>at gym >group of like 7 dyels >all shirts off >taking turns squating 115 lbs doing either quarter or half reps with shitty form >screaming at eachother all these cringe worthy lines >'fuck yeah bro, push it ' >'this is where it counts. These last reps are where it counts !' >'fuck yeah bro get it' >weird grunting and screaming >bust out 225 For 20 on the squats >silence...
Noah Mitchell
Boy OP you sure are the coolest
Adam Ward
And then you go brag about it on Veeky Forums and put these people down while secretly being jealous of their friendship.
Matthew Morgan
mfw i did 2pl8 for 20 reps once
my 1rm squat is like 150kg,
shit was tough as nails, i missed count by like 10th rep and done 22 reps after i checked on record
i collapsed on ground to rest afterwards
youre still a faggot but cool kind of faggot
Justin Reed
I guess I shouldn't ask this here, but there's nothing to lose just for asking:
Do you guys talk to and flirt with these kinds of girls at the gym ?
Do you actually go on dates with them ?
I've honestly wanted to do this, but I just want to lift and not look silly if I get rejected.
Ryder Green
You realize this is an incel website right?
Cooper Green
I never talk to gym girls because im the bottom 50% of physiques at the gym. its like trying to fight some dude at your mma gym after you just joined
Xavier Morgan
>225 for 20 I can barely hit 5x5 on 225 what the fuck.
Jeremiah Campbell
wow... its almost like... some people are stronger than you... wow! crazy bro
Christian Howard
I want to be able to do 225 for 20 reps. How the fuck do I accomplish that?
Joshua Rogers
Keep lifting and try harder.
Michael Campbell
Try squatting 185 for 20
Robert Walker
>2pl8 >silence They where trying not to laugh annon
Tyler Rivera
Today there was a skinnyfat guy unironically using pvc pipe as a bo staff and going through some sort of kung fu routine.
Justin James
I used to go to a YMCA gym where there was some dyel 50 year old man who brought a bamboo staff. He'd twirl it around his shoulders screaming "ATCHAAAAAAAA" whenever he brought it a stop. It was really fucking annoying to hear this for 20 minutes at a time >AATATTHHCAAAAA >WWHAAAAAAAAA >EEEEYYOOWAAAAAAAHHH >WOOOOOOAYAHAAAHHHH he wasn't even graceful or coordinated, he just looked and sounded fucking retarded
Henry Green
This guy wasn't too bad, but it was still very odd to see considering that plus treadmill was his entire workout.
Andrew Cruz
...keep lifting, eat right, and be consistent. Time will do the rest.
Bentley Martinez
I start my squats at 60kgs (bar is 20, throw two 20 plates on there), so second set is 100kg. Dunno if I could do 20, but yeah, you build it up. Only took me about 5 months. I'm 172cm short, so of no excusings
Andrew Cruz
>ATCHAAAA >Gotta get back, back to the past, Samurai Jack
Lucas Jones
>meet skinny kid at gym. >kid is nice. Kind of autistic. Mirin hard, asking questions. >teach kid how to lift compounds, program, etc. over the course of 3 months. >I move away for college. Come back home a year later. Visit gym for quick workout. >walk into gym. Kid is there. Doing curls and squatting. >looks the same. Still equally as weak squatting 1 plate. >walk up to kid, ask how the lifting is going. >"it's going great! I'm still drinking that gallon of milk a day like you said!" >I get my lift in. Answering the same exact questions he was asking 1 year ago as he's hovering over me.
Eat your food, skeletons. Don't waste your fucking time in the gym by neglecting food and sleep
Carson Baker
Brody Thompson
are you the guy that said you ran like Naruto and realized everyone was laughing at you, not with you?
Chase Rivera
I made the mistake of asking the girl who checks you in at the gym out. Kek.
Jeremiah Perez
Carson Parker
Cole Phelps, Badge 1247 Whatdya got?
Jace Ross
i took a girl out on a date i met at the gym once. she was squatting next to me, we started talking and it was clear she was into me. i asked if she wanted to lift together sometime and for her number. it works if you're a normal dude and the girl's actually interested.
Cameron Garcia
why she feel titty
Zachary Carter
How can white girls even hope to compete?
Bentley Reed
what happened? Considering doing something similar
Josiah Long
i still don't understand what is going on in that clip
Noah Gray
>shitty gym, a ymca as shocking as that sounds >staff could not give too fucks, then again the attendees are mostly seniors so they usually just do cardio and nothing else >one night, teenaged dyel appears >at least 6 foot lanklet, wearing a weight belt and gloves 24/7 >shrug, focus on my lifts >have headphones in, pretty loud >start hearing loud screeching >sounds like a mix between "DEH" and one of those screaming frogs >think some elderly man fell and couldn't get up >look around to find kid OHPing maybe a quarter >this is his first set >this is his first rep >and he does this for every rep >people pretend to not notice but they can't help but laugh >kid looks like eric harris mixed with legolas and shoots dagger eyes whenever he sees people looking at him, even staff we have the same schedule and i want to fucking kill myself every time he walks in. i want to work out not stifle laughter in between reps
Josiah Stewart
Your only opinion is to OHP at least twice his max and make eye contact while doing it.all in complete silence
Josiah Rodriguez
don't know, maybe because most people aren't yellow fever basement dwellers who think anyone who is outside of the asian race is ugly and the fact basement dwellers will think a woman is hot for the sole reason she is asian despite her face being ugly as fuck lmao
Alexander Morgan
Some Nigger did this to me when I was just a kid and squatting lmao1pl8 >Hur, can I do duh milutary press wit dat? >Sure. >OOF! OOF! OOF!
Jackson Baker
fuck yea dude
never really been on like date dates, but just grabbed a bite together, maybe go over and make dinner together after working out
shit like that
just don't act like a faggot and be the reason she switches to waking up at 5AM to avoid you
Thomas Perez
She doesn't like you, trust me. Those smiles? Fake. Those minor conversations you have? She has them a million times a day, more when it is Chad. Give it a go if you want to be embarrassed going to the gym every day for the rest of your life.
Eli Lopez
Realest shit I've seen on this whole fucking site
Unless shes staring daggers at you or starts a conversation, don't bother cuz they probably have a boyfriend.
In other words, keep lifting until you start getting looks is what I've found