Any other anons have some tattoos to accentuate their fisique?
Veeky Forums tattoos
embarrassing haha
tattoos are a meme
don't fall for them
they're for degenerates
I've started to think about getting 'γνῶθι σεαυτόν' (Greek for know thyself) tatted on my left bicep but my arms are way too small for that
I want a girl like this
Those tats barely last 6 months
Tattoos are too much of a normie thing desu
If you care what other people think about you then know that people with tattoos are always viewed as garbage.
Of corse you're a nigger.
tattoos age like milk, seriously, don't get one.
tattoos are for white trash
8 years here
It's actually "γνῶθι σαὐτόν"
dunno, I like some of them aesthetically, but I think it's kinda degenerate, plus I'm a bit religious so I take that in mind too, but only a bit. I wouldn't judge someone for having a tattoo but I'd never get one myself.
if you say so, non-white trash
>Sorry, we're not hiring at this time.
>being this insecure with how people view you
oh yeah, I forgot this is Veeky Forums
Looks like some fighting character
through the
with my woes
But tatoo are literally for people that carve for attention, you fag.
Tattoos ruin physiques. There's a reason that there's never been a tatted up Mr Olympia.
>the ifbb politics have nothing to do with who wins
Look up lee priest
Eless hopantic rom
every single time i see on of those tattoes threads i am so glad that i grew out of liking that kind of stuff so fast.
Had a gf who would get a tattooe like every 2 months started at age 16 - shit looks so damn childish and unprofessional
>tatoo are carve for attention
>gets tattoos that would be covered up for most of the day
user you're retarded.
the only tattoo I could see myself getting is something under my eyes like football stripes, so I dont have to wear sunglasses so often
Yeah he had so many tattoos back in the IFBB.
Unless you're just throwing out a random jab about him getting kicked out for being a bit of a dick to the wrong people.
lol but tattoos do the opposite? They make your muscles less visible by covering them. Completely ruins the aesthetics of a muscular person.
Tattoos are retarded mistakes that you will regret, unless it's something cool like a totenkopf or a swastika
Definitely want one. Can't reach peak aesthetics without one. Just don't know what to get. Can't get something stupid and regrettable
Wahhh youre a nigger
Waaahh youre white trash
Fucking polcunts, how do they work?
>/pol/ is one guy
>/pol/ is one ideology
>communist fags, black nationalists and libs don't post on /pol/
>everyoe who disagrees with me is one of them
>implying tattood faggots don't jump at the slightest opportunity to get their tattoos out on show.
Tattoos are for attention seekers.
>lifting to look good shirtless at every occasion
fuck off
>hard work in the gym for vascularity,striations,separations
>ruining that hard work by covering the reward with some nasty ass ink that means shit
i wanna get this one , thoughts ?
absolutely terrible
>getting a tattoo in 2017
>basing it off of an existing tattoo
>gay ass Icarus reference
Hope Roma what? Don't steal your lawn mower?
I thought it was zyzz
Is that a tattoo of zyzz as a bird?
People who like tattoos buy into the idea of tattoos being cool.
It's a permanent fedora.
The wearer thinks they're awesome and outsiders think they're meaningless and by extension stupid.
My ex got a tattoo she couldn't even see and was thrilled because now she'd branded herself as a person with a tattoo. Wild and free and exciting.
It's the opposite
I was thinking about getting a tattoo on my left delt because I've got scars there and the skin is ruined anyway.
Might get something to cover an annoying burn scar on my arm as well.
Also might get one of something for my dog when he passes, he is getting old :_;
Tattoos are for major league fags.
Tattoos are art, just like art, there's good art, and bad art. There's also art that is trendy and art that is timeless.
People who say shit like "tattoos are for degenerates" as a blanket statement are being just as juvenile and ridiculous as people who get that stupid fucking Hylian crest tattoo.
Not right now, but I want to get some once I get in the Navy
Aesthetics isn't all about having visible muscles. Sometimes it's more important what you don't see. Like OP's tattoos on his obliques. It slims the waist making his v taper seem more dramatic. His reaches a little too far into his abdomen to be deceiving imo but it does work. Why do you think women wear dresses like pic related?
>my gf broke my heart so I hate tattoos
Tattoos on your body are like graffiti on a church.
So what you're saying is antisemite tattoos are the best tattoos?
looks like a fake yakuza tattoo.
dont just get a random tat
>Why do you think women wear dresses like pic related?
Because they're women
>what is a shirt
>spending hundreds of dollars on body art
>spending hundreds of dollars on a vacation
>spending hundreds of dollars on a hobby
>saving hundreds of dollars
I don't understand why people get tattoos. They're way too expensive.
Thank you
user you're still retarded.
Never cared for them. Not having tattoos shows off muscle separations a lot better.
>not tattooing shadows to accentuate your muscles ermanently so you always have the perfect lighting
never gonna make it
You spelled "ruin" wrong. Tattoos never look good and always ruin how you look no matter how shredded you get.
I am considering adding another, similar.
Good taste my afroamerican ally.
oh look
its "Friends die cattle die" bro
It's ya boy
Posting a more recent pic of my physique before someone calls me a dyel larper
It's Icarus, you diddlies
>nordic meme language
>dyel as fuck
You're a shame to your people.
Ey babby I got a bear skin we can go berserk on if you know what I'm saying. I'm gonna be your stallion of the ash bebbe.
...Was this supposed to prove you're not DYEL?
Dude same
Makes you thin though
What if I get abs then also get tattoos of abs? Would I have a 12 pack?
Has science gone too far?
thank you
Hawdy faggots. Pic is me
I disagree
You need crime in your life you sound really poor
you look soft
> these people protect your freedom
I don't think that word means what you think it means
I don't get how tattoos like this do anything other than obscure your physique rather than accentuate it.