Peanut butter

How to use this?

just smear enough on your butt that the squatplug goes in without hurting you


just make a sandwich???????

it doesn't taste good


Just put a little on your genitalia and then open the door for the dog to come in.

grow up

You poor bastard. It has a strong taste. If you don't like it, you'll notice it in recipes. Try a different nut butter, maybe? Almond butter?

on bananas you fucking dumbass

blend it with protein powder

What's with the peanut butter obsession on this board? Is it a meme?

Just eat it from the jar, down it with water if you cant stand the taste

nah PB is really good for bulking

a small amount is extremely caloricly dense and it's all protien and healthy fat (mono and poly sat)

pb is pretty god tier, it fits even into clean bulks

really its the taste thats just so bad is it possible to make gains without peanut butter?

Buy a good peanut butter. For a fews mounths i didnt like 'cause a buy the wrong. Now i eat that shit everyday and helps a lot in my cut. If you are bulking, eat more than 500g p/ day.

suppose you could put some on your dog's genitalia and then lick it off

Are you stupid? Of course. Just don't eat it. Get protein and healthy fat elsewhere. What the fuck.

I love living where I am, but the only peanut butter I can get is fuckin Skippy. Shit sucks.

Just go buy like a bag of peanuts then, 100-200g of those each day.

That would be pretty gay

Just use it on wheat bread, it tastes great, even if you don't eat the shitty peanut butter variations that have added oils and syrup in them.

-1 container of plan greek yogurt
-Half a jar of peanut butter
-2 large bananas

Blend that shit up, eat it or freeze it, enjoy ultimate gains.

eat it in one sitting?

Bro, i live in Brazil and i can find multiples options here. I know you can find some good rasteira peanut cream. Try to buy online.

Combine with a banana in a blender, shit tastes great
Alternitavely, just make a PB sandwich, put cut bananas in it.

I l live in Japan. I'm lucky I can even find Skippy.

But I haven't checked online that's worth a shot.

If you can and are bulking.

put it into ur mouth and swallow

You don't. It has way too much fat in it. Use it sparingly if at all.

Eat more chicken and white fish, which are pure protein, if you want to hit your macros

me some on your own. it's stupid easy.

What's wrong with dietary fat? What are your lifts?