How do you others deal with the fat nigger problem at your gyms?

how do you others deal with the fat nigger problem at your gyms?

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by minding my own busy and using another bench?

I don't go to the gym. I go outside and run, do bodyweight exercises like a normal middle class Caucasian male.

then what the fuck are you doing here?

Homegym, padlock on garage.

It's a self improvement board and I'm trying to be around others who are self improving. Lost 70lbs and have a grill thanks to you guys.

I smile and encourage their efforts as I am not a racist but a humble man that can appreciate those that want to improve themselves.


>how do you others deal with the people using the gym for its intended purpose?
I think of them as better people for it



u made it das it mane

Why would I give a shit if a fat guy wants to improve his life? Unless he's being insufferably annoying then there's really no reason to hate on people this fat when they are trying to better themselves.

theyre fat in the first place. That's plenty reason to hate them

and these bitches will tell you cardio is useless. It is top notch for weight loss, and makes you live longer even if you are at your goal weight. gj on the gal m8

That's why I do it, for the life gains. I think women in general, or at least the ones you hope to realistically date long term, see too many muscles as a threat. They see a thinner with some muscle mass (at least a 2pl8 bench, semi visible and and a jawline) as more ideal in the long term than body builders. Just my opinion, I'm sure I'll be branded a dyel faggot for that tho

I need to relearn how to run without wobbling side to side like a retard. Then I could leave the house daily and MAYBE stop being mentally ill.

Thanks btw

>some muscle mass
>2pl8 bench

You need to spend less time on this board. Very few people bench 2pl8, and you'll definitely look muscular by normie standards if you're not fat and can bench that much.

Good job on your shit otherwise, but don't let the memes get to you so much. Most people who lift will never hit 1/2/3/4 and the only people who say otherwise are the autists on this board who are probably lying anyways.

dyel faggot

I'm not a white supremacist so I kind of just go about my life. You should try it sometime

I live in a superior country to cheetoland

This. Losers on this board e-stat way too much. This is because:

There are a large number of people on Veeky Forums who have serious mental disorders like severe depression, bipolar, borderline personality, agoraphobia...its like a buffet of DSM 5 (The Encyclopedia of Psychological issues).

Veeky Forums and message board communities also attract people on the autism scale because people don't have to worry about their facial expressions or body language when they talk to people on the internet.

So that explains the first issue: People who post on Veeky Forums are often mentally fucked up.

The other issue is that fitness is very much a numbers game and is not that hard to understand.
Lower the number of caloric intake, lower your weight. Work out a muscle group the correct way on a consistent basis, gain muscle.

People with autism and other mental issues love things that are black and white - fitness is very much 1's and 0's.

However, being fit doesn't bring happiness by itself. When people on here lose that 30 pounds and get back to a healthy weight or lift for a year and get in shape, they still have to work on their own mental issues and many just can't handle the fact that getting fit by itself will not fix their shitty lives.

Then they start making fun of everyone to feel better about themselves when in reality they are in mental agony.

devin is the best lifting music

Stop OP, you are the edge


I ignore them and do my workout

>fat ninja at work
>Like 500lb and needs a walker to get around
>Has check points through out office he rests at where he takes 5 min breaks at a time as he strolls to and from bathroom.
He's always asking me to get him something from the vending machine and always tell him I'm too busy and find somebody else. Also dances allot when girls are around before winding himself. Hope he dies soon


Sweet dyel tears

Armchair spastics at it again

delet this.

These anons can't swallow the truth unfortunately. Sad

I just wanna be a sad minotaur.

>There are a large number of people on Veeky Forums who have serious mental disorders


>and these bitches will tell you cardio is useless
literally nobody ever has said that cardio is useless, it's even recommended in the sticky.

I hate to say it but it seems to me you've legitimately fallen for the meme

Get the fuck off my board.

Breddy gud bred chaps

ayy lmao

>There are a large number of people on Veeky Forums who have serious mental disorders

Good post. Saved.


saved for next Veeky Forums cringe thread

He's right, but it could be worse: At least the people on here who are obsessed with fitness are using their autismo powers for something useful.

The worst boards on here are the video game (especially retro gaming...Jesus Christ...), anime, R9K, pol, and fashion boards. /mu/ is also sort of shit, but it's been getting better. Oh yea and boards dedicated to Pokemon and MLP because they have armies of autists. All the autismo powers used on these boards is just a waste.

Of all the posts calling the people of Veeky Forums (and Veeky Forums in general) retarded losers, this post actually hit the nail right on the head and helped me realize that this isn't the place I should be calling my home.

They say Veeky Forums is Veeky Forums's exit board; I've finally realized that it's time for me to make a permanent exit from this toxicity. It really wears down on you mentally and kills your mood whether you realize it or not. I hope you all can find true happiness someday, regardless of the form it comes in, but please know that you will not find it on this site.

Peace out faggots.


fat niggers are hard to get rid of because they give zero fucks. a fat white guy you can mock and he'll run home, cry, then post about it on the internet.

Hence OP

see you tomorrow


You disgust me

/pol/ harnesses their autism for useful ends

took you this long to figure that out? Veeky Forums is for entertainment, not life improvement. If you actually listen to anonymous posters on an anime image board about fitness then maybe you're too retarded to be here

In germany its the turks, they are our niggers. I just simple don't give a fuck but sometimes there are some of them with a speaker and they play nigger music.

this happened to me like 2 years ago. I just come back here from time to time to tell people to disregard everything but the sticky, and to look at screen shot threads and /sir/ for new year. .

literally only losers and faggots can't bench lmao2plate as an adult male. If you were even remotely active as a child you should squat 3plate, and bench 2plate as a rite of passage. Fucking neets man. No, the rest of the world isn't made of pathetic shut ins like yourself

What about the 2 million arabs, negros and afghans?

>Most people who lift will never hit 1/2/3/4
You meant most DYELs like yourself

I on the other hand wants fatty catch cancer and die soon. And thank god we don't have many niggers in gym or else I need to watch everything i touched

>then what the fuck are you doing here?
Lifting is the only form of fitness? Wow. Thanks for the info, user.

ayy lmao

No you stupid larping faggot. This is a fitness board. Cardio is by definition not fitness

I left Veeky Forums for like two years, and have been browsing regularly again for about a year. It definitely warps your views whether you realize it or not.
But it is really funny

Please shut the fuck up about things you don't understand.

>the capacity of an organism to survive and transmit its genotype to reproductive offspring
Have you ever heard a girl say
>oh look, it's user. He's so sexy. He could run a 10K
No. You haven't. Cardio is by definition not fitness

>This is a fitness board. Cardio is by definition not fitness

Yea, nice assumptions. Fitness in the context of this board is physical fitness. if we were talking strictly biology, yea it would be a different definition like the ability of an organism being able to survive in an environment and reproduce. Physical fitness being the condition of being physically fit and healthy.


Yea, I wouldn't expect girls to soak their panties over that either, but girls in the back of their mind know someone who can run those a few times a week with maybe an additional long run also has the stamina to fuck harder and longer than those who don't.

Please shoot yourself immediately


There are no fat niggers at my gym. Plenty of chinks and street shitters though. Such is life in Canada.

He's really funny and know everyone. The old white grandpa, the massive powerlifter, the QT c/2r bunny. He makes me laugh with his jokes. I'm in love man, no homo


>tfw I have top tier stamina but I always cum before I make the most of it


Have you ever notices that all racists are failures in many aspects of their lives? It's never the happy, successful people that want to put others down.

ayy lmao



What would make a girl wet the most. A guy having the ability to hip thrust a 400 lb bar into the air vs a guy who could run for 20 minutes?

there is literally nothing wrong with being a fat nigger

Of course. Just look at the aut right

you're welcome

>No you stupid larping faggot. This is a fitness board. Cardio is by definition not fitness

>posting Veeky Forums memes on Veeky Forums
Found the first year lifter
Go back to your containment space

How many times can that guy hip thrust consistently before he gets tired?

>20 minute runs

My run isn't done until my nipples are about to start bleeding, and that's with petroleum jelly on them.

essentially this, they want to blame others for their faults instead of themselves (DA JOOISH CUMSPIRACY IS WHY I CANT GET A GF!!!!!)

>There are a large number of people on Veeky Forums who have serious mental disorders
JUST end my life please
I realized this about half a year ago. First I stopped browsing /pol/ completely because I was tired of the mindless hate. Soon enough I stopped browsing other boards and then the entire site. Been trying to get my life in order, getting professional help, getting back in contact with people, got a job. Still browse Veeky Forums time to time, but this site really did drain me for years


>that guy

>not knowing clarence
>thinking he knows literally anything about fitness
Pick one

He'd hip thrust your gf into the air while you watch, while you can't even fuck her standing up when she's holding onto you


who is this titty monster?

I don't know, user. She has a Instagram, but I don't pay attention to that shit

Dev is a very fun listen

figured it out. looks like she just popped out a kid


>am not a racist but
If you could have just controlled your cocklust for 5 seconds and dropped this part from your post it would have been solid, but you're a stupid nigger and need to gtfo.

lol. that dude looks degenerate as hell. what a waste of a solid female

I live in a nice area so there arent fat niggers around. sorry famalam you're on your own.

You made it my guy

Not saying don't do cardio, but lifting burns significantly more calories and having more muscle raises BMR

Do you want people to stop being ambitious? 2pl8 is not good for an adult, unless maybe we're talking for 10+reps at less than 190lb bodyweight

>lifting weights burn more calories than cardio