Dumbbell version of 5x5 stronglifts?

I'm 24 male, 5,9" 140lbs with an aggressive metabolism and trying to get big for the first time really. I planned to stick to something like the routine posted, but turns out the appt. complex I just moved into only has dumbbells. Can't really afford a gym membership at this time. Any suggested routines?

tl;dr best use of dumbbells to gain muscle? more detailed the better as i know dick about lifting.

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>trying to get big for the first time really
Good luck, because you'll never be big. You wanna know why? Because the day you start lifting is the day you will be forever small. You will never be as big as you want.

Not trying to get huge. Gaining 10-20lbs would be great.

>gain 10-20lbs
Wow just 10 to 20lbs of lean body mass. Oh man just wave some dumbbells around erratically and you'll get that in no time bro.

Oh and you don't have an aggressive metabolism you stupid fuck, you just don't eat enough.

oh man oh wow just I mean wow

nn weird aggression but thanks for the bump

>weird aggression
Because who wouldn't get tired of clueless DYELs asking the same stupid shit day in and day out

Didn't find anything in the stickies.

People stupid enough to think anything less than 1/2/3/4=weak dyel? People stupid enough to talk about height/jaws/chins/necks? You know, the kind of people you can wave string in their face and they laugh.


Just do the dumbbell versions of every exercise. Goblet squat instead of squats (if they have a leg press machine, use that instead), dumbbell shoulder press instead of OHP, Dumbbell bench instead of bench press, dumbbell rows instead of barbell rows, and dumbbell deadlifts instead of deadlifts (See Scooby dumbbell deadlifts).

HOWEVER, once you spend 6 months doing this and see little to no progress, save up and get a real gym membership to a gym with barbells and squat racks. I once did the exact same thing you're planning to do and it did jack shit for me. YOU WILL NOT GET BIG WITH DUMBBELL ALONE. PERIOD. Don't waste your time if you have the option to do better for yourself. buy Starting Strength, learn the lifts, pick SS/SL/GSLP and fucking do it.

Thanks for the info and honesty

Are you me??

what, the specs?

Find your TDEE, eat 500+ cal above that, as for lifting only dumbbells it's possible but your limited on your exercises if your just starting out. Also if your going to do SL 5x5, take time to add in accessories for your arms as with only benching once a week some weeks you won't make much progress on arm size and chest gains.





>People stupid enough to think anything less than 1/2/3/4=weak duel
user I got news for you...

No problem. Also another word of advice from someone who went through SL, just start with 5x5, you'll still make perfectly fine gains and have less risk injuring yourself from too much volume. It's not a guarantee you'll get injured, but why risk it when you'll make the same gains doing less work.

>aggressive metabolism

I probably will after a few weeks. what kind of exercises?

Yeah hopefully I can make some progress in this empty dumbbell gym, so that when I do get a gym membership I won't look like a fool.

I know it seems obvious to just do dumbbell versions of the 5x5, I just thought well maybe they suck so bad just abort and do push-ups and pull-ups etc, hence the thread.

read it with comprehension tho

Direct me to the dumbbell only routine

Well if you'd like to do a bodyweight routine instead you can do that. Like dumbbells it won't be as effective as barbells for becoming huge and shredded, but at least you might be able to planche and show off to girls. Keep an eye out for /bwg/ - bodyweight general in the catalog or the archives. One of the big issues with bodyweight work is that it's difficult to add weight to exercises without buying extra equipment, but again the choice is yours. The link below is for a bodyweight routine most consider decent for beginners, but again, get thee to a real gym when you can, otherwise focus on improving diet as that is hardest part of becoming Veeky Forums.



thanks a bunch dude

didnt mean the greentext just the link there

Yeah I don't know what they're getting at. You can hit 1/2/3/4 very easily fairly quickly if you eat and actually go to the gym consistently.
Then again, most people on Veeky Forums are lurkers who don't lift.

man, i am at 0.67/0.73/0.67/0.54 at 2 months. I feel like im never going to make it, i can only overload on a weekly basis

We're kinda similar in specs but I'm a newbie wanting to lift but only have the dumbbells at my apartment gym.
I was actually going to make a thread about dumbbell lifting and saw your thread

what weight range do they have?

Not OP but my apartment gym has 5lb to 45lb I figured that's pretty standard.

You can't do SL5x5 with dumbbells, because SL5x5 and similar linear progression routines rely on being able to add small increments of weight to the bar (2.5lbs per side, so you go up in 5lb increments). With a dumbbell, even if you have 2.5 increments (which is rare), you are training unilaterally, so it's harder. Using two 50lb dumbbells to bench press is much harder than benching 100lbs with a barbell.

So instead of trying to conform to a barbell linear progression program, you have to use a changing setXrep range while keeping the weight something you can safely work with. Also you have to use more isolation exercises, as this plays to the strength of the dumbbell.

I can't link you to any dumbbell program online, but I can modify my own routine to be dumbbell only:
>3x5-8 Deadlift
>4x5-8 Bench
>4x5-8 Row
>2x6-12 Skullcrusher
>2x6-12 Hammer Curl
>3x8-15 Lateral Raise
>4x8-15 Shrug

>4x5-15 OHP
>4x5-8 Pullup (only one that's not a dumbbell)
>3x5-12 Stepup or Lunge
>2x6-12 Triceps Kickback
>2x6-12 Standing Curl
>3x8-15 Lateral Raise
>4x8-15 Shrug

You can linearly progress your deadlift up two 45lb dumbbells for a short while. After that you'll have to switch to single leg deadlifts. Or just start with single leg.

45lb goblet squats aren't going to do much unless you start doing some plyometric circuit training. Instead, you can do step ups or lunges.

For bench, row, and The Press, I put 4x5-8, but it might be more like 4-6x5-20. First add a set. Then add reps. Only after that should you add weight. Adding weight too soon with dumbbells can fuck a lot of stuff up. This is the key with dumbbells: PROGRESS THE SETXREP SCHEME before the weight.

Also, make sure your lateral raises are light weight (5lb). You can swap one of the shrugs with a dumbbell pullover or a light (5lb) incline W raise.

You can also do more bodyweight progressions, as it will help you understand deleveraging the exercise.