What exercises can I do to reduce balding?

What exercises can I do to reduce balding?

hip abduction machine

push ups. 100 per day

Genetic rerolls x failure

If that was possible, why would there ever be bald bodybuilders?

get better genes

Minoxidil 2x1 everyday forever
Finasteride 1x1 everyday forever


Enjoy your not working dick

Embrace it you twat. It's manly as fuck.

Lay off the protein powder

Go and shave your head. Add a beard if you can for muscle grandpa look.

your best and only option

Women hate that shit, but I'm going for that look anyways. My only and best option at 18yo norwood 2 that's not stopping at anytime now

>grow, grow, grow


who cares what women think


Is this achievable natty?

Honestly either wear a toupee or just be a man and go bald. It looks fine if you build your upper chest, arms, and shoulders.

exercise your ability to not hate yourself, shave your head and get on with your life. I started going visibly bald at 15 and waited until i was 21 to fully shave it. It looks foreign for like a month and people will say you look different at first but you're not as important as you think, thus life goes on. play to your strengths and talk to women who dig the bald/beard look. these women exist, took me longer than it should have for me to figure that out.

This. In the end, it's the cards you were dealt. Make the most out of it. Also, it's really not that big of a deal.

>I started going visibly bald at 15
nigga wat


Apply 5 sets of Rogaine on area until failure.

You need to pair fin with Viagra or Cialis, there's no shame in that. Fin is a miracle drug for some people, for me I've had loss of battles on the hairline front and fin recovered all of it.

Provided I wasn't as bad as some people, I'm still happy I don't have to comb over the bald like a disgusting sub-human.

Men hate it more than women do. It's not the ideal look but don't project so hard

No, it isn't. Stop deluding yourself into thinking you don't have shit genetics, queball.

Bruh you're going to need a 1.5mm derma roller, minoxidil or rosemary oil, castor oil and pumpkin seed oil/ saw palmetto extract, use daily for made hair gains. Also look up stuff like PGE2 and PDG inhibitors. Just because you have crap genes doesn't mean you have to give up senpai

No one really cares if ur bald. Well maybe some women but not any dudes which is what matters

I don't use my dick anyway and when I do use it I take Viagra. It's a catch 22 I'd just prefer to have hair

freshman year of high school the guy behind me poked the back of my head and said i had a bald spot. it gradually got worse and i let it bother me until i shaved it off completely like 6 years later.

in hind sight, bitching about my hair was easily that gayest exhibition of behavior in my brief lifetime. going bald really put things into perspective for me

>going bald really put things into perspective for me

My man. Current routine is
>Derma rolling weekly
>Rosemary, lavender, thyme oil with castor as carrier weekly
>Handful of pumpkin seeds daily
>Saw palmetto and beta sisterol daily
>Minoxidil 0,5 ml twice a day.

Only balding at hairline, but so far excessive shedding halted. Even starting to see little new hairs at my hairline, am I gonna make it?

Depends on the relatives you take after. Considering you're not on Fin you'll get rekt if you have aggressive baldness in your family

losing your hair isn't that big a deal. It's been happening to men forever. I'm 25 and got quite the widows peak but I'm past caring about it. It's just a part of life guys.

Well, guys on father's side are all bald as fuck, no exceptions while guys on mother's side all have NW0 hairlines. Kinda hoping mom's blessed hair genes will reduce the damage, but am starting to realise dad's genes are fucking it all up.

Also, have taken Fin for about a year, sides fucked me up hard. Fog and sexual sides on 1mg/day, still fog after halving dose, so it's not really an option..

Just don't cling on to your hair and end up with a goofy hairline or a combover. Take it on the chin and shave it. You're lucky: balding white men can pull off the shaved head look, the rest of us can't

>been on fin since october
>had a constant ringing in my ears since december
>never even think that the two could be related
>look it up yesterday on a whim
>turns out a few people have started experiencing tinnitus after starting fin

Fuck. Hopefully this shit isn't permanent and it'll go away if I stop taking it. I'd rather go bald than have to put up with this fucking ringing my whole life.

Go cesaro mode

I heard those only work for Vortex baldness. Nothing I seem to research helps with receding hairline which is what I have

Don't have the facial aesthetics.

Minox is only FDA approved for crown, but it works fine on hairline.

I ordered some of this last night. Any good or snake oil?

Keep repeating that to yourself as he pumps your waifu

Minox doesn't do shit for your hairline you coping underaged twink. Don't give advice where you have no knowledge.

why not just wear an anime wig or a pompadour?

if youre ripped and swole then it just makes it better, you become some rebel non conformist badass.

Denying it doesn't make it less true.

3 x 8 follicle flyes


Would this work?
>was on the Accutane for months, high dose
>been off since January
>hair is becoming noticeably thinner and fairer
>shedding every day
>don't want to look like a chemo patient
Please help me

Looks like he already did this one

tfw bald spot coming
tfw dracula hairline
tfw very hairy
tfw scared about later in life

Shave your head 3 x 8-12
Grow a beard 4 x 5

You look Italian as fuck. Not bad 6.8/10

>balding is the reason for my failur-