Hello meatheads

hello meatheads

while youre slaving away at the gym im exercising my brain with knowledge and complex mathematical equations

just finished the 6000th book I've read this year. can you say the same?

I've unironically read one book this entire year, and that book happened to be on muscle growth. I'm reading another one on test levels so that's an improvement.
t. meathead

Solve this NERD

BACK THE FUCK OFF????????????????

Fuck off, faggot. Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are best friends and your false flagging won't waver our friendship

>Can you say the same?

Death to the Stormcloaks!

Books are largely a meme.

>read ideas on a page
>somehow its different from all the other reading literally everyone does constantly because it has a name attached to it that desperate university students have fellated for dozens of years

I read in search of lost time and its complete dogshit, its like reading about a 20th century elliot rodgers

A challenger hmm? Let's see how you handle... THIS

/fitlit/ was the best day

I listen to Audiobooks. Read my 100,000 book. Get on my level nigger.

Post Veeky Forums authors.

Can you at least re-rack the books?

>tfw when I first started and couldn't afford weights I was using my family encyclopedias as weights.
>tfw my dad saw me doing this and said "you should try reading them"

I read about 8 books a month. I have a lot of standby time at work. When I'm busy I'm busy, but most of the time I'm just waiting for them to need me.

> the fat-shaming diatribe in Sun and Steel

Guess what need I read a book about mushrooms and now I'm raking in the dough and tripping balls


>The Gothic cathedral, von simson
>the holy Roman Empire, Stephen wilson
>the structure of scientific revolutions, kuhn

>He can read
lmfao gtfo of here nerd it's the 21st century. I have bitches on my dick like fat kids on ice cream, even my computer wants me so bad I get that bitch to READ OUT LOUD the shit on my screen and then WRITE WHAT I SAY in response. Reading is 3rd world tier and if you can read then you should kys because you can't keep up with the times. Have fun fapping to your imagination while I'm out DROWNING IN PRIME ILLITERATE PUSS
>mfw to intelligent too read

>6000th book this year
>1000 books a month
>333 books a day
>20 books an hour
>one book every three minutes only stopping to sleep
Impressive yet sad

Audiobooks take longer than just reading them. Theyre really only good for driving or doing chores around the house

Soft troll 10/10 my friend

hey lanklet

while you're slaving away at the Veeky Forums i'm exercising my brain with kinesthetic knowledge and complex mathematical equations

just finished the 6000th handstand i've practiced this year. can you say the same?

Coming through nerds


>not reading 15-20 books a day
>never going to make it

all these pictures are so depressing

being a fatty/lanklet weaboo weirdo is not enough, the surroundings are always hooribly depressing, trailer, shitty houses, always that weird messy dirty vibe, like they all live in a pedo's lair.

>Be careful where you seek wisdom rogue!
>Only those with incredible might can handle the wisdom brought by the dark arts.

>the coven of artemis

Why do you think they get so into it?

Their lives are shitty and their environments are depressing.

keeping both trained is the way to go.
Healthy and fit body makes your brain work better too.

liek this?

Left guy still get pussy while right is at the library