Anyone believe this?

Anyone believe this?

"One pull-up burns approximately one calorie, according to Fat Burn's activity tool. Since 3,500 calories equal one pound, you will need to do 3,500 pull-ups to see weight loss."

Other urls found in this thread: folder/epocarticle.html

fuck no leg day burns all kinda calories though

Wow that's crazy! Thanks to my diet consisting of only 3000 calories (average adult male diet thank you very much) and obesity, I can't even do a single pull up! How in the world can I go down in weight then? This is hopeless, why do I even browse this board, I might as well give up.

>3k calories
>average adult male diet

Seems pretty reasonable to me.

It's not.

Found the Amerifats

How dense can you be not to understand the sarcasm

"The good thing about science is that it's true whether you believe it or not" - Fat Nigger Celebrity "Scientist"
Let's see though.
A chinup with full ROM moves your entire bodyweight (minus forearms but we're making such gross oversimplifications that this is mere noise) almost one arm's length (from shoulder being in shoulder position to shoulder being in wrist position.
Assuming the average human weight 80 kg and the average humerus is 40 cm, we are looking at a potential energy difference (from top minus bottom part of the movement) of: E=mgh=80kg*10m/s2*0.8m=640J
The human body's energy conversion rate is about 25% after some googling (meaning we burn 4kcal to move 1kcal in a theoretical Newtonean sandbox
So, the actual energy burned to do a chinup is:
}=> Energy to do a chinup ~=0.6 kcal. It would be 1 kcal if you were 100kg with a 0.5m humerus though, but that's far from the average human (hell, even I am)

It's perfectly reasonable. Keep in mind that it depends on other factors as well, such as race and climate. In my country, the government recommends 3200 kcal per day for 18-30 year olds who keep active. People here are tall and generally have larger frames and winter is long and cold. These things matter.

How much do you think the average male should eat?
>he thinks 3000 kcal/day is sarcasm
How short are you?

2,000 is the average male diet.

3,000 isn't unreasonable if you're active, but the average person isn't that active.

2000 is the average human diet, not male

>2,000 is the average male diet.

That is the average female diet, more like.

>how short are you

It's from the perspective of someone trying to loose weight and can't imagine eating sub-3k calories. Despite that being obviously possible. That's the sarcasm. Are you dense?

>trying to loose weight
That is by definition not average
>sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm
You need to work on your humor m8

Average female was ~1800, average male ~2300 if I remnember correctly. Now add another 300 for active. 3k would be for bulking (or maintenance if you're already big).


It's pursepectave.

you have the effect of afterburner (not what comes after a chipotle day) what makes weighttraining the best weightloss exercise.
Cardio is good for your heart and burns off a lot of calories. But the sudden loss of energy WILL be replaced by binge eating. You can't resist the hunger afterwards. That is the reason you became fat in the first place so don't expect to become suddenly strongwilled.

Men, Women, Elderly, the Ill and the disabled - all should do weighttraining in order to lose weight.
Cardio is for your heart, your cardioviscular system.

HIIT and Tabihata and any exercises with high intensity is to be considered partly as weighttraining. It will build muscles, it will give you the pros and contras of both, weighttraining and cardio.

The average male does not sit 8 hours at a computer and then go lie 6 hours on sofa

ok so 3000 calories is an average diet for an american?

>average male ~2300 if I remnember correctly. Now add another 300 for active
I consider myself a manlet (1.81 - 5'11) and Scooby says only cardio counts for weight loss, not weight training. According to that, either both Scooby and Veeky Forums lied (weight training counts as activity and I am not a manlet) or I have been consistently miscounting my calories for the last year and I'm getting less than 2000 instead of the 2700 I thought I did

Weight training burns calories too, it's actually pretty good (you'll build muscles at the same time so weight doesn't change that much but body composition does and that's what counts). And calculating both parts of the equation is extremely hard.

>only cardio counts for weight loss, not weight training
You got meme'd. Weight training is more efficient than traiditonal cardio in terms of burning calories due to the amount of recovery your body goes through. Really though, you shouldn't be counting exercise too much for TDEE since it's so hard to accurately measure calories burned outside of medical studies.

yes they do. that's exactly what the average person does.

>The average male does not sit 8 hours at a computer and then go lie 6 hours on sofa
Are you still in school? This is literally what 80-90% of adults (male and female) do on a daily basis. Through in constant food and alcohol and you start to understand why everyone is so fat.

Sounds about right. This may be a reason why people don't use pull ups as a weight loss exercise. You may be on to something OP!

I ran 84 minutes at an average cadence of 149 steps per minute (12516 steps) and the calorie estimate was 1247, so that's about 10 steps per calorie.

resistance training will not burn a lot of calories directly, but increase your metabolism over time.

When people see how many calories are consumed each day, it confuses them because they think you need to exercise to use up those calories. For a 200 lb. man, you use up 2,000 calories a day just by existing - your heart pumping, heat loss from muscles, etc. Like 20% of your calories are used by your brain for fuck's sake. I don't think there's any field people are so commonly misinformed about as nutrition.

>8 hours at a computer
>6 hours on sofa

typical behavior

>the average adult male weighs 200lbs

Yes they fucking do dumbass

>be fat
>can do 10 pull ups
slim excuses

>>the average adult male weighs 200lbs

The average american male weighs much more than that

Nah. I maintain at about 2300 at 6'1, 180lbs. Hodgetwins, who are quite massive in height and weight were maitaining at 2500.
Unless you work physically or roid you won't need 3000 kcal. Like ever. Working out is just not enough to up that this high

A pullup definitely does not burn 1 calorie.

The average American male weighs 195 lbs, retard.

Exercise does not burn many calories
Most calories are burned just because you exist
If you want to lose weight, diet is more important than exercise

Guarantee you're not doing real dead hang pull-ups. Bet you can't even do five you fat fuck

Climbing 50 stories on stairs burns all of 150 calories lmao

~2500kcals is maintance for the average, sedentary man. For the average woman its ~2000

Im 230lbs at 6'1 and my maintance when not working is 3500. If you have a maintance at less than 2000 then youre counting wrong.

Or you're just fat. 230lbs at 6'1 natty is fat. Period.

This, you'd need to run a marathon a day to be at a calorie deficit just from exercise

Not him ,but can confirm fat ass and 10 dead hang pull ups

Not exact but a good estimate. Weight/resistance training isnt meant to burn calories

Not everyones a fucking manlet. 3100 is my tdee

>But the sudden loss of energy WILL be replaced by binge eating
Youre never gonna make it tubs

Objectively false. Youre a fucking retard

>200 lb man
>2000 calories
Only if youre 4'11

>Objectively false folder/epocarticle.html
>Elliot et al. (1988) investigated the difference in EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) between aerobic cycling (40 minutes at 80% heart rate max), circuit training (4 sets, 8 exercises, 15 reps at 50% 1RM) and heavy resistance training (3 sets, 8 exercises, 3-8 reps at 80-90% 1RM). Heavy resistance training produced the greatest EPOC (10.6 liters, 53 calories) compared with circuit training (10.2 liters, 51 calories) and cycling (6.7 liters, 33.5 calories). In a similar study by Gilette et al. (1994), resistance training (5 sets, 10 exercises, 8-12 reps at 70% 1RM) elicited a significantly greater EPOC response when compared to aerobic exercise (50% VO2 max for 60 minutes).

I'm not gaining on 3400 calories lmao

those are measures of EPOC though, not calorie burning...two different discussions

EPOC takes place once, in one scenario you are exercising for an hour, in the other scenario you are exsercising for 5 minutes, in which scenario do you think more calories were burned?

>blah blah epoc
Like i said, youre a fucking retard. Were talking about burning calories