What can i put in the fuckin water so it tastes less trash but doesnt contain any calories or sugar or salts so i dont...

what can i put in the fuckin water so it tastes less trash but doesnt contain any calories or sugar or salts so i dont store water



Water literally has no taste. It chemically does not interact with your taste buds.
Sugar addicted Americans, I fucking swear.

>I fucking swear.
Well don't you heretic lest you wish to be denied entry to the kingdom of Heaven.

Just stop buying soda. Sparkling water works best to cure sugar addiction. Made the switch 2 years ago, now I never crave soda at all. I dislike drinking sugary drinks unless it is mixed with alcohol, but that's a different situation. Make the switch and stick to it, treat it as an addiction

You can squeeze a bit of lemon in it

how about just grow the fuck up

use filtered water you tap plebian

Purchase a soda making machine.

Seriously, its super-refreshing, and it definitely got me rid of my pop addiction.

Pic related, it's the one I have.

I bought 3 glass bottles along with it and always keep them filled with water in the fridge, I take one out whenever I'm thirsty, make the water sparkle and pour a cold one out.

Put some cyanide pills in it you disgusting Americam

Put a bit of vinegar on it

>tastes trash

Stop drinking from the tap.

the tastiest thing on earth is an ice cold bottle of water you runt spastic, kill yourself

You sure? What about minerals?

I can definitely taste a difference from region to region and country to country (barring additives)

Depends on how good the filtration in your city is desu. The tap water in the city where I live tastes fine

Maybe you should stop nuking your tastebuds with soda you fatfuck

Well minerals aren't water. If you truly taste your water, something is being added in a considerable quantity.

>tastes like trash
holy fucking americans , kill yourself dude

Water doesn't have taste? The Greeks would like a word with you.

I found this out working in a place that has a pop fountain
>almost all water
>just a tap of "mist twist" or sprite
>packet of lemon juice
Almost no sugars and salts

Lay off the burgers. They are a joke enough as it is.

Trips confirm

buy bottled. i imagine youre living in flint Michigan and drinking straight from the tap. My tap has no taste but we have a huge lake our city gets water from so it doesn't travel far

I bought a bottle that has a holder in the middle of it which you put fruit in. Fruit infuses with water or whatever the fuck it does, definitely alters the taste.

Ice cold lemon water is the most refreshing shit I've ever had.

>Water literally has no taste

I always said this but then I tasted water in America and it tastes like poop and farts

Water tastes great, fuck you, fat fuck

Well I don't know what they said about water but it is demonstrably true that pure dihydrogenmonoxide will not interact with the receptors for taste.

My nigga that's the same on I have.

Daily non-American schedule:

1. Wake up
2. Remember you're not American and therefore irrelevant
3. Talk shit about americans and anonymous anime websites without saying what inferior "country" you hail from


Water, fgt.

get a filter and keep it changed, municipal water is usually shit.


Water from bathroom taps tends to taste sweeter to me.
But garden hose water is god tier.

Coke Zero

Recycled and filtrated water from sugar waste from piss. I mean thats my guess.

Unless you've put your water through distillation, reverse osmosis and a micropore filter, it isn't pure H2O.

I freakin love water and the only liquids I drink the past 5 years are water milk and alcohol


I always bring my garden hose to the gym for those glorious garden sips

>tfw "refreshing" is a feeling and not a taste


I mean, you're 1st world in GDP but on par with, like, Tanzania in education and health care.
Kinda hard not to laugh.

Make your own iced tea
>green tea
>slices of lemon and lime
>mint leaves
>something else to mix the flavours up, maybe red currant, ginger, or strawberry

Then mix and chill it overnight in your fridge and bring it with you to work
Tastes great and refreshing and it's healthy for you

Education isn't what makes America great. It's our adventureous spirit and willing to take on risk. These traits cannot be easily measured. Leave the robotic rote memorization to the asians and Indians and we'll be on top with our ideas.

That deep seated rationalization

>half the world still comes to the US to get degrees
The rest of the world must be a pretty awful place