Drug tests

Hey fit. I was wondering if you could help an occasional lurker out with your vast wealth of knowledge. I'm set to ship out the the Marines on the 21st of this month (16 days from now). I've been smoking moderate amounts of weed daily to almost daily. I'm about 5'10 and weigh like 130. I have a very fast metabolism and exercise moderately. Do you think between running and staying hydrated I can be clean in 16 days. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Id say you will most likely be fine. Do you know when you will be taking the test exactly so you can plan for it though?

You have thc in your fat, exercising is worse than just stopping smoking (good luck hahaha)

you're fucked bro

I've heard that the test is within the first two days of arrival. So it could be anywhere between July 21st and the 23rd. I'm assuming once I get down there I will know when i'm going to be taking it.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I've heard that exercise and sweating is good for as long as possible and to then stop like 3-4 days before the test. I was actually about to go on a run right now.

Get one of those detox kits online user. Youve had this date for awhile you should have stopped more than 16 days out, especially being a daily smoker. Be prepared for the worst case scenario.

Have you personally used one of those kits. I would have stopped sooner had I know but due to some bullshit my ship out date got moved up by like 6 months. I'm just hoping my fast metabolism will help me out. Worst case scenario I can always kill myself.

You're going to do a full set of screening at the MEPS station that day.
Get started on your bulking diet now. You want to avoid metabolizing any stored fats,

"detox kits" are bullshit they just dilute your piss and will probably show up on a government issued drug test lol
I was smoking daily at 6'1 ~160lbs, quit for just over 30 days, tons of water, worked out a bunch, ate healthy foods, burned as much fat as I could, passed a drug store test the night before and still failed a little shitty one at a temp agency

I've heard from friends and family that they've worked but ive never tried it myself. It can take up to a month for the pot to leave your system. Your best bet is just getting a detox kit but there's still a chance it'll show. Dont kill yourself, its not the end of the world.

You think I should bulk instead of cut? Wouldn't it be better to burn the fat that I have and then flush out the THC?

your best bet for passing the test is dillution aka drinking a ton of water before the test. Im not sure if this will be possible due to your situation.
The best scenario for you would be to start loading on creatine, drink 1 gallon of water before the test, and take 4-5 servings of b vitamins. This would heavily dillute the test while keeping your urine yellow (b vits), and the creatine will increase creatinine levels in your urine which is what they measure to check if you dilluted it.
Due to your situation it seems like you wont be able to do this but I'd say you have a good chance at passing. Dont waste your money on detox kits they wont do shit.
If you can manage it still dillute your urine by drinking as much water as possible before the test. This will give you a few more days to a week before the next test.

You have trace amounts of THC in all of your fat cells. Unless you plan on getting down to 0% bf in 16 days your best option is to minimize the amount passing through your kidneys.
Lots of kids fail the drug screen though but if I remember correctly they'll let you try again in a few months. Not positive though, it's been a while.

What do they do if you test positive? I would have thought they wouldn't have given a fuck tbqh, don't they give speed to pilots.

If you test positive during MEPS which is where they do all the preliminary medical screening then they send you home and you get to redo it in 30 days. However if you test positive during the initial phases of bootcamp then you're discharged and you aren't elegible to re-enlist. To my understanding. Either way testing positive in this stage would be bad to say the least. I guess I can try bulking or cutting depending on which one makes more sense/ seems to have more logic behind it. Worst case I just have to try really hard to get my date pushed back. Or worst worst case scenario I just off myself like I said.

OP here again. I can post of pic of myself to show you what im working with. Like I said I'm very high metabolism and very low BMI. I had a BMI test when I did high school wrestling and I was around 7%. Would that make a difference? If I do end up posting one just promise not to laugh at me lmao.

if you make it through boot camp you will look like a different person. I tried to join Muh-reens but I have a history of mental health problems and they didnt give me a waiver.

Feels bad man. I know the feeling, I was worried about my history of mental health issues too, abused as a child, depression, etc. The key is to just lie through your fucking teeth and hope for the best Lmao.

The b12 and water idea is good. Are you shopping out of meps? If you are this is the only time it'll work because you'll have the freedom to drink and takes the medicine.

Tbh I would not bulk but do a shitton of cardio and sweat as much as humanely possible. Also remember the thc in urine is most concentrated first piss in the morning and then after that try to get it so you collect the piss midstream.

I had 24 days and I passed.

How often were you smoking? And what is your metabolism and weight like etc. On an unrelated note, what branch and how do you like it? I appreciate the help user.

Smoked two joints everyday for years. Started weaning off when I saw my recruiter last May. Smokes three joints then went cold turkey after. I weighed 165 at the time and was running around 5 miles a day on top of an hour at the gym. Took a b12 vitamin the morning off and pissed a million times. The doctor saw my piss and goes "do you take b12 supplements" my piss was literally neon green and like "no" then he'd like "really?!" And I'm like "...no."

Navy. Dope af. Don't go submarine though.

>If you test positive during MEPS which is where they do all the preliminary medical screening then they send you home and you get to redo it in 30 days

When did they change this? When I joined 6 years ago if you failed at MEPS you were done. One shot, and if you fail it was a LIFETIME ban from ALL branches