When you come home from the gym ready to eat a protein bar and there's only one, 3/4 of the way eaten

>when you come home from the gym ready to eat a protein bar and there's only one, 3/4 of the way eaten
>mom says "if you dont want me to eat em, move on out"

sure hope you mean home-made bars and not that ultaprocessed sugarloaded shit

your mom sounds like a bitch

>when i come home from the gym to see quality threads on Veeky Forums and this show up

Kys yourself

>>mom says "if you dont want me to eat em, move on out"

My mom does that too

I can't stand it. Its my food..

She's right. Get a fucking job and move out.

I work 40 hours a week senpai

> buy the most delicious weight gainer shakes you can find
> mix them up and leave them in the fridge
> never drink them
> meanwhile cook all your own food 10/10 spicy and full of fiber
> act all upset when she drinks your shakes, but keep making them

Fuck you old whore, get diabetes and fucking die


why aren't you manchildren moving out?

I love my family and don't put too much stake in independence. Why would I want to come home from work to an empty house just because it's mine?

Granted my family and I are on very good terms. I have non of the problems these anons are having.

Why is it a sign of immaturity to live with your family? That shit saves a ton of money, which you could then invest.

Oh right it's only manlybaconbeard to abandon your family and pay $2000 a month in rent to Shekelstein & Sons LLC

>not renting from Boomerhouse Rental Properties.

>if you move out you "abandon your family"
>every rent is fucking massive
>buying doesn't exist, only renting
>being a burden to your parents instead of letting them live free after raising you is a good thing

>>buying doesn't exist, only renting
u stupid

> buying doesn't exist

...Well incidentally, no, it doesn't. You cannot buy a home, at best you can pay the government sub-market rent in the form of property taxes. Repeat, you cannot really ever "buy" property.

> being a burden

Why can you not cover your own non-rent expenses while living at home and being employed?

Americans have this stupid protestant culture that teaches them that accepting the slightest advantage makes them a manchild cuck. Then, brown foreigners with no such moral prohibition against it come in and dominate the population through nepotism.

>high quality threads on fit

kill yourself

>buying doesn't exist, only renting
Have some fucking charts.

>I love my family and don't put too much stake in independence.
>I don't put too much stake in independence.
You'll never make it, you manchild you. What the fuck is your problem? Are you Italian? Now there's a nation that should have a word with the ghost of Freud.

Why is independence important?

Does contribution necessitate independence? Does my wife, who does not work, fail to contribute to the family because she is dependent upon me financially?

your mom is a gains goblin, pin her down and suck her titties to get your gains back.

My parents are having a tough time financially so I opted to contribute to this home instead. After I help them pay off their mortgage I'm likely going to buy a summer home somewhere nice and take ownership of this one when they pass. It's a long term plan.

Being your own man is certainly nice though. I just opt for solo travel when I desire that instead of living alone.

Its not always that easy you autistic fuck

FYI both of you, (((independence))) is a meme created to get people to push away from their family and community.

For examples of this, look at what college does to people - their "first big chance to be away from mom & dad" - and consider the fact that we live in a hellhole full of atomized retards posting cat memes from their studio apartments.

To a non-retard, it might seem like (((independence))) played some sort of role in this.

I (not that guy) am literally an autistic fuck and I got job 3 days after graduating highschool. Get the fuck on with it, user.

I work full time and can't afford to even live in an apt with roomates. Socal sucks

Doing what, and for what pay?

I don't know if I can buy into the fact that it's manufactured user, but I don't think you're entirely wrong either.

I have easily the healthiest relationship with my family of any one of my friends.

You think that not being a shut-in is a plot from the jews? Jesus Christ dude.

>look at what college does to people
College is not independence. It should be, but it isn't.

A man is not supposed to live in his parents' house forever. Fckin privacy is the first reason why you should want to leave the moment you're able.

How does living at home imply being a shut-in?

A shut-in is someone who doesn't go out or have friends, not somebody in a certain living arrangement.

So occupying Shlomo Rosenblatt's apartment building gives you more privacy? How?

>compulsively abandon and destroy family bonds for the sake of "independence"

>complain about jews and mexicans thriving

>trying to convince men not to make anything of themselves and instead remain their parents' dependants

I wonder who could be behind this post

How does a certain living arrangement preclude pursuing a career? Why could a man not live at home while becoming a doctor or something?

Am I a kike, or are you a retard?

I own my own place, but in an apartment, you are not in a dependant relationship with people who live in other units. You don't have to interact with each other. They can't enter your unit.

It's a submissive mentality to live with your parents forever. The doctors I know have their own places. The people who live with their parents past 23 or so are all fuckups.

Yes goy, cost saving is mandatory for Mr. Goldman's company, but when you goys do it in your private lives it's a sign of moral failure

>split rent with parents half half
>Mom still eats half of my meal prep stuff
>Need to buy more food & waste more time cooking Midway through the week
I'd move out if they didn't need help with the rent

Yes, be dependent on your parents forever, never let them live their lives, never live your own life.

How does not paying rent imply dependence? Why couldn't you make 50k+ a year doing whatever, foot your own bills, but just stay home?

That's a retarded false equivalence

You can (not sure why you put it in quotes) "buy" property. It's stupid to think you can't buy land from the government.

I dunno, I could probably save even more money by living in a homeless shelter or sticking several families in one house.

But instead I choose to have the luxury of living on my own. Having privacy is worth it. And I have no interest in being a burden on my parents.

I only rented for a few years and now own my place, but I'd still rather rent and not have to wear clothes in my own home than live in my parents' place.

>bad reading comprehension


>never let them live their lives, never live your own life
You're making and awful lot of assumptions. My parents and I don't get in the way of each others' lives. These sorts of things should be established on an individual basis. It works for some and won't for others. There isn't some golden standard though.

>Why couldn't you make 50k+ a year doing whatever, foot your own bills,

It seems clear from OP's post that his parents get in his way (his mom eats his food) and he's getting in his parents' way (his mom wants him to move out).

>all the manchildren in this thread thinking they're not actually a burden on their parents

Well, buying implies that the transaction is complete.

Instead you rent it from them, they charge you rent every year via property taxes.

See kids? This guy illustrates it perfectly - (((independence))) really means being "free" from standards, such as having to wear clothes.

He is less concerned with having a cohesive extended family than with the (((freedom))) to run up and down the halls screaming at the top of his lungs wearing nothing but a single sock covering his erect penis, and that's why the muds and jews are winning.

lol fuck em

you can burden yourself with guilt of owing your parents or you can chose to make a real life for yourself

they've had their chance

And in OPs case he should be a man and establish his own way of life, yes.

>helping my parents financially when I could afford my own place instead
>a burden
Laughing at your family values.

>the muds and the jews are winning

Shit man you're kind of nuts. Being white is pretty sweet.

I actually have a good relationship with my parents, we don't live in the same state. I don't make them spend their money and resources to keep me alive, and I have accumulated more equity for myself and my family by owning my own property.

Nudity at home was just one example of a benefit of privacy that I get that I would not if I were to live with my parents. It's funny that you are concerned with the societal standard of me wearing clothes, which places no burden on anyone, but are not concerned with living with your parents, which places a burden on them.

Sucking on a tit well into your 30's isn't a "family value."

You're thick mate.

Oh yeah, leaving your home and becoming a refugee like those people in your picture is so much better.

Actually you break up your family geographically over the right to be nude, which strengthens the precedent for that kind of atomizing individualism, which harms society as a whole, which I personally have to deal with.

Yes, your silly bullshit definitely harms me.

Are you a commie? The US was literally founded upon individualism.

What way do you have to "deal with it" besides your parents wishing you'd move out?

>The US was literally founded upon individualism.
I just graduated from college and took a bunch of history classes - it was founded on stealing from the native Americans and poisoning their blankets.

I am a Nazi, not a commie. The USA was a mistake. There were negroes in Jamestown, it was a stupid country from the beginning.

I have to deal with your silly bullshit by living in a society full of people doing the exact same disorderly selfish garbage you do.


Lol based mom. She's right fyi

Actually OP is the manchild complaining about mommy still taking care of him for free; so OP is definitely the bitch here

Ahh, Nazis. Your shit is pretty much the same as commies. At least you don't pretend what you want ever existed in America.

There are other countries that are into multi-generational households, but I don't know if any of them are white enough for you.

Then move. That's even more selfish of you- earn money just to stockpile it for self and making your mother still pay for your grown ass

Wow I never realized there were this many overgrown children leeches on this board; how naive of me. Sure explains a lot though

parents sap out the life out of you. All your "young" days are borrowed, you literally are sucking money out of some other people who work so that you dont have to. Moving out at some point is essential to proper emotional growth imo, doesnt mean you have to break all contacts with your loved ones or change your personality.

Remember that one mark of being a man is to be in control of your life - being independent (whatever that means to you) is a part of that

I put it into stocks and insurance payments

No you dumb nigger.
You can buy land without being taxed.
But keep being stupid.

Professor Goldstein taught you well

God damn you're pathetic. I feel bad for your families

he's saying that property taxes are a form of rent
also eminent domain: the state can ultimately claim private property within its borders

>Does my wife, who does not work, fail to contribute to the family because she is dependent upon me financially?
Yes. Go do something useful, and No, having kids is a detriment to everything in existence. People who can't handle being independent are destined to fail from lack of experience and motivation

>all of these independence shills
Interdependence > Independence > Dependence

There's a reason that Indians have the highest average income out of every other group in America. They have tight family bonds and don't see anything wrong with choosing family over losing money for the privilege of sharing a tiny apartment with 3 strong independent womyn. This is the same with all Eastern cultures where people rate themselves as happier than in Western cultures. Only in the (((West))) do you leave your family as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

You're wasting your energy. They're just fine.

They're happier because their cultures aren't nearly as materialistic as Western ones. Anyway, independence is objectively important for the development of a man; think of all the problems that result from lacking independence, and think of how few if any problems arise from too much.

First you become independent, then you can come back. Saying you prefer living with your parents without ever having been independent is like being 120 lbs twink and saying you'd never beat anyone up

No, only retarded americans think national socialism is the same as marxist socialism.

Indians are poor and dirty as fuck. Why the fuck would you think anyone would legitimately look up to them? Oh that's right, youre trying to confirm your biases so you feel better about being an overgrown child who never had to be an actual adult

Strangely enough, it's in the (((West))) where Pajeet can make all that mad dosh, but in their native (((happy))) (((Eastern culture))) everyone is dirt poor.

Maybe the reason for Indian minorities doing better than average is that (1) they speak English natively and (2) they are the top dudes in India, which is the only reason they've had the ability to leave that hole.

Every Indian who posts on Veeky Forums seems pretty depressed about being Indian.

That's cause those pajeets live in western cultures and no woman wants a shitskin

Anyone who posts on Veeky Forums seems to be depressed.


Hahaha fuck you, I am having aryan children and there is nothing you can do about it.

The future belongs to those who show up.

Fuck you faggot just for that I'm having 8 pure European children.

>First you become independent, then you can come back
Ah. Hm. As one of the advocates for living with ones family in this thread, the one that helps them financially, I neglected this step.

I lived on my own for a time and learned about that life before moving back.

>Remember that one mark of being a man is to be in control of your life - being independent (whatever that means to you) is a part of that

So how does giving your boss and landlord absolute power over you while moving away from all safety nets increase your control over your life?

>ancap cuck

t. minimum wage cuck

>being a burden to your parents

I help my parents with chores and mowing the lawn.

That's gotta be worth some good boy points, right?

>This thread

Being so judgemental of the family dynamics of other persons is not good. Every family has its own story, and we cannot assume everything works the same everywhere.

Me, personally, have had great agreements with my parents. I've never had to work, but I've dedicated myself to study. We even already agreed that once I get my degree and a job, they will pay all my expenses for another year, so that I can save 100% of my income to open up a business of my own.

This, of course, is just my family, in a middle class household in Mexico. I wouldn't expect others to work the same, it's not my job to judge others.

IRL gains goblin

You should kill and eat her for maximum brotons

Why not keep them in your bedroom?

>daily reminder that the fags pestering you about leaving home as early as possible to be "independent" are either broke niggers that have to live with two other strangers to make it through the month or snowniggers that have their rent paid by the daddy government

>also citizens of countries that think it's ok for parents to kick out their children as soon as possible

Freud was a hack

>implying I care after all my mother has done to ruin me

im 34 and live with my parents. They dont give a fuck and neither do I. I rather just wait for them to croak for their inheritance and live my life then. Why the fuck work when I just get their shit.

>so pathetic that you have to leech off a person you hate and blame for your failures

You should make your own bars. Also when you catch her eating one spank her bottom red and then "feel guilty" about it later and offer to give her a pedicure.

>stupid protestant culture
That culture is what put England in charge of the biggest overseas empire in modern history, and put America on the fucking map during/after WWI.

Catholic/close to the equator cultures are absolute shit-tier and it's indisputable.

Stop working for pennies, faggot. You choose your own worth, and it's your fucking fault you're making 8 bucks an hour