not my own.

Maybe you should share the burden.

Ever since becoming wealthy, I've never been more grateful for how antisocial and autistic I am. I have no friends hitting me up for money because I have no friends. Feels fucking fantastic

Don't pay for anything.
Show up without money to gathering.
Make them pay for everything.

Either they're good friends, and will pay for you, or they want to get in your good graces, in which case they'll pay for you.

My advice is just moving town and living frugally without apparent signs of wealth, if you don't do that and aren't some kind of shallow cunt, not knowing whether they're here for the money or not will kill your mood.
Alternatively, just become a NEET and never meet people again except for the delivery man.

Money is correlated with significant increases in happiness up to $80k per year income in the US.

I only own clothes and a laptop. At least I don't have to pay for anyone right.

Important rule- never say you're rich.

Never talk about REALLY rich things you do. Like, you can mention individual things other people could conceive of doing themselves (oh, I went to Hong Kong for a trip), just don't go into excruciating details. This may mean stuff you would have normally discussed with friends can't be because it seems boastful.

If you don't like that, find richer friends. They don't have to be as rich as you, but so much more is conceivable and normal to, say, a young lawyer making $200k than a fastfood wagecuck making $20k.

Sure, being rich won't all the suddent fix your ugly face, or suddenly make you sociable. But it can save you from wagekeking at some normie shithole, that's all im looking for right now; freedom from being a wagecuck. Don't give a flying fuck about fancy cars or fancy house or anything, just wanna have enough money so i pay for living expenses without being forced to wagecuck.


>and just to clarify, I did not get rich off crypto, I got rich from hard work on an idea no one else had at the time

>being rich won't all the sudden fix your ugly face

Plastic surgery can do wonders. You'd have to be one ugly motherfucker to begin with to come out of a good rhinoplasty and chin implant and not be at least a little bit above-average looking.

this. the few anons with this kind of mentality will not only make it but stay there. I have a few social hobbies that I would do literally ALL THE FUCKING TIME if I didn't have to wagecuck and it would be the best life ever, even if I stay frugal in my day-to-day expenses.

i dont really know what to do. wtf do people do with their time? i dont need to work so wtf????

Because being poor makes life hard af, it literally fucking kills you. Poor people work harder, eat worse, deal with more real stress... like will I be able to feed my family tonight. Rich people problems are made up bullshit.

Well, make yourself a better person. Put yourself or those close to you in positions of power. Generally see the world. And get laid regularly along the way.

Or he could just timelock away his btc for 30 years.

Everyone says the same and when they become rich they become jews st the same time
Fuck rich people

>eat worse
The cheapest food is the healthiest, i.e. cooked raw food, you wanker.
>work harder
Only because they are incompetent retards that keep fucking up and need to do overtime to make up for it.
HAHAHA, wagecucking is the most stressfree way to earn income.
Try being a business owner.
Shit, try doing fucking CRYPTO, the 3000>1800 dip is the first time in my entire life i FELT stress.

There are only two types of poor people : the ones that don't try to become rich and are NEETs living on a meager income without a fuss, and retards like women and niggers.

You live in the most exciting era of human History, there hae never been more opportunities and more to do, and you're bored. Wow.
Anyway, just go start an entreprise. Treat it like crypto, as in invest what you don't need, whether it succeed or fail, that'll be months worth of entertainment.

why does everyone think having a huge dick makes you happy
okay, it does

Money does not make you happy, but not having enough gives you trouble. There is also a thing like too much money, it shakes the foundations of the social construct you are living in.

I'm happy already though, could not hurt to have some more moneys.

When my poor-ass roommates would always ask me for food because they didn't have any...

It's like how about no? How about stop eating my fucking food? How about stop buying weed and get a job?

Honestly, I feel bad for poor people who had no choice and no chance in life, but for spoiled first worlders, it just pisses me off.

Why should the ethical and intelligent and diligent give their money to people who are none of those things?