Skelly general

>just hit body weight bench rep
we're all gonna make it.

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good job benching 95 lbs op. now do it for 10 reps

top kek

>5x5 175lbs bench
>5'6' and 126lbs
inb4 manlet
will I make it lads?

>tfw you actually made this gif

Share shake recipes
For me it's
>16 oz whole milk
>½ cup oats
>2 oz full fat greek yogurt
>2 tbsp of canola oil
>tablespoon of peanut butter
>scoop of whey protein powder
>few sips of water to thin out the shake

that sounds good except the canola oil

I usually just
>whole milk
>spoon of peanut butter
>protein power

3cups milk
2cups oats
2 S C O O P S
2tsp peanut butter
strawbs if i got em

Pretty much the same but I do a full cup of oats, 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter, and I don't do the yogurt (do you recommend it?). Also I mix my creatine with it.

Oh and I dont do the canola oil either

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>body weight bench rep

isn't that a pushup

excellent (You) farm

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No, it's not

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Height and weight?

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>raw egg in shake
can't you get chickenosis by doing that

honestly if it mixes and is high in fat/calories i throw it in my shake
with all the other things in there the yogurt doesn't have much of a distinct taste if that is what you are wondering

I cook it scrambled then put it in doofus, and even if I didn't, only 1 of every 30,000 eggs produced in the US is contaminated

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I'm 6ft 155, bench 120 I'm getting there

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good text

>5'8 and 135lbs
>can bench 135lbs for 10 reps
Too bad relative strength means shit :'(

>2 bananas
>150g Greek yoghurt
>750ml milk
>80g oats
>2 raw eggs
>2 tablespoons of peanut butter

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quality post

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>When you see the numbers on the scale go up


mirin. i've been training for like 1.5 years and should have 175lb 1RM bench next week at 5'8 128. Tips for training bench?

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>220lbs 1rm bench
>been lifting about 1 year

How am I doin?

Better than any drug IMO

>5'8 128

post pics you twink

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Sounds grim. Way too much in a single shake. Are you trying to turn it into a fucking meal replacement?

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A pushup is like 30% of bw

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its around ~75%
Do pushups on a scale and see the numbers for yourself

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2 cups milk
4 tbsp peanutbutter
1 cup oats
2 scoops whey
1 banana

I can finally do 3 pushups in a row without stopping to rest.
i'm gonna make it

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How to not be skellington with only bodyweight and 2 dumbells?

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I'm 5'9 130

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Is eating raw eggs really bad? Almost every time I get drunk I eat at least one raw egg.

If you wanted to do a competition, relative strength matters.

You're still relatively weak tho.

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180 lbs
just hit 225 bench
training for less than a year
also im 16 (inb4 underage)

yea bro totally

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I was skele mode.

It's the best. If you can properly bulk for a year out of skeleton mode, you WILL reach some form of chad mode.

Keep lifting dudes.

good text

Reported faggot. Come back when you're 200+ skelly boy

Skeleton manlet (5'7 120lbs) who's thinking about starting to lift here.

How do I bulk if I have an extremely small appetite?
I haven't gained any weight in about 8 years because I eat so little.

track your calories throughout the day. I'm about the same height, and my TDEE is about 2400kcal, which means you should eat about 2800 or so to bulk. Aim for about 135g protein.
I have an excel spreadsheet I do to make sure I eat enough everyday. I also use wolfram alpha to get the nutritional facts.
I find spreading my meals out over a longer period of time helps with my appetite.