Anyone here who tried the Boring but big variation from 5/3/1?
I wanted some feedback from people who tried it.
Anyone here who tried the Boring but big variation from 5/3/1?
I wanted some feedback from people who tried it.
It's good
I did it a few years ago, its a good routine, made good gains on it. Pretty easy to go too high with the weights though on the assistance, its a good ego checker.
Great intermediate routine, would recommend after 4 months of 5x5 or SS. Helps prevent injury too by going slow.
Then you switched to...? and how long should i be doing it?
Probably less efficient than say texas method but I like it. Also feel that it's less bad to skip a day than on texas method.
I switched to PHAT because I like going to the gym a lot and my strength levels were high enough for my liking.
Do it as long as you keep making progress and other factors like diet and sleep are not the cause of plateauing.
shit in response to
i ran it years ago (must have been 2013 or 2014), didn't make any progress except for deadlift
just not enough volume in a meaningful intensity range for squat, bench, ohp
I did ss then some brosplits switched back to 5x5 started stalling so switched to BBB (over a 1,5 year span). Should I just do a PPL instead?
lifts: 155/245/350/400
btw 5'10 at 200lbs
Those lifts are at 5RM
what's your goal?
I'm on it but I'm on a cut. I like it because its not as aggressive as TM and Madcow. I'll probably stick with it when my cut is over.
then do a PPL (a good one) or DLTBB's split or an upper lower or something
there is no shortage of hypertrophy oriented routines out there that are tried and true
can you name me a good ppl? i assume those are 6x/week 2xfullbody/week right?
It was great and really fun in my opinion. Made some sick strength gains. Especially in OHP, went from maxing 60kg, to doing 60kg x 10, and maxing almost 90kg in a few months. Switched to PPL for the summer since i couldn't maintain it during a cut.
i've literally never made gains like that in my entire life, even as a beginner
i'm seriously dumbfounded that people make gains like that pressing once a week
OP I would highly recommend ULxPPLx. First two days focus on strength (3x5 compounds, 3x8 isos), 2nd focus on a esthetics (4x8, 3x12). Lifting 6 days per week is pretty taxing on the body and you never have the energy for cardio, mobility etc.
Do it for three months then switch to another 531 assistance template.
thanks for the advice user
If you do it switch the BBB to the Opposite Day
5x10 deads
5x10 press
reddit nsuns 531
it's magical
thank me later
please elaborate user
Its not magical but it's a beginner program with lots of volume and utilises an interesting percentage ladder that keeps you fresh.
It's awesome going from 3x5 bench 1.5x a week on SS to doing 18 sets of bench, 8 incline and 8 CG bench each week.
It introduces you to sum deadlifting, front squatting and CG bench.
I made better long term gains after switching to Texas Method but the 3 months I did nSuns 5-day program was some of the most fun I've had lifting.
BBB 3 month challenge here. Start with 90% of 1RM, because it's going to fry the shit out of your CNS.
I think i fucked up, i started with 90% of my 5RM
That's why everything is so fucking easy so far
It's shit, working something once a week for hardly any reps won't make you stronger or bigger. It's a routine written by a clapped out old man for clapped out old men.
>working something once a week
on the day you bench heavy you're supposed to OHP 5x10 and vice versa.
Wendler and 5/3/1 are fucking jokes.
it's really good but you have to know when to take a deload week or you'll fuck yourself up
you look like a total faggot! eat much dick?
Thousands of people running some variation of 5/3/1 and experiencing great results would disagree with you.