How did he become a Chad? What're some ways to do this?

How did he become a Chad? What're some ways to do this?

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He didnt became chad, he is black, only whites can be chad

He became tyrone

He doesn't even look black in the last photo though

He looks black

looks like he magically drained all of his face of bodyfat.

He's always been a chad. His jawline was hidden by fat. He lostbweight and got a decent haircut.
>you're born Chad. You don't become Chad

he lost bf%
he tilted and pushed his head forward


>breaks the law
>becomes famous & rich
Fucking DeShawn, man.

Is this the guy who impregnated that one prison guard?

Damn he doesn't get tired.

But nose form has changed too, hasn't it?

someone do the meme thing with his neck to see how much he changes

How come there are no shadows underneath his eyes? His skin is perfect in 3rd pic.

I wonder what his lean bone mass is, definitely has something to do with chads

>How did he become a Chad?
he started looking less black

Nah, you look black, you fat dominican loser. Drop name, nobody cares who you are.

>shave nigger hair
>lighting/angle which diminishes nigger features and skin tone
>photoshoop blue eyes

By putting in effort not to look like a nigger I guess.

Thanks to that pic, he ditched his family , left his wife and is now a model and fucks a billionaires daughter, pic related.

Him and Chloe green, her father is a billionaire.

Going by your pic
>train neck to be as thick as your cheekbones
>have low body fat
>have hair that accentuates your features /matches your face shape
>have light stubble, no thick beard or moustache
The rest is up to being lucky with genetics and upbringing

Im 5 11 171 lbs, im not fat and not black

I want people to know who is telling them the truth

He could do a lot better but he's in it for that money now

Eyes changed from brown to blue-gray

Get blue contacts. First thing I noticed

>considering this black


that's probably half at most

looks skinny as fuck



what was he in prison for?

Jeremy meek i think
First time, grand theft auto and last time, illegal fire arm

>they cousin

If blacks change their eyes to blue by plastic surgery, are they treated as white people?

>or gay bodybuilder
what is "gay bodybuilder" if not that black dude?

the fuck...


I think so

>all these contact/surgery posts

are you guys retarded? Do you know how genetics work? He is obviously mixed and like a lot of mixed people had a very very small chance of adopting blue eyes that one of his ancestors had

The differences in the OPs picture is lighting, even in the 2nd pic you can clearly see his eyes aren't brown

>heh heh the police are gonna let him keep a false eye color for their identification mugshots xd

you should google surgery about turning brown eye into blue eye

>That nose

Probably less with that eye color. A bizarre mix of white and black on both sides.

yep, she's jewish.
check her dad out.

a hot Jewish princess no less. Her father Sir Phillip declined to comment on their fling - what a RACIST amirite


Lose body fat %
Buzz all your hair
Get under good lighting
Take picture with the latest camera with high pixel count

Looks like they just bought him off the slave trade.

They're going to use him as a blood sacrifice soon. Don't be surprised if he magically dies out of nowhere. Screenshot this.

Uuuh, it's that kind of thread. Go back to /pol/, Marshal Cucktard III

She is askhenazi

Why you talk like if jew is a race?

Fucking retards

From shitty Stockton to banging hot billionaires...jesus fucking christ

You morons realize that if you are at all Negro, then you are Negro. Even if it's 1% of your DNA, it will make you have Negro facial features. It's like a poison.

Surely you mean /leftypol/ since all cucks are leftist.

I doubt it. Jews only sacrifice goy children, not adults.

Jews are a race. They certainly are not whites, you fucking retard. More accurately, they are tribe from the Arab race.

You know that you share 99% of DNA with negros? And like 95% with monkeys?


Are you telling me hebrews were pale skinned people with light features?

Damn you germanics are so fucking stupid

Just thanks romans and greeks for civ, retard

Askhenazi mean germanics jews, means germanic or slavic that CONVERTED TO JUDAISM


that guy isn't chad, he is a slayer

he isn't black

im ashkenazi jewish and boyo u know nothing about wtf u talking about

my family is stupid jewish and stupid white pale. i won white competitions growing up compared to other white kids, only the palest white girls- kimmy and caitlin out-whited me. and my dad is a jewish intellectual who wrote a book about jewish history. i used to live in israel as a fucking kid and my name name is BEYOND jewish

ashkenazi jews are more real than most people are ready to accept

>being this retarded

>that guy isn't chad, he is a slayer

Fuckers here trying to bring him down by calling him a Chad when's he's playing life in SLAYER GOD MODE

how the hell did his eyes go from brown to blue?

This proves that everything in life is about looks

This nigga is a beautiful dude, didn't matter if he got in prison etc etc he still bangs some daughter from a millionare and works as a model



Dem gucci flip flops though

just drinking a redbull while suntanning.
what a lad

namefag please kys nobody likes you here or at /fraud/

i think wiki says ashkanazi they are mostly Mediterraneans (southern italian, greek, portuguese) dna
> A 2006 study by Seldin et al. used over five thousand autosomal SNPs to demonstrate European genetic substructure. The results showed "a consistent and reproducible distinction between 'northern' and 'southern' European population groups". Most northern, central, and eastern Europeans (Finns, Swedes, English, Irish, Germans, and Ukrainians) showed >90% in the "northern" population group, while most individual participants with southern European ancestry (Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spaniards) showed >85% in the "southern" group. Both Ashkenazi Jews as well as Sephardic Jews showed >85% membership in the "southern" group. Referring to the Jews clustering with southern Europeans, the authors state the results were "consistent with a later Mediterranean origin of these ethnic groups".

Insecure polfriends will delude themselves that they will to protect their fragile little egos. Luckily we can just ignore them as their feelings or lives dont at all matter to normal society.

How did his eye go from brown to blue?

Good genes, jawline, charisma, abs, symmetry, pecs and height like our lord and saviour Jeff


Most poltards don't even have good facial or frame genetics. If they had good genetics, they would have taken over the world by now.

>blue eyes
>Mediterranean / Hispanic tier skin

he looks blaxican/mulatto in the last photo. Don't be stupid. Actual black people are dark as shit.

>It's a "rasheed projects his insecurities on westerners" episode again

Immigrants lmao

I'm seriously wondering how his eyes went from light brown to blue . Camera trick?

You can change your eye color for under $5k.

Tren, lasik, anavar.

If you're black. If not, idk why you are even trying

Prolly. They also started to fuck him up by association, look how fast he has balded since the mugshot.

fratboiis == homosex


chloe green is fucking disgusting. He's in it for the money for sure

I want to do that, will increase my confidence for sure

>increase my confidence for sure

I mean, why stick with the hoodrat you knocked up a decade ago when a whole new world of prime pussy has just become available to you?

Why indeed.
I kind of want to hate but how could I? This dude is cucking the entire world

I think I just lost a few IQ points reading this

If that's the case America's gotta be like 80% negro.

most of the time the top pro bodybuilders are black anyways.

>Mediterranean / Hispanic tier skin
So Chris Brown isn't black? You know light skin black people are a thing right? This model guy is half black.

Eyes can look different colors based on the lighting and camera.

go back to /reddit/. you're the only one derailing the thread.

good lighting


>Jews are a race
Perhaps race is not a correct classification. They are a unique ethnic group with their own unique genetics. They do share some genetics with Europeans, but they are distinct.

PLoS Genetics Vol. 4, No. 1, e4 doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0040004

Never forget to train neck

not really, it's just the lighting

healthy sleep patterns bc of prison