/Routine General/

Welcome to /Routine General/

Share your lifting routine and ask questions you may have about exercises and programming.
Some quick info for beginners

>#1: Read the Sticky

>If you are just getting started, a proven and popular program is always going to be better than something you came up with, save yourself the time and headaches
>If you still don't know what to do, SS, GSLP, Reg Park's, ICF, SL or any Linear Progression Strenght program based on the big 3 lifts will be ok

>Wanna get into Powerlifting? Candito's program is a good place to start
>Want some more aesthetics? Look into Greyskull LP, it's a template you can customize, the book's pdf is pretty easy to get. Pic related is a popular version

>Bodyweight exercises, while not the best for muscle gain, are a good gauge to know if you're gaining too much fat too quickly. If your Rows and DL are progressing but your pullups are laggin behind, chances are you gotta cut back on the milk and oats

>Unless you're pretty advanced, Cut/Bulk is not really needed, just stay at a sensible bf%, eat healthy food you're gonna be ok

>"Cardio kills gains" is a meme, if you want to be healthy you need your cardiovascular system in check. Just lifting weights is not enough.
>Low intensity cardio is not the best but it's better than nothing, lifting & being able to run 5k is better than just lifting weights and sitting on your ass all day
>HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is the best both for cardiovascular health and weight loss purposes. Do that if you dont have time to run for 50 minutes.

>You should be STRETCHING every day. Make it a habit. Mobility/Flexibility is really important both for gains and lift safety.
>Starting Stretching is a good place to start
>10 mins of stretching twice a day, morning and evening, or just once if you dont have the time.
>Do not static stretch before lifting, stretching cold muscles makes you more prone to injury and somewhat hinders you strenght (albeit not to a great extent).

Other urls found in this thread:


>After 4-6 months on a LP beginner program, if you are struggling to progress and have been deloading a bunch, you might wanna look into a more intermediate-y program.
>If you keep progressing by all means ride out that linear progression as much as you can

Some popular Intermediate routines are

>Texas Method
for maximum strenght gainz
Good trade-off between Strenght and Aesthetics
more aesthetic's centric

Don't do brosplits. Your muscles take approximately 48 hours to regenerate after a workout. Training them once a week is a loss of potential gains, also those routines are filled with volume, due to them being 1 or 2 muscle groups per day, so strenght gains are non-existent.

This is the routine I'm currently on.
I started out 1.5yrs ago with SS, went on to GSLP and then PHUL. Finally settled on this ULPP (Upper Lower Push Pull).
This is a good routine if you dont wanna completely forget legs but also dont want to train them twice a week.

>Day 1 - Upper Power
Bench Press 531
Cable crossovers 3x8
Chinups 3xF + Pulldowns 3x8
Rows 3x6
OHP/seated DB press 3x6
BB curls 3x8
Tricep Pushdown/LTE 3x8

>Day 2 - Lower Power
Squat 531
Leg Press 3x8
Deadlift 2x5 (80% 5RM)
Leg Curl/RDL 3x8
DB Lunges 3x10 (per leg)
Abs: planks, hanging leg raises and cable oblique twists

>Day 3 - Push
Overhead Press 531
Dips 3xF
Bench 3x8
Cable crossovers 3x10
Incline DB press 3x10
Tricep pulldowns/LTE 3x10
Cable lateral raises 3x10

>Day 4 - Pull
Deadlift 531
Chinups 3xF sset Pulldowns 3x8
Rows 3x6
1arm DB rows
Rack Pulls
Facepulls 3x8
Curl variation 3x10

If you can't afford a gym membership and want to get into bodyweight, pic related is a good program.
or check out the bodyweight general /bwg/, or r/bodyweightfitness

I'm trying the ULPP, do anons think it's worth my time?
Or should I do CoolCicacada's PPL, seems bretty gud


Power Cleans, 5x5, ramping up to 5RM
OHP, 5x5, ramping up to 90% of 5RM
Squat, 5x5, ramping up to 80% of 5RM

Power Cleans, 5x5, ramping up to 80% of 5RM
OHP, 5x5, ramping up to 5RM
Squat, 5x5, ramping up to 90% of 5RM

Power Cleans, 5x5, ramping up to 90% of5RM
OHP, 5x5, ramping up to 80% of 5RM
Squat, 5x5, ramping up to 5RM

All sets of each exercise are done in a circuit

>no bench or DL

you're not gonna make it user

Day 1
>Bag work

Day 2
>Stand up
>Bag work

Day 3
>Bag work

Day 4
>Stand up
>Bag work

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7
>Rest day

pic related

ppl is not good?

>If you are just getting started, a proven and popular program is always going to be better than something you came up with
Wrong. This assumes the person knows nothing and/or is aiming to be a bodybuilder from the ground up. If all you want are gains, a modified routine is fine.
>Don't do brosplits
Sounds like bitterness, not based on fact.
>Your muscles take approximately 48 hours to regenerate after a workout
Wrong. This varies wildly on a case by case basis. It can vary anywhere from a full day to 4 full days. Diet, genetics, intensity, christ do you even know anything?
>Training them once a week is a loss of potential gains
Again, if you are aiming to be a bodybuilder then yes, you are missing a minimal amount of potential gains on your numbers. For 90% of lifters you're talking about shit that doesn't matter.
>so strenght gains are non-existent.
Fucking retarded, this has to be bait.

3 day PPL will get you jacked in a year. You don't need AxBxAxx bench/squat/dead, squat/dead/ohp. Honestly sometimes /ic/ you are literally the squat rack curlbros of the fitness world.

Both are good, pick the one that seems better for you. It will only be only worth your time if you stick to it. The most important think is if you are going to be able to go 6 times to the gym, if you stick better if you go every day, or prefer to have 3 days of rest per week...

You are the only one that can answer this question.

Just came back from a one year hiatus and started doing PHAT. I really like it and I've been getting bigger and stronger every week, even on a cut (based noob gains). However, I don't really like the idea of alternating squats and DLs, but both of them heavy on strength day feels like it's both counterproductive and a fast ticket to snap city (same deal with OHP and bench on upper body strength).

Anyone have any input?

is this ok?

I have heard mixed opinions about that ppl, it doesnt have diddys for one

If you take away the extra activities you do, that is a brosplit, and can get better results with other programs imo

It's ok if you can go to the gym 6 times a week.
Any routine, unless its completely retarded, will give you gains if you keep at it, just look at buffed dudes at the gym and some exercises they do
I'm not super familiar with phat, but I guess yeah I would agree that going heavy both on squat and dl on the same day is not advised, unless you're a beginner, which you arent.
I'd say, heavy on one and volume/work on form the other?

Push/pull imbalance on squat days, and to a lesser extent deadlify days

>Push/pull imbalance on squat days, and to a lesser extent deadlify days
how would a balanced version look like?
is it possible to get classic thicker with it?

adding another row/chinup to squat days
it's tricky with the deadlift days, since the dl works both back and legs.
I guess if you feel it works your back then keep dl days as they are, if it works mostly your legs add another pull

doing nSuns 3CAP program, anybody have any input or tips about it?

Still messing around with frequency on this. Is there too much volume?

I am lifting primarily for aesthetics, strength gains are nice but not important

Sets are usually 3-4x10, and I try to superset everything to up intensity cut down on workout time

Feedback is greatly appreciated

Is everything twice a week? If no the frequency seems short, but if yes, then there is a respectable volume

In case anyone wants Naturally Enhanced (original), I found a link to it here:


You might have to sign up to download the PDF, but you can read it in the browser either way. I'd recommend downloading it before it gets removed though.

You should be hitting each muscle group a week assuming you're natty. Rework your program. If you really want to run a split routine instead of a full body routine, try PPLxPPL or ULxUL.

> Day 1: Pull
Weighted chinups 3*6-8
3-point row 3*8-10
Low row 3*10-12
EZ Bar curl 3*8-10
Cable reverse fly 3*12-15
DB curl 3*12-15

>Day 2: Legs
Bulgarian split squat 3*8-10
Hip thrust 3*8-10
Single leg press 3*10-12
Glute ham raise 3*8-10

>Day 3: Push
Swiss bar floor press 3*8-10
DB Overhead press 3*8-10
Weighted pushups 3*12-15
DB Skull crusher 3*8-10
DB Lateral raise 3*12-15
Rope pressdown 3*12-15
DB core row

I'm fairly new to this with a history of shoulder and back problems, meaning deadlifts and BB squats are off-limits for the time being. I'm trying to work around that but I'm not sure if this split is the best way to go. For the push day at least it feels I'm overworking the triceps while not really exhausting the shoulders. Also wondering whether to go for a 4-a-week instead of 3, with a lower volume. Thoughts?

when will the memes end

alright, will do, thank you!

My current gslp
It's great for motivation only training 3x/week, doing only 4 exercises per day and having only 6 amrap sets per week


5x10 Bench Press
5x6-12 Deadlift
3x10 Seated Rows
2x10 Pulldowns
3x10 Weighted Decline Sit-ups
3x10 Bicep Curls

5x10 OHP
5x8 Back Squat
3x10 Seated Rows
3x12 Dips
2x10 Pulldowns
3x10 Weighted Decline Sit-ups

5x10 Bench Press
5x10 Front Squats
5x10 Rows
3x10 Romanian Deadlifts
3xF Farmer's Walk
3x10 Weighted Decline Sit-ups

Whats wrong with you

If you don't take steroids, hit each muscle more often

I'd say it's a bit too much volume. Maybe don't take more than 3 to 5 min rest between sets. You also want to add curls and a little bit of triceps. Other than that it's great I think

Deadlift on leg day and far less sets. Start with 1x8. Shoulders on push day and facepulls on pull day. Frequency is ABCx and having two rest days in a row whenever you feel like it

You always have to adjust sets and reps. Frequency is ABCx and having two rest days in a row whenever you feel like it

I like it but having two rest days in a row once a while feels awesome

sup /fitizens/. I alternate between A and B. Open to adding or subtracting anything to the workouts. Keep in mind I'm a /homegym/.

Workout A:
Bench Press 3x5
Dips 3x10
Overhead Press 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x5
Pull ups 3x5

Workout B:
Back Squat 3x5
Power Clean 3x5
Deadlift 1x5-2x5

3 days a week.
core/running 2 days a week.

Natty ~1year of weight training. Alternating 2 days on 1 off and 3 on 1 off.

I've hit 1/2/2/3 so legs are lacking. I ran candito UL for a few weeks but didn't really like the program, however ppl keep recommending UL so I'll look into it again.

What would a rework for this look like?

Swap your Bench / OHP first & last to train both at their peak. Treat the "off" day (where the exercise comes second) as a day for lighter weight.

Question for anyone here, I can't do deadlifts specifically due to an injury, what could I sub them out for in order to keep up volume?

So start with bench and end with OHP or just swap their order? Also I thought you weren't supposed to touch the weights at all on a rest day so I just do slight bodyfit stuff like situps and shit.

It's a PPL
It's reps x sets

A1 - Legs (focus on quad)
- Front Squat 5x5 , 85% 5RM
- Back Squat 5x3, attempting 105% 5RM on all three reps (if succeeds, it will be the new 5RM starting from the next "A1" day. Front squat RM is considered to be 75% of the Back squat RM)
- Lever 45° leg press, feet slightly high, 12x3, 90% 12RM
- Db walking lunges, 10x2, 90% 10RM
- Deadlift, 5x4, 85% 5RM

B1 - Chest, arms and shoulders (focus on middle chest, arms)
- Barbell bench press 5x4, 95% 5RM, attempting 7 reps on the last two sets. If succeeds, 5RM increases 5% starting from the next "B1" day. Close grip bench press on on "B2" increases too
- OHP 12x3, 90% 12RM
- Skull Crushers 12x3, 85% 12RM
- Db Curl 12x3, 90% 12RM
- Barbell Wrist Curl 12x1
- Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl 12x1

C1- Back
- Underhand barbell bent-over row 45° 12x3, 85% 12RM
- Lat Machine 12x3, 95% 12RM, attempting 14 reps on the last two sets. If succeeds, 12RM increases by 5% starting from the next "C1" day.
- Barbell Shrug 12x3, 90% 12RM
- Chin ups AMRAPx2
- Barbell bent arm pull over, focus on lats, 5x4 90% 5RM

A2 - Legs (focus on hams)
- Deadlift, 5x4, 95% 5RM. Attempting two more reps on the last two sets. If succeeds, 5RM increases by 5% starting from the next "A2" day.
- Back squat, 5x3, 85% 5RM
- Weighted 45-degree hyperextension 12x2, 95% 12RM
- Barbell step up 12x3, 95% 12RM

B2 - Chest, arms and shoulders (focus on shoulders, upper chest)
- Db raises 12x3, 90% 12RM
- Db OHP, standing, 12x3, 105% 12 RM (if succeeds, it will be the new 12RM starting from the next "B2" day. OHP in "B1" is increased too)
- Close grip barbell bench, 5x4, 85% 5 RM (reduced rest times)
- Dumbbell Incline Bench Press, 5x4 90% 5RM



C2 - Back and core
- T-bar row 12x3, 85% 12RM
- Pendlay row, 5x4 95% 5RM. Attempting two more reps on the last two sets. If succeeds, 5RM increases by 5% starting from the next "C2" day. Underhand barbell bent-over row ("C1") is increased too.
- Chin ups AMRAPx2
- Raised weighted planks, 2 minutes x2
- Hanging Straight Leg Raise AMRAP x2

Frequency is: one training every ~36 hours. If A1 is on Monday morning, then B1 is on Tuesday evening and C1 is on Thursday morning. So, while it may look like A1/B1/rest/C1/A2/rest/B2 and so on, the time span between two exercises is the same. If I hit the gym in the morning, it's 06:30-07:30. In the evening it's 21:30-22:30 (yeah not exactly 12 hours later compared to morning times)

I could have missed something while rewriting the whole thing here

you're overthinking this way too much

it's simple, it's just long to write.

seconding that. thanks for the infograph though

What are your goals? I'd add shrugs and DB bench/incline for accessories but the routine looks solid.

Too much volume, cut it in half

If you're new use a beginner program and progress from there


I guarantee you are overtraining. Opt for more specialised workouts rather than throwing a bunch of different stuff onto one day. +1 for all of the flexibility work though, not many people understand how important it is

What is the purpose of this. I am actually confused

Looks good but I'm not a huge fan of 531, to each their own. Your rep ranges are all over the place too

Where is your cardio?

I need to be pointed in the right direction. I need to build upper body mass, and only upper body mass. My lower body, through a mix of genetics, luck, and habit is great without me actually working it out. I've decided to start working out but I have a very specific goal. I want to add 20 lbs to my upper body as fast as possible. I'm 6'6" around 210 lean.

Should I just bench press/dips/dumb bells 5x5 5 times a week?

>Should I just bench press/dips/dumb bells 5x5 5 times a week?

Guys I must know if ULPP is worth doing.
The routine that this user posted.

>Should I just bench press/dips/dumb bells 5x5 5 times a week?

Anyone have a good 3 day PPL program that I can run?

>3 day PPL

>3 day
pick one. then read the thread

REEEE fuck off normie a 3 day PPL is possible. Just put more volume in for each day.

lat raises
lying triceps extensions

facepulls/reverse flys

one set deadlift
calf raises
bodyweight ab work

6x12 reps, number of sets you have to adjust ofc

Why must I run this for six days? I'll just do it for three days but with more strength focus. Lower reps and higher weights. Fock off.

you'll lose/not gain neuromuscular effeciency and also detrain a bit if you just hit errything once per week
best do full body 3x/week

Hard question considering my only real goal is just "self improvement". Would it be ok to add the shrugs and DB bench to Workout B so that I don't overload Workout A? Workout B is naturally supposed to have less exercises total b/c of Deadlift and Back squat on the same day, and how tiring power cleans are, but I feel like Workout A would become too bloated if I add both to it.

you do push, pull, legs and then have one rest day

531 was a godsent for me personally.
might be that any type of periodization would do the same, but after struggling so much with linear progression it felt good to gain strenght and never deload
about reps, not all exercises are the same and they all require different volume.
I'm often dubious of programs that have the same rep scheme for a big lot of exercises
I did mess up in a couple places tho

I'm in the third week and it's pretty good

no matter the volume you manage to cram into a day, it wont be enough.
and then you'll put so much in that in order to do all exercises, your lifts suffer

Just do Push Pull 6 times a week. fuck it

Donde esta Shrugs? 6 x 12 for bench, squats, ohp, and deadlifts too??

No. PPL is for a frequency around twice a week. "Adding more volume" won't make up for such a low frequency. Adding a "strength focus" (whatever it's supposed to mean) won't make up for frequency. You probably want a full body routine if three days a week is your max. Otherwise you want an Upper/Lower split (and variants) if you can reach a 4-times-a-week frequency. PPL "three times a week" isn't different from a brosplit. Please read the thread.

no shrugs. if you think you need them put them on push day
thats 6-12 reps, my bad

also, this routine is good for me for a variety of reasons, which basically boil down to:
>I wanna go to the gym 4 times a week, but dont wanna do two leg days due to my jeans-tearing thighs

Please excuse my obtuse manners you have been nothing but polite in face of all this shitposting. I'm glad that we could have a civil discussion about PPL and because of you I've decided to run ULPP. Thank you for your patience and sage advice user. Don't let this thread die guys. It's a diamond in a pile of shit.

Missed this one, and I'm inclined to agree with First off, your infographic needs a source or all that effort and thought is meaningless

You also post this in a routine rate thread, leading me to believe that you are new.

If either of these are correct you need to take a step back and follow a real program

And on the off chance that I am wrong and this is the new starting strength, kudos to you for thinking of such a fucked up program

Any actual critic besides the "you're thinking too much"?

You're right to be cautious about adding too much, especially since your program denotes higher weight. Shrugs are great as a finisher so I'd put them at the end of workout B. For the incline or flat DB bench you could swap a few sets of OHP/bench because they are fairly similar

The only reason I suggested you add them is because I have found them to be incredibly helpful for bench/OHP strength

>If you're new use a beginner program and progress from there

All the routines from the sticky contain deadlifts and squats though. Also BB overheads which are a real pain on my shoulders. Is there something I can swap those three for in a straightforward way?

Alright thanks user.

What this guy said, absolute diamond in the rough-esque thread.

upper lower ABxBCxx
i cycle volume and intensity each week since i'm past intermediate with my lifts 205/320/385/445 at 190 and can't improve everything each week

>1st week intensity
(main lift 5x3, rest at 3x6)

>2nd week intensity-volume
(main lift 5x5, rest at 4x8)

>3rd week volume
(main lift 5x8, rest 5x10)

>4th week deload (everything the same as wk2, but at 80%), then start again with more weight

i also rotate exercises (if first upper day started with bench, 2nd upper day will start with ohp, etc., same for lower days and squats-deads)

almost all exercises are supersetted
balanced (shoulder) vertical and horizontal pushing-pulling ratios and hamstring-quad volume ratio

bench/pullups (week1 - 5x3, week2 - 5x5, week3 - 5x8, etc.)
ohp/db rows (week 1 - 3x6, wk2 - 4x8, wk3 - 5x10 you get the picture)
dips or extensions/curls
band pullaparts

>LOWER DAYS (on 2nd lower day i do deads as first exercise)
squat (week1 - 5x3, week2 - 5x5, week3 - 5x8, etc.)
deadlift variation (wk1, 1-2x3, wk2 1-2x5, wk3 1-2x8)
hyperextension / cable crunches (3x6, 4x10, 5x15 for each week)
shrugs/ ab wheel (3x6, 4x10, 5x15)

i can't really hope to increase my stats quickly, if i could get from 275x5 bench to 300x5 bench till new year, i'm golden (without going on some fullretard dirtybulk)


dont work front and back squat on the same day

never use leg press

dont go heavy on lunges, that's the quickest way to fuck up your glutes

stop focusing on 5rms and 12rms

OHP is not enough for shoulders, you need lateral raises with light weight for a shit ton of reps and deltoid work

planks are a meme exercise, do modified crunches

ffs stop focusing on 5 and 12rms. you can push yourself without constantly worrying about increasing your maxes. You'll have bad days where you may barely get through your workout and others where it all seems easy

If all you think about are maxes you'll burn out quicker than a fat fuck on one of those meme diets

Can you have a look at it, please?

I'd really appreciate some advice

Background information
>28 years old male
>85 kilo
>SS for 8 months
>plan was SS -> Texas Method

>Chronic Stress, sleep problems = Piss poor Recovery
>Heavy Squats and deads = hello overtraining

>Switching from powerlifting type training to more bodybuilding type training
>lower weight, more reps, no heavy compounds because this is easier on the nervous system and should be easier to revover from

>Training as many days per week as possible to fill up time without training to heavy
>Cardio =hiking, mountain cykling, mountain running instead of hitting legs. Its summer and this is awesome to do.
>>Basically i need the high and the positive mood effects a workout gives (and the supposedly better sleep) without training to heavy

Possible way of doing it:
Lyle Mcdonald's upper/lower, but switching lower body day with cardio instead so it becomes
Training 5 times a week (most ideal imo): Upper/ cardio /lighter cardio or rest / Upper/ Cardio / Cardio or rest / rest
Training 4 times a week Upper/ rest / lower / rest / Upper/ cardio / rest

This will be done until recovery problems are taken care of and i can return to lifting heavy and going back to original plan.

How does this sound? This seems pretty good to me.

Hey user I think that your routine has a lot of potential. Do you think you could post a official version of this routine? Like a spreadsheet or something? That way we wouldn't have to scour through archived threads and try to find this routine. If you could do this that'd would be unbelievably based and you would have the thanks of all anons on Veeky Forums.

Lyle McDonald’s ‘Generic Bulking Routine

Mon: Lower
Squat: 3-4X6-8/3′ (3-4 sets of 6-8 with a 3′ rest)
SLDL or leg curl: 3-4X6-8/3′
Leg press: 2-3X10-12/2′
Another leg curl: 2-3X10-12/2′
Calf raise: 3-4X6-8/3′
Seated calf: 2-3X10-12/2′

Tue: Upper
Flat bench: 3-4X6-8/3′
Row: 3-4X6-8/3′
Incline bench or shoulder press: 2-3X10-12/2′
Pulldown/chin: 2-3X10-12/2′
Triceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5′
Biceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5

Oops, i forgot to replace Cable-Row with Facepulls on Friday. Also, Push-Ups will be progressed by increasing my angle, hopefully I'll do headstand presses some day.
Mobility work is given.

>for toptier sleep
>Just buy some cheap-ass generic ZMA from Ebay
>Drink a lot of water

What's your stats btw?

>dont work front and back squat on the same day
I can't find a single reason not to. The first front squats are "light reps". They are not only "light", they are easier on my back.
>never use leg press
The "don't you the leg press" is a meme. It could be a good complement. I don't lock out my knees and I don't go lift one thousand plates. It's an average-effort high-reps exercise
>dont go heavy on lunges, that's the quickest way to fuck up your glutes
mmh I disagree. I wish I could actually fuck up your glutes (no homo)
>stop focusing on 5rms and 12rms
my goal is not hypertrophy and besides this, I don't see a good reason to switch, nor you are presenting me one.
>OHP is not enough for shoulders, you need lateral raises with light weight for a shit ton of reps and deltoid work
Both are there. Maybe I could add one more set hitting deltoids--- now that I re-read, I missed to include a rear-delt db exercise I actually have in my routine. Oh well
>planks are a meme exercise, do modified crunches
I disagree and no, I'm not going to do any kind of crunch. Ever. Hanging leg raises with all the possible variations or ab-wheel
>ffs stop focusing on 5 and 12rms. you can push yourself without constantly worrying about increasing your maxes.
I'm not worrying about it at all. If (and only if) I feel the last two sets "easy", then I try two more reps. On deadlifts/squats it's a little bit different, but I follow a rule called "2+2", quite standard in resistance training.

If I left out all those "effort" percentages and kept vague references to "heavy" and "light" days maybe no one would have been triggered. No, I'm not new, I took some time and effort to rewrite it down here. It's a pretty real program and there's nothing "fucked up", yet I'm open to actual critics.
As for the pic, the source you asked with witty remarks is here: Rob Faigin, NHE (it was written in the pic itself), chap. 21. It's a pic floating around Veeky Forums since 2012 at least, maybe I'm not that new.

Take up meditation to fix your sleep. Just 10 mins a day, even just in the mornings. Check out the Headspace app.

>I wish I could actually fuck up your glutes
*I wish I could actually fuck up my glutes
(I meant, I hardly feel anything in the gluteus any more)

My experience is that ZMA does not help with sleep.

Deadlifts 125kilo x5
Squat 110kilo x5
Bench 67kilo x5
OHP 50kilo x5
Power Cleans 60kilo x3

I do drink a lot of water.

I'll try. Thanks.

Anyone have anything to say about my routine? Its basically a upperbody hypertrophy routine done 2 times a week with 3 days of cardio lol. Should be enough to give me some development in the upper body and giving me positive mood effects and not overstressing me, which is the goal.

u gotta fix the sleep and stress stuff first, trust me. routine looks good and replacing the lower day for cardio seems like it would be highly beneficial to you.

who knows, you may enjoy it more than what you were doing before. If your end goal is to return to your current situation sans negatives you need to ensure that you don't fall into the same bad habits - overtraining and lack of sleep

good luck user

user, what's stressing you?

how is this for noob 5' 7 " 118?

Aight! I don't think its the training it self that causes overstraining. Its other factor outside of training that is giving additional stress which makes it all to much. I'll try this new approach and see if it works. When going back to SS/Texas method i'll keep in mind of weather its the training that is to much. (it shouldn't be)

It will be fun with some variation that is for sure.

Thank you.

Family stuff, relationships, work, living conditions, the future. Basically there is a lot of stuff to work on. 1 year ago i was a full on NEET that NEVER left his house, i was hiding from life but now i am fixing it. Maybe its all a bit to much.

>>Chronic Stress, sleep problems = Piss poor Recovery
>>Heavy Squats and deads = hello overtraining

You whiny bitch.

k buddy, we obviously have different mindsets and experience when it comes to training. what works for each person is different.

you put time and effort into this and I hope it works for you, what I see isn't congruent to any program out there so I question it.

My question to you is how long you have been running the program and why you choose if over others. Stats would be helpful as well

do you mean make an actual spreadsheet?
how would I share it ananamousely?

I've been running PPL for about 4 weeks now and this is what I look like right now. Any thing I should work on? If I wanted to get more defined what routine should I switch to. I've been thinking about ULPP since it might build more mass. Honest feedback appreciated.

>i was hiding from life but now i am fixing it
That's good to hear. May your dreams come true.

Could use some advice on a routine for my girlfriend. She has started to come to the gym with me but doesn't really have a routine. I don't consider myself qualified to make a routine for a female. Obviously she's doing all the glute workouts, but... I don't want to make a brosplit for her. Anyone know of any good tried and true routines out there for girls?

Starting Strength is perfect for women. Lowbar squats and deads = dat ass and all that


What do you lot think about Squat Everyday?

My Candito. I also do wrist roller, ab wheel, and/or bridges at the end sometimes.

I mean those are all great exercises but there's absolutely no upper body in that routine. She's definitely interested in at least some upper body strength for practicality/reducing injury.
I agree with you but for the top tier datass you need kickbacks/bridges/hip thrust etc as well, and I dunno if that's too much volume to tack on to SS for a girl starting out.

here's a cleaned up version of my spreadsheet
a couple clarifications:
-this is not even close to a perfect routine, but I feel that it's pretty great for me, for what are my personal needs and goals

-I deadlift twice a week and squat once yes, I like deadlifts and I'm trying to recover from a couple months during which I completely ignored them.
also I dont really like squats and my legs are already too big. BUT, as soon as I reach an acceptable lvl of mobility, I will slap a front squat at the end of push

-the chinups+pulldowns is because I cant do many chinups, couple pounds overweight and my legs are heavy, trying to fix that.

-rack pulls dont have reps, because I do as many as I can and after I pull I hold the bar as long as I can, they're a great trap AND grip exercise

-abs wise, I like ab wheel, bicycle crunches, planks, leg raises or anything that is in the pic related of the next post


let her start with SS, and add hamstring and gl00t accessories when you and she think she can handle them


>Bench 3x10
>Incline Press 3x10
>Dip 3x5
>Skull Crusher 3x10
>Squats 3x10
>Lying Leg Curl 3x10
>Calf Raises 3x10
>Abs exercises

>Deadlift 3x5
>Pullup 3x5
>Bent-over Row 3x10
>OHD 3x10
>Upright Row 3x10
>Curl 3x10
>Abs exercises

Best Upper/lower split?

Holy shit nice dude. Thank you gay retard. You should trip so that we can see who you are next thread. Also /cbt/ if possible?

This routine in particular is something new, less than 5 weeks in. I'll probably suspend it between the last week of July and the last one of August, because summer (I may do some maintenance like 2/3 full body a week, maybe even callisthenics or other seaside sport)
It's not something so "strange" imho, there are three workouts in which one main lift is heavy (or pushed with a greater effort), the other one is light (or performed with a lighter effort), alternating roles and keeping each overall work out within one hour max
Stats? 182 cm, 88 kg (lower abs are still 404 not found), 5RM in OHP/Bench/Squat/Deadlift are 72 kg/116 kg/156kg/172kg
I never test 1RM directly anyway

Can I get a rate? Main goal is trying to get stronger with a small aesthetic focus. I feel like the high volume accessories are really good at helping my work capacity for the main lifts. I've also noticed it's hard to go heavy on chinups more than once a week.
Anything I should consider adding or revising? Posting doggo as thanks
Squats Juggernaut method
Sumo/Romanian deads 5x10
Lunges 4x8
Calf raises 3xf
Dragonflags 3xf
Bench Juggernaut method
Chins 3x5 weighted
Dips 3x10 weighted
Rows 4x10
Lat raises 3x15
Deadlifts Juggernaut method
Front squats 5x10
Lunges 4x8
Calf raises 3xf
Dragonflags 3xf
OHP Juggernaut method
Chins 3x10 weighted
Dips 3x5 weighted
Rows 3x10
Lat raises 3x15
LTE 3X10

My routine:

Greg Nuckols' 2x week intermediate squat program (Monday and Friday), and 1x week intermediate deadlift program (Wednesdays.

Combined with 5/3/1 just for OHP and Bench press, with them alternating as main lift/accessory (first set last, alternating) each day, so I complete a cycle in two weeks. I'm putting in joker sets as well for them. The pic explains it a bit better, but I haven't found a routine that I'd want to do when I finish where I am now

I dont have a good body and I would consider myself still relatively new.
I am just a nerd with a lot of free time and assburgers

Stick with it for longer - 4 weeks is fuck all time, go for 2-3 months then reconsider. Make sure your diet and recovery is good. If you want to get more defined then you want to lost body fat aka a caloric deficit aka cutting - you might find it easier on a higher intensity lower volume routine. Bear in mind that building more mass and getting more defined are quite tricky to do. If I were you I would bulk a bit more (not to powerlifting obese mode, just slowly and sensibly to put on some muscle) on PPL, then maybe cut on another routine if you want to switch it up for a cut. I wouldn't say cut now though, I don't think you have enough mass to really make it worth it.